5 research outputs found

    Vergleichen unter den Bedingungen von Konflikt und Konkurrenz

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    Albert M, Engelschalt J, Epple A, et al. Vergleichen unter den Bedingungen von Konflikt und Konkurrenz. Praktiken des Vergleichens. Working Paper des SFB 1288. Vol 1. Bielefeld: UniversitĂ€t Bielefeld, SFB 1288; 2019.Was ist das Spezifische an Vergleichen bzw. Vergleichspraktiken, die unter den Bedingungen von Konflikt und/oder Konkurrenz durchgefĂŒhrt werden? Im vorliegenden Working Paper wird dieses Spezifische anhand von soziologisch inspirierten Überlegungen zu den Grundbegrifflichkeiten des Konflikts bzw. der Konkurrenz als einer besonderen Art der Formung sozialer Beziehungen herausgearbeitet. ZunĂ€chst werden die Begriffe von Konkurrenz und direkten gewalttĂ€tigen Konflikten vor dem Hintergrund unterschiedlicher disziplinĂ€rer Forschungskontexte bestimmt. Ausgehend von einer Soziologie der Konkurrenz geht es dabei um sozial- und geschichtswissenschaftliche Diskussionen um gewalttĂ€tige Konflikte. Zentral sind die begriffliche SchĂ€rfung unterschiedlicher kriegerischer Auseinandersetzungen und das Gewalthandeln in Konfliktsituationen, die nicht als Krieg bezeichnet werden können. Anschließend werden die vielschichtigen Wechselbeziehungen sowohl zwischen gewalttĂ€tigen Konflikten und Konkurrenz als auch zwischen Konflikten, Konkurrenzen und Vergleichspraktiken aus der Sicht der unterschiedlichen Forschungsprojekte des Projektbereichs A des SFB 1288 dargestellt.**ErgĂ€nzender Hinweis zu den Creative Commons Lizenzen**"Creative Commons license terms for re-use do not apply to any content (such as graphs, figures, photos, excerpts, etc.) not original to the Open Access publication and further permission may be required from the rights holder. The obligation to research and clear permission lies solely with the party re-using the material.

    Sylvain Venayre, Une guerre au loin. Annam, 1883. Paris, Belles Lettres 2016

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    Rohé N. Sylvain Venayre, Une guerre au loin. Annam, 1883. Paris, Belles Lettres 2016. Historische Zeitschrift. 2018;306(1):246-247

    Auf Augenhöhe mit den GrossmÀchten: Schweizer MilitÀrs als Kriegsbeobachter in Griechenland und im Osmanischen Reich 1897

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    RohĂ© N. Auf Augenhöhe mit den GrossmĂ€chten: Schweizer MilitĂ€rs als Kriegsbeobachter in Griechenland und im Osmanischen Reich 1897. Schweizerische Zeitschrift fĂŒr Geschichte. 2019;69(2):254–281.##### On Equal Footing with the Great Powers: Swiss Military AttachĂ©s as Wartime Observers in 1897 in Greece and the Ottoman Empire In the 1890s, the arms race between the Great Powers alarmed the military in Switzerland and sparked lively debates about the future orientation of the army. In this context, military events elsewhere seemed a valuable source of inspiration. Thus, when a brief war broke out between Greece and the Ottoman Empire in 1897, the Swiss general staff sent more official observers to the battlefield than any other army. This article investigates why Swiss officers were so invested in a military theater in distant Thessaly. By examining the linkages between the Swiss Confederation and the ‘Orient’, the present article shows how military professionals contributed to Switzerland’s global entanglement. It thereby extends recent research on Swiss global connections during the ‘long 19th century’, which has thus far mostly concentrated on the foreign engagement of civilian actors. While Switzerland’s neutrality and lack of international representation made it difficult to carry out the missions, transnational networks and interactions helped Swiss military attachĂ©s during their journeys. Through the analysis of the actors’ comparisons, the final part of the paper demonstrates how Swiss officers used their observations of foreign battlefields to give voice to their political views, both in national debates and in international military competitions

    European medical experts in wars of ‘others’: the Greco-Turkish War of 1897

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    RohĂ© N. European medical experts in wars of ‘others’: the Greco-Turkish War of 1897. European Review of History: Revue europĂ©enne d'histoire. 2019;26(2):163-177.In current debates on humanitarianism and empire, historians of the nineteenth century have focused mostly on the engagement of British, French and German individuals in their own imperial wars. However, many medical experts from these empires crossed imperial boundaries and risked their lives on foreign battlegrounds. This article elaborates on the involvements of experts in the ‘wars of others’ by focusing on the presence of humanitarian missions and surgeons from all over Europe in the short Greco-Turkish War of 1897. What prompted them to ignore criticism levelled against such involvement by their compatriots and the existing medical staff of both sides of the conflict? Tracing the global compassion that the locally confined hostilities between Greece and the Ottoman Empire inspired, the article first highlights the institutional mobilization of humanitarian associations in Britain, France and Germany. It then delves into individual reasons for taking action. Drawing on newspaper articles, institutional reports and individual medical publications, the article discusses how European experts used the wars of ‘others’ to test and assess recent medical knowledge and new technologies. These experts’ practices of comparing reveal that the physicians considered the Greco-Turkish War less as a conflict of foreign powers than as a laboratory for future wars of their own empires

    »Comparing Militaries in the Long 19th Century«. Internationaler Workshop des Sonderforschungsbereichs »Praktiken des Vergleichens« (SFB 1288) der UniversitÀt Bielefeld und der Bielefeld Graduate School of History and Sociology (BGHS), Bielefeld, 29./30.11.2018

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    Langer K, Nagel J, Rohé N. »Comparing Militaries in the Long 19th Century«. Internationaler Workshop des Sonderforschungsbereichs »Praktiken des Vergleichens« (SFB 1288) der UniversitÀt Bielefeld und der Bielefeld Graduate School of History and Sociology (BGHS), Bielefeld, 29./30.11.2018. Militaergeschichtliche Zeitschrift. 2019;78(2):453-459