5 research outputs found

    La Biblioteca Virtual de Salud de la provincia Holguín: un diagnóstico preliminar

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    Aimed at the development of the Medical Virtual Library of Holguin Province a preliminary diagnosis of existing conditions was carried out. The main concepts related to the virtual library are exposed, institutions with a higher scientific potential in health care areas are identified as well as the products and information services that can be moved to the web. The strategy to the introduction of the virtual library is provided as well as its extension to the different institutions of the Health Care System of the province. Finally, some critical aspects for the success of this project are exposed

    La Biblioteca Virtual de Salud de la provincia Holguín: un diagnóstico preliminar

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    Aimed at the development of the Medical Virtual Library of Holguin Province a preliminary diagnosis of existing conditions was carried out. The main concepts related to the virtual library are exposed, institutions with a higher scientific potential in health care areas are identified as well as the products and information services that can be moved to the web. The strategy to the introduction of the virtual library is provided as well as its extension to the different institutions of the Health Care System of the province. Finally, some critical aspects for the success of this project are exposed

    Toward Understanding the Molecular Recognition of Fungal Chitin and Activation of the Plant Defense Mechanism in Horticultural Crops

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    Large volumes of fruit and vegetable production are lost during postharvest handling due to attacks by necrotrophic fungi. One of the promising alternatives proposed for the control of postharvest diseases is the induction of natural defense responses, which can be activated by recognizing molecules present in pathogens, such as chitin. Chitin is one of the most important components of the fungal cell wall and is recognized through plant membrane receptors. These receptors belong to the receptor-like kinase (RLK) family, which possesses a transmembrane domain and/or receptor-like protein (RLP) that requires binding to another RLK receptor to recognize chitin. In addition, these receptors have extracellular LysM motifs that participate in the perception of chitin oligosaccharides. These receptors have been widely studied in Arabidopsis thaliana (A. thaliana) and Oryza sativa (O. sativa); however, it is not clear how the molecular recognition and plant defense mechanisms of chitin oligosaccharides occur in other plant species or fruits. This review includes recent findings on the molecular recognition of chitin oligosaccharides and how they activate defense mechanisms in plants. In addition, we highlight some of the current advances in chitin perception in horticultural crops

    El derecho a los derechos : infancias y adolescencias en Cuba

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    «El derecho a los derechos. Infancias y adolescencias en Cuba», constituye un título atractivo y seductor, en el que se ofrece al lector una mirada crítica a retos, problemáticas y cuestiones teórico-prácticas en la protección integral de los niños, niñas y adolescentes. Profesionalidad, originalidad, impronta y opinión personal de cada uno de los autores signaron la concepción del libro. De igual forma, un lenguaje apropiado que se sustrae de tecnicismos barrocos y excesivos para facilitar la lectura. Es una obra pensada desde la academia para impactar la realidad social. (...) engrosa los estudios sobre infancia y adolescencia existentes, es expresión de un saber especializado, tanto a nivel de la investigación científica como de la práctica y la gestión institucional estatal y de la sociedad civil. No busca ser meta, punto de llegada, al contrario, es una propuesta que invita permanentemente al debate, la discusión teórica, la reflexión, al examen de las formas de hacer y al pensamiento crítico. Dr. Yuri Pérez Martíne