8 research outputs found

    Dissipative Preparation of Many-Body Spin Steady States Using Trapped Ultracold Atoms

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    This article presents a dissipative method of creating a spin steady state, or a state whose spin expectation values approaches a fixed value over time, using a trapped gas of ultracold atoms coupled to a background BEC. The ultracold atoms are trapped in a double potential well embedded in a wide harmonic trap, which has a higher energy level than the double wells. The trapped atoms are then excited out of the double well trap into the harmonic trap using Raman lasers. Due to the coupling of the system to the background BEC, the atoms are then able to return to the double potential well by emitting an excitation into the background BEC, which serves as a reservoir of these excitations. By repeatedly coupling and uncoupling the trapped ultracold atoms and the background BEC over fixed intervals of time, the expectation value of the total spin of these atoms will, over time, reach a steady - state value.Comment: 11 pages with appendix, 6 figures. Update: Citations adde

    Characterizing Multiple Solutions to the Time - Energy Canonical Commutation Relation via Internal Symmetries

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    Internal symmetries can be used to classify multiple solutions to the time energy canonical commutation relation (TE-CCR). The dynamical behavior of solutions to the TE-CCR posessing particular internal symmetries involving time reversal differ significantly from solutions to the TE-CCR without those particular symmetries, implying a connection between the internal symmetries of a quantum system, its internal unitary dynamics, and the TE-CCR.Comment: Accepted for publication in Physical Review A, 10 page

    Characterizing Multiple Solutions to the Time-Energy Canonical Commutation Relation via Quantum Dynamics

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    We address the multiplicity of solutions to the time-energy canonical commutation relation for a given Hamiltonian. Specifically, we consider a particle spatially confined in a potential free interval, where it is known that two distinct self-adjoint and compact time operators conjugate to the system Hamiltonian exist. The dynamics of the eigenvectors of these operators indicate that different time operators posses distinguishing properties that can unambiguously associate them to specific aspects of the quantum time problem