318 research outputs found

    Análisis de las condiciones actuales de la estrategia del gobierno en línea en las entidades públicas de orden nacional y en los ciudadanos en términos de efectividad para los años del 2008 al 2012

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    El objetivo de esta investigación es el de presentar un análisis de las condiciones actuales de la Estrategia del Gobierno en línea en las entidades públicas de orden nacional y en los ciudadanos en términos de Efectividad para los años del 2008 al 2012, en el marco establecido por el Programa Agenda de Conectividad Estrategia de Gobierno en línea del Ministerio de Tecnologías de la Información y las Comunicaciones en Colombia, en cada una de sus fases, Además en esta investigación se incluye de manera específica la descripción y funciones del Modelo de Monitoreo y Evaluación del mismo, por estar directamente involucrado en la presentación de los resultados obtenidos para dicho análisis, igualmente, se mencionaran aportes realizados y conclusiones

    A small observatory with big projects

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    The Astronomical Observatory of the University of Nariño-Colombia was founded on March 2002. We have participated on several international meetings as speakers

    Study of the comets C/2012 S1(ISON) and C/2013 A1(Siding spring)

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    C/2012 S1(ISON) The comet C/2012 S1(ISON) was discovered on September 24/2012 by Vitali Nevski and Artyom Novichonok (Rusia) , and though it was expected to be very bright at the end of 2013 and the beginning of 2014, the close encounter with the Sun (November 28th /2013) was devastating; the comet couldn’t survive this event. In this work the comet’s light curve and the orbital parameters are obtained. We have photographed and studied the comet from the University of Nariño’s Observatory (Pasto-Colombia) since January 31st /2013. The brightness’ variation of a comet with respect to the heliocentric distance is given by the following equation: m = mo + 2.5 n log ( r ) + 5 log ( ∆ ) m = magnitude as observed from the Earth mo = absolute magnitude r = distance of the comet to the Sun = distance of the comet to the Earth n = index of cometary activity We also obtained the following orbital parameters: eccentricity = 1.000009, orbital inclination = 61.92926 deg, longitude of the ascending node = 295.72536 deg, argument of perihelion = 345.51426 deg, perihelion distance = 0.01249335 A.U. The parameters were calculated based on 22 observations (2013 Jan 31-May 17) with mean residual = 0.387 arcseconds. COMET C/2013 A1 (SIDING SPRING) The comet called C/2013 A1 (SIDING SPRING) was discovered on January 3/2013 in Australia. In January 28/2014, NASA announced that is preparing for the close encounter that will happen between the comet C/2013 A1 and Mars on October 19-2014. The Mission, called “MAVEN”, was inserted in Mars orbit on september 21/2014. The comet passed just 138,000 kilometers far from the surface of Mars. The probability that the comet collided with Mars was small but the dust particles emitted by the comet could cause damage to spacecrafts and probes that are in orbit around that planet. NASA made preparations to take all precautions. We captured images and astrometry data during several days. The pictures of the asteroid were captured with the following equipment: CGE PRO 1400 CELESTRON (f/11 Schmidt-Cassegrain Telescope) and STL-1001 SBIG camera. We obtained the light curve of the body. We calculated the orbital elements and obtained the following orbital parameters (Jan 21 to October 29): Eccentricity = 1.0005849, orbital inclination = 129.04413 deg, longitude of the ascending node = 300.97593 deg, argument of perihelion = 2.42011 deg, perihelion distance = 1.39876996 A.U. The parameters were calculated based on 32 observations with mean residual = 0.309 arcseconds. We also obtained the light curve of the body with our data (January to November/2014). The orbit had a perturbation of 7 minutes, 44 seconds

    The Asteroid 2012 QG42

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    From our observatory we captured several pictures and astrometry data during four days. We calculated the orbital elements based on 125 observations

    Study of the Comet C/2013 A1 (Siding Spring)

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    The comet called C/2013 A1 (SIDING SPRING) was discovered on January 3, 2013 in Australia. In January 28/2014, NASA announced that is preparing for the close encounter that will happen between the comet C/2013 A1 and Mars on October 19-2014. The Mission called “MAVEN” will insert in Mars orbit on september 21—2014

    The Asteroid 1998 WT24

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    The asteroid 1998 WT24 flew past Earth on Dec.11, 2015 at a distance of 11 lunar distances. Astrometry was carried out and we calculated the orbital elements

    The Asteroid 2000 ET70

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    The asteroid 2000 ET70 (162421) was discovered by Lincoln Laboratory ETS (LINEAR) in New Mexico on March 8, 2000. Whiteley (2001) classified 2000 ET70 as an X-type object: This asteroid belongs to an ambiguous group that includes objects that are large and dark, metallic.The composition of this asteroid is unknown.The asteroid was at 0.0454430 U.A from the Earth on February 19.85956 (2012) and it will be at approximately 0.1503270 A.U from the Earth on August 21.07061 (2012

    The Asteroid 2002 CE26

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    We obtained the light curve of the Asteroid 2002 CE26 and astrometry was carried out. We calculated the orbital elements. Our data was published by the MPC

    The Asteroid 1998 QE2

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    Study of Asteroid 1998 QE2

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    We captured a mutual event (eclipse) and and we calculated the orbital elements of this asteroid. The parameters were calculated based on 191 observations