3 research outputs found

    Musyarakah mutanaqishah Contract Concept: Review of Product Refinancing and Take Over

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    Musyarakah mutanaqishah is a modified contract from a musyarakah contract that is implemented in Islamic financial institutions as one of their financing products. As for one of the products that accompany it, namely refinancing and transfer of debt (take over). This paper aims to review the musyarakah mutanaqishah concept and its concept in Islamic financial institutions and examine briefly related to refinancing and take over products, these two products are products that cannot be separated from the musyarakah mutanaqishah contract whose implementation in Islamic financial institutions is currently widely used. The approach used in this paper is a normative juridical approach, then the type of research used is qualitative and the method chosen is descriptive analysis research method while the data is collected by literature study. Musyarakah mutanaqishah implemented in Islamic Financial Institutions is in accordance with sharia principles, this is supported by the existing DSN MUI fatwa and refinancing and take over products are also one of the conveniences in applying a musyarakah mutanaqishah contract

    Pemanfaatan Sensor Suhu DHT-22, Ultrasonik HC-SR04 Untuk Mengendalikan Kolam Dengan Notifikasi Email

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    In the case of handling rainwater reservoirs, officers are currently overwhelmed, because they have to continue to monitor changes in water level manually. This is ineffective and inefficient because officers must always be present at the location of the water reservoir. While HR is very limited. The purpose of this study is to make an application to monitor and control water levels in rainwater reservoirs with temperature & humidity sensors DHT-22, ultrasonic sensors HC-SR04 and Arduino Uno R3 microcontrollers, so that they can report quickly to staff through email notifications making it easier for staff monitor changes in water level in a rainwater reservoir remotely. This application interface is made using the Arduino programming language, for its web display using the PHP programming language and MySQL database. The results of the trial were obtained as much as 90% of users said the system created was very helpful in controlling the water level of the water reservoir and working in realtime, and as many as 10% of users said the system created was less helpful in controlling the water level of the water reservoir.Dalam kasus penanganan kolam penampungan air hujan ini, saat ini petugas kewalahan, karena harus terus memantau perubahan ketinggian air secara manual. Hal tersebut tidak efektif dan efisien karena petugas harus selalu ada di lokasi kolam penampungan air. Sedangkan SDM yang dimiliki sangat terbatas. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah membuat aplikasi untuk memantau dan mengendalikan ketinggian air pada kolam penampungan air hujan dengan sensor suhu & kelembaban DHT-22, sensor ultrasonic HC-SR04 dan mikrokontroler Arduino Uno R3, sehingga bisa melaporkan secara cepat ke staff melalui notifikasi email sehingga memudahkan staff memantau perubahan ketinggian air pada kolam penampungan air hujan dari jarak jauh.. Interface aplikasi ini dibuat menggunakan bahasa pemrograman Arduino, untuk tampilan web nya menggunakan bahasa pemrograman PHP dan database MySQL. Hasil ujicoba diperole sebanyak 90% pengguna mengatakan sistem yang dibuat sangat membantu dalam mengendalikan ketinggian air kolam penampungan air dan bekerja secara realtime, serta sebanyak 10% pengguna mengatakan sistem yang dibuat kurang membantu dalam pengendalian ketinggian air kolam penampungan air

    Implementation Of Agreements In Multi Level Marketing (Mlm) Business Schemes Based On Sharia Principles

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    Scholars have different opinions regarding MLM business schemes, some forbid and some for conditional permissibility. As for the juhur of contemporary scholars, many of them forbid it. However, the DSN-MUI through Fatwa Number 75 of 2009 allows MLM business schemes on condition that the implementation of a contract is in accordance with sharia principles. Therefore, this study will analyze the implementation of the contract in the MLM business scheme. This research includes sharia economic law research using a descriptive method of literature with a normative juridical approach using secondary data in the form of DSN-MUI Fatwas. This type of research is qualitative research with data analysis techniques, namely data reduction, data presentation and conclusions. The results of this study reveal that based on the substance of the DSN-MUI Fatwa Number 75 of 2009, MLM business schemes can use several contracts, namely murabaha, wakalah bi al-ujrah, ju'alah, ijarah and other contracts determined by DSN-MUI according to sharia principles, one of them is the Samsarah contract. However, the contract that is widely used in MLM business schemes is the ju'alah contract. Meanwhile, if you look at the MLM business scheme, which contains elements of intermediary services, services for selling products and recruiting new members which are part of the achievements that must be completed, then the appropriate contract is a hybrid contract between a samsarah contract and a ju'alah contract