4 research outputs found

    OPC Protocol Application for Real-Time Carbon Monitoring System for Industrial Environment

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    Global warming is referred to the rise in average surface temperatures on earth primarily due to the Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2). Monitoring the emissions, either direct or indirect from the industrial processes, is important to control or to minimize their impact on the environment. Most of the existing environmental monitoring system is being designed and developed for normal environment monitoring. Hence, the aim of this project is to develop industrial CO2 emission monitoring system which implements industrial Open Platform Communications (OPC) protocol in an embedded microcontroller. The software algorithm based on OPC data format has been designed and programmed into the Arduino microcontroller to interface the sensor data to any existing industrial OPC compliant Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system. The system has been successfully tested in a lab with the suitable environment for real-time CO2 emissions measurement. The real-time measurement data has been shown in an industrial SCADA application which indicates successful implementation of the OPC communications protocol

    Automatic energy and carbon emissions monitoring using OPC: unified architecture

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    Global warming and climate change is being an issue for more than a decade. It has given the negative impact to the nature, such as rise of global temperature, unpredictable weather and many other natural disasters. Human activities that are resulting in emissions of Greenhouse Gases (GHG) contribute to these problems. These gases will trap heat into the atmosphere that cause the rising of earth temperature. Based on IPCC report in 2007 (as shown in Figure 1), Carbon Dioxide (CO2) is the main contributor to GHG emissions which are closely related to natural and human activities

    Review of Environmental Wireless Sensor Networks System and Design

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    The paper presents the review of wireless system networks development for environmental application. An environmental problem such as climate change requires urgent attention. The use of embedded system and wireless sensors make monitoring possible for areas such as remote and harsh environment. Environment parameters such CO2 and other greenhouse gasses are monitored using the sensor attached to a wireless remote node from a different location and transmitted to the central unit for processing. It is important to use the right type of wireless technology since the remote application requires low power management and resistance to noise. There are several types of modules such as WI-FI, GPRS, Bluetooth, ZigBee and other wireless technology. The related work in this field will be reviewed and factors such as topology, power requirement, and good system design approach will be taken into account for the system review

    Development of real time carbon emissions and energy monitoring system for industrial environment using OPC architecture

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    Global warming is referred to the rise in average surface temperatures on earth primarily due to the Greenhouse Gases (GHG) emissions, such as Carbon Dioxide (CO2) which trapped the heat within the atmosphere that will affect the ecosystems. Monitoring the emissions, either direct emissions from industrial processes or indirect with electrical energy consumptions is important to control or to minimize their impact to the environment. Electricity generation is normally using the steam turbine that burning fossil fuel as the source of energy, thus releases CO2 in the process. Most of the existing environment monitoring system is being designed and developed for non-industrial environment monitoring. Hence, the aim of this project is to develop industrial CO2 emissions monitoring system that can monitor real-time emissions in the industrial plant as well as energy usage which can be translated to its CO2 equivalent. Developed using real-time development methodologies, the system implement Object Linking and Embedding for Process Control (OPC) communication protocol that widely used in process and control applications in the industry today. The protocol is successfully being interfaced to a low power Arduino microcontroller, hence it able to provide the sensor data to any of existing industrial OPC compliant Supervisory Control and Data Acquisition (SCADA) system, for real-time emissions monitoring. The system has been successfully tested in Vehicle Engine Testing Lab in MJIIT, UTM which providing the suitable environment for real-time CO2 emissions measurement. The measurement data has been showed in an industrial SCADA application developed for the project. The system should benefits the industries in monitoring and managing their real-time carbon emissions which can be interfaced to their existing process monitoring system