200 research outputs found

    Long-term seismic regime reconstruction using paleoseismological data

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    Вредоносность нематоды Longidorus leptocephalus на ягодных культурах в условиях вегетационного опыта

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    Evaluation of the pathogenicity of the nematode Longidorus leptocephalusmeasured by the variation in its numbers on strawberry (Fragaria ananassa) and blackberry (Rubus caesius) plants in vegetative environments was carried out. As a result we demonstrated that strawberry plants developed symptoms of backwardness in their growth relative to controls with an average number of 80 individual nematodes per 100 g of soil and50% plant death for strawberries was recorded at a level of 600 nematodes per 100 g of plant rhizosphere. On blackberry plants a significant effect of growth-inhibition was found at a level of 500 individuals per 100 g of soil, but plant death was not registered.Проведена оценка вредоносности нематоды Longidorus leptocephalus при ее различной численности на растениях земляники садовой (Fragaria ananаssa) и ежевики сизой (Rubus caesius) в условиях вегетационного опыта. Растения земляники проявляли признаки оставания в росте относительно контрольных вариантов при средней численности L. leptocephalus 80 экз./100 г почвы, в то время как гибель 50% растений наблюдалась при 600 экз./100 г почвы. На растениях ежевики значительный эффект угнетения роста наблюдался при средней численности нематод в ризосфере 500 экз./100 г почвы, при этом гибели растений отмечено не было. Проведена оценка вредоносности нематоды Longidorus leptocephalus при ее различной численности на растениях земляники садовой (Fragaria ananаssa) и ежевики сизой (Rubus caesius) в условиях вегетационного опыта. Растения земляники проявляли признаки оставания в росте относительно контрольных вариантов при средней численности L. leptocephalus 80 экз./100 г почвы, в то время как гибель 50% растений наблюдалась при 600 экз./100 г почвы. На растениях ежевики значительный эффект угнетения роста наблюдался при средней численности нематод в ризосфере 500 экз./100 г почвы, при этом гибели растений отмечено не было.

    Threats and Challenges to the Regional Security in Central Asian Region (the Example of the Republic of Kyrgyzstan)

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    The article describes main challenges and threats to the Central Asian region, including the so-called "unconventional" associated with the threat of potential access to toxic, radioactive waste and dual-use technologies in the light of the terrorist threat, growth of religious extremism, and also the presence of vulnerable elements in the export control system, on the example of Kyrgyz Republic

    Nanophotonic structure formation by dry e-beam etching of the resist: resolution limitation origins

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    A wide range of structures for nanophotonics and optoelectronics can be formed by dry e-beam etching of the resist (DEBER). High resist sensitivity due to chain depolymerization reaction provides efficient etching with high throughput of the method. The structures obtained by the DEBER in this research are well-rounded diffraction gratings, binary gratings and staircase profiles. The major disadvantage of DEBER is poor lateral resolution, which may be caused by different physical mechanisms. Four groups of possible mechanisms leading to the resolution limitation are determined and the influence of some mechanisms is estimated.This study was partially supported by the President of the Russian Federation's grant No. MK-3327.2017.9

    Wave diffraction problems on periodical sets of heterogeneities in the stratified media

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    The universal approach to solving the diffraction problems on the periodical set of heterogeneities in the stratified media is proposed. The infinite periodic grating consisting of thin conducting bands embedded into a dielectric plate is considered as an example. The boundary value problem for the quasi-periodic potential functions is equivalent to the pair summatorial functional equation for the Floquet coefficients. At first, it is advisable to solve the auxiliary diffraction problem for the stratified medium in the case when the heterogeneities are moved off. The heterogeneities generate the field perturbation; it is a solution of a similar pair equation. Secondly, we need to define new unknown variables in such way that the pair equation should have the standard form. To get this result we propose to use the boundary value conditions on the heterogeneities. Then the other conditions on the media interface can be transformed to standard form. The dual equation is equivalent to regular infinite set of linear algebraic equations for the coefficients of decomposition of the electromagnetic field by Floquet harmonics. In the case of elastic waves the wave diffraction problems on the periodical sets of heterogeneities can be reduced to vector dual summatorial functional equations. The electromagnetic wave diffraction problems on the periodical knife grating was investigated by analogous scheme

    Seismic study and spatial observations of a & b – values for the different earthquake hazard zones of India

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    This paper study the recent seismicity in Earthquake hazard zones in India. A large historical earthquake event catalog to cover the period of 1900-2018, the parameters date, time, latitude, longitude, depth and magnitude has been used to calculating frequency-magnitude distribution (b-value) of seismic hazard zones in India. To convert different magnitude scales into a single moment magnitude scale, the general orthogonal regression relation is used. Gamma distribution used for variable corrections also de-clustering method has used for removal of any non-Poisson distribution. The Indian seismic hazard zones are divided into five major seismic sources zones. The seismicity is characterized by Gutenberg-Richter relation. The parameter ‘b’ of FMD and relationship have been determined for these five seismic zones having different vulnerability environment. The ‘b’ values ranges between 0.43 to 1.16. The difference between the b parameters and seismic hazard level from seismic zones II to V considered for the study of high seismo-tectonic complexity and crustal heterogeneity, the parameter ‘a’ value changes accordingly the seismicity of the regions. The lowest b-values found in seismic zone II. The highest FMD b-value has been found in the seismic zone IV. Such high seismicity b-values may be associated with high heterogeneity. In this high b-value predict the low strength in the crust as well as seismic instabilities of that zone. These observations recommend not suggesting the location of important projects like atomic power stations, hydroelectric power stations, neutrino observatory projects, satellite town projects

    Resolution limits of the dry e-beam etching of resist for nanophotonic structure formation

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    Micro- and nanostructures formation of special well-rounded shape using an e-beam lithography is a huge task. Usually stair-like profile is used instead that complicates the process immensely. The problem can be solved using the dry method of relief formation in some positive resists during electron-beam exposure in vacuum (DEBER method). DEBER method can be used for formation of wide range of structures for nanophotonics and optoelectronics. The structures obtained by the method are presented. Resolution limits of the method are analyzed and the approaches to resolution enhancement are discussed.The reported study was partially supported by RFBR, research project No. 17-07-01582a. Also this work is supported in part by the grant of the President of Russian Federation No. MK-3327.2017.9

    Small Universal Accepting Networks of Evolutionary Processors with Filtered Connections

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    In this paper, we present some results regarding the size complexity of Accepting Networks of Evolutionary Processors with Filtered Connections (ANEPFCs). We show that there are universal ANEPFCs of size 10, by devising a method for simulating 2-Tag Systems. This result significantly improves the known upper bound for the size of universal ANEPFCs which is 18. We also propose a new, computationally and descriptionally efficient simulation of nondeterministic Turing machines by ANEPFCs. More precisely, we describe (informally, due to space limitations) how ANEPFCs with 16 nodes can simulate in O(f(n)) time any nondeterministic Turing machine of time complexity f(n). Thus the known upper bound for the number of nodes in a network simulating an arbitrary Turing machine is decreased from 26 to 16


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    The paper proposed a procedure that can prevent peristomal recurrences in patients with larynx cancer after laryngectomy (LE). In the period 2010 to 2011, LE was performed in 95 patients with III stage T3N0M0 larynx cancer (according to the conventional procedure in 52 cases of them), among whom periostomal recurrences were identified in 3 (5.7%) patients in the period 8 to 12 months. A study group comprised 43 patients in whom LE was combined with paratracheal fat removal on both sides — they are all currently observed without a tumor relapse and metastases. The above data may suggest that some patients with tumor spread to all 3 laryngeal segments and with fold part involvement and its transition to subfold one need paratracheal fat removal