4 research outputs found

    Non Invasive Pain Management in Post Partum Mother Withevidence Based Practice Approach

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    Introduction: Pain is a sensation of discomfort that most post-partum mothers complain about, in the case of prolonged pain, the risk of post-partum blues is higher. The USAge of evidence based practice method gives a bigger opportunity for nurse and medical attendants to think more critically in making decisions and in performing the appropriate treatment in accordance with the patient\u27s problem and uniqueness. This research aimed to applicate management of non-invasive pain on post partum mother through the approach of evidence based practice. Method: This was a case-study, performed to client Mrs. A P1-1 A0 post sectio caesarea day 1 as there is an indication of suspect cepalo pelvis disproportion secondary arrest. Data were collected at maternity room, dr. Soebandi Regional General Hospital. Using interview, observation, and physical examination. Data analysis was conducted through a descriptive analysis. Result: Through a careful nursing, it is found out that pain location and spreading that generally spotted at the patient\u27s back during the contraction in the uterus, occurred around the shoulders when evidence-base practice is applied. The basic principle of applying an intervention to non invasive pain based on evidence–base practice are: cutaneous stimulation and distraction, while massaging area was set on the face, while the distraction media was interaction with the baby. Evaluation on evidence –based practice showed that pain is reduced to scale 2, while face and mobilitation become more relaxed. Discussion: Massage was intended to stimulated the production of endorphine and dinorphine that play an important roke to block the pain transmission through the descendent control system. Interaction with the baby was intended to function as a distraction media to dominate the incoming impuls into the ascendant control system,which further may close the gate of the pain transmitter. Both of the interventions were axpected to work synergically in reducing pain, since post-partum pain can be relieved more quickly when more than one technique are applied. Thus, to reduce post-partum pain, facial massage and interaction with the baby as non–invasive treatments are of important, respectively

    Efektifitas Distraksi Visual Dan Pernafasan Irama Lambat Dalam Menurunkan Nyeri Akibat Injeksi Intra Kutan

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    The objective of this study is to examine the effectiveness of visual distraction USAge and slow rhytm respiratory on pain relief which is caused by intra cutan injection. A quasy experimental design was used in this study. Sample of this study were 78 students of Nursing Academy Jember Muhammadiyah University at the second semester, recruited by using total sampling. Data were collected by using observation and questionnaire, then analyzed with Independent t-Test with significance level p<0.05. The result showed that visual distraction and slow rhytm respiratory technique had significantly effect on the effort of decreasing pain (p= 0.000), and there was a correlation between visual distraction and slow rhytm respiratory technique had significantly effect with the effort of decreasing pain (p=0.019). Conclusion: slow rhytm respiratory technique was more effective than visual distraction technique to relief pain

    Relationship Between Hand-washing Habit and Toilet Use with Diarrhea Incidence in Children Under Five Years

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    Diarrhea is still a public health problem in the world and the mostly occur in children under five years. At the moment the number of diarrhea-caused mortality was 3.8 per 1000 per year by 3.2 episodes per year in children under five years. This research aims to analyze the association between hand-washing habits and toilet use with the incidence of diarrhea in children under five years. This is an observational analytic with cross sectional study. Population of the research was a children\u27s mother took her children to the public health center of Sekardangan Sidoarjo Subdistrict. The number of samples taken as many as 58 mother of children under five years. Data collection was done with interviews to parents of children and the observations of the toilets. Technique of data analysis using chi-square test or Fisher\u27s exact test. On the results of the research there is a significant association the habit of hand washing (p = 0.006) and toilet use(p = 0.014) with the incidenceof diarrhea in children under five years. Conclusions of the research is the habit of hand washing and toilet use had a significant association with the incidenceof diarrhea in children under five years. Advice that can be given to the mother of a children under five years is to wash the hands before and after defecating and before preparing food for children

    Meta Analisis: Model Pembelajaran PBL terhadap Kemampuan Berpikir Kritis Matematis Siswa

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    Banyak penelitian model pembelajaran PBL terhadap kemampuan berfikir kritis siswa, tetapi belum ada yang menganalisis hasil penelitian yang sudah dilakukan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui kemampuan berfikir kritis siswa terhadap model pembelajaran PBL. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode meta analisis dengan jumlah sampel 10 artikel jurnal. Model pembelajaran pada penelitian ini peneliti mengambil Model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL). Hasil penelitian meta analisis menunjukkan bahwa model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) terhadap kemampuan berfikir kritis siswa memiliki Effect Size dengan kriteria tinggi dan bila dicari rata – rata dari model pembelajaran Problem Based Learning (PBL) maka nilai rata-rata Effect Size = 1.47 (efek tinggi)