8 research outputs found

    Дифференциальная диагностика вазовагального обморока, ортостатической гипотонии и барорефлекторной недостаточности у больной с синкопальными состояниями

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    We present here a case report of recurring fainting due to orthostatic hypotension in a 45-year-old woman with Hodgkin's' disease, treated by radiation therapy and resection of cervical lymph node. We discuss difficulties of identification of etiology and mechanisms of orthostatic hypotension as well as possible role of baroreflex failure at the background of the Hodgkin's' disease treatment, and vasovagal syncope of which the patient suffered in her youth.Представлено описание истории болезни пациентки 45 лет, длительно страдающей лимфогранулематозом и имеющей синкопальные состояния ортостатического генеза. Обсуждаются трудности определения причин и механизмов ортостатической гипотонии, возможной связи ее появления с барорефлекторной недостаточностью на фоне курсов лучевой терапии и резекции шейного лимфатического узла, а также с вазовагальными обмороками, отмечавшимися у больной в молодости

    The new angiotensin II receptor blocker Edarbi® as part of the pathogenetic treatment of arterial hypertension in patients with metabolic disorders

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    Relevance. Recently, the proportion of angiotensin receptor blockers has significantly increased among prescribed antihypertensive drugs. High organoprotective properties, additional metabolic effects and tolerability comparable to placebo make them the drugs of choice, especially in patients with stage 1 and stage 2 hypertension having low adherence to antihypertensive therapy, but already burdened by additional metabolic risk factors. Purpose of the study – study of the antihypertensive efficacy of the angiotensin receptor blocker azilsartan medoxomil (Edarbi®), its effect on cardiometabolic risk factors and damage of target organs in patients with stage 2 hypertension. Materials and methods. The study included 32 patients (mean age 47.32±8.4 years), 19 men and 13 women with stage 2 hypertension. All patients were evaluated for clinical blood pressure (BP), total cholesterol, high-density lipoprotein cholesterol, low-density lipoprotein cholesterol, triglyceride, creatinine, glucose level in a carbohydrate tolerance test, 24-hour blood pressure monitoring, central aortic systolic pressure, сarotid-femoral pulse wave velocity and intima-media thickness was determined initially and after 6 months of therapy. Results. During taking Edarbi® 82% of patients with stage 1 and stage 2 hypertension and metabolic syndrome reached the target level of BP, which was accompanied by a significant improvement in diastolic function of the left ventricle in 56% of patients. Already in the first 6 months the treatment reduced arterial stiffness and improved metabolic control

    Дифференциальная диагностика вазовагального обморока, ортостатической гипотонии и барорефлекторной недостаточности у больной с синкопальными состояниями

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    We present here a case report of recurring fainting due to orthostatic hypotension in a 45-year-old woman with Hodgkin's' disease, treated by radiation therapy and resection of cervical lymph node. We discuss difficulties of identification of etiology and mechanisms of orthostatic hypotension as well as possible role of baroreflex failure at the background of the Hodgkin's' disease treatment, and vasovagal syncope of which the patient suffered in her youth.Представлено описание истории болезни пациентки 45 лет, длительно страдающей лимфогранулематозом и имеющей синкопальные состояния ортостатического генеза. Обсуждаются трудности определения причин и механизмов ортостатической гипотонии, возможной связи ее появления с барорефлекторной недостаточностью на фоне курсов лучевой терапии и резекции шейного лимфатического узла, а также с вазовагальными обмороками, отмечавшимися у больной в молодости

    Vascular Health Assessment of The Hypertensive Patients (VASOTENS) Registry: Study Protocol of an International, Web-Based Telemonitoring Registry for Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Arterial Stiffness

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    Background: Hypertension guidelines recommend ambulatory blood pressure (ABP), central aortic pressure (CAP), and pulse wave velocity (PWV) as parameters for estimating blood pressure (BP) control and vascular impairment. Recent advances in technology have enabled devices to combine non-invasive estimation of these parameters over the 24-hour ABP monitoring. However, currently there is limited evidence on the usefulness of such an approach for routine hypertension management. Objective: We recently launched an investigator-initiated, international, multicenter, observational, prospective study, the Vascular health Assessment Of The Hypertensive patients (VASOTENS) Registry, aimed at (1) evaluating non-invasive 24-hour ABP and arterial stiffness estimates (through 24-hour pulse wave analysis, PWA) in hypertensive subjects undergoing ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) for clinical reasons; (2) assessing the changes in estimates following treatment; (3) weighing the impact of 24-hour PWA on target organ damage and cardiovascular prognosis; (4) assessing the relationship between arterial stiffness, BP absolute mean level and variability, and prognosis; and (5) validating the use of a 24-hour PWA electronic health (e-health) solution for hypertension screening. Methods: Approximately 2000 subjects, referred to 20 hypertension clinics for routine diagnostic evaluation and follow-up of hypertension of any severity or stage, will be recruited. Data collection will include ABPM, performed with a device allowing simultaneous non-invasive assessment of 24-hour CAP and arterial stiffness (BPLab), and clinical data (including cardiovascular outcomes). As recommended by current guidelines, each patient will be followed-up with visits occurring at regular intervals (ideally every 6 months, and not less than once a year depending on disease severity). A Web-based telemedicine platform (THOLOMEUS) will be used for data collection. The use of the telemedicine system will allow standardized and centralized data collection, data validation by experts and counseling to remote centers, setup and maintenance of the Registry, and prompt data analysis. Results: First follow-up results are expected to be available in the next 2 years. Conclusions: The results of the VASOTENS Registry will help define the normalcy thresholds for current and future indices derived from 24-hour PWA, according to outcome data, and will also provide supporting evidence for the inclusion of this type of evaluation in hypertension management

    Vascular Health Assessment of The Hypertensive Patients (VASOTENS) Registry: Study Protocol of an International, Web-Based Telemonitoring Registry for Ambulatory Blood Pressure and Arterial Stiffness

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    Background: Hypertension guidelines recommend ambulatory blood pressure (ABP), central aortic pressure (CAP), and pulse wave velocity (PWV) as parameters for estimating blood pressure (BP) control and vascular impairment. Recent advances in technology have enabled devices to combine non-invasive estimation of these parameters over the 24-hour ABP monitoring. However, currently there is limited evidence on the usefulness of such an approach for routine hypertension management. Objective: We recently launched an investigator-initiated, international, multicenter, observational, prospective study, the Vascular health Assessment Of The Hypertensive patients (VASOTENS) Registry, aimed at (1) evaluating non-invasive 24-hour ABP and arterial stiffness estimates (through 24-hour pulse wave analysis, PWA) in hypertensive subjects undergoing ambulatory blood pressure monitoring (ABPM) for clinical reasons; (2) assessing the changes in estimates following treatment; (3) weighing the impact of 24-hour PWA on target organ damage and cardiovascular prognosis; (4) assessing the relationship between arterial stiffness, BP absolute mean level and variability, and prognosis; and (5) validating the use of a 24-hour PWA electronic health (e-health) solution for hypertension screening. Methods: Approximately 2000 subjects, referred to 20 hypertension clinics for routine diagnostic evaluation and follow-up of hypertension of any severity or stage, will be recruited. Data collection will include ABPM, performed with a device allowing simultaneous non-invasive assessment of 24-hour CAP and arterial stiffness (BPLab), and clinical data (including cardiovascular outcomes). As recommended by current guidelines, each patient will be followed-up with visits occurring at regular intervals (ideally every 6 months, and not less than once a year depending on disease severity). A Web-based telemedicine platform (THOLOMEUS) will be used for data collection. The use of the telemedicine system will allow standardized and centralized data collection, data validation by experts and counseling to remote centers, setup and maintenance of the Registry, and prompt data analysis. Results: First follow-up results are expected to be available in the next 2 years. Conclusions: The results of the VASOTENS Registry will help define the normalcy thresholds for current and future indices derived from 24-hour PWA, according to outcome data, and will also provide supporting evidence for the inclusion of this type of evaluation in hypertension management

    Consensus of Russian experts on the evaluation of arterial stiffness in clinical practice [Согласованное мнение российских экспертов по оценке артериальной жесткости в клинической практике]

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    Recently, there was plenty studies published on the arterial stiffness assessment, and importance of this was proved as an independent prediction parameter, together with standard cardiovascular risk factors. In current document, we collect and structure the available clinical and scientific data from abroad and Russian studies. The aim of current publication is the need to bring a reader the importance of demanded in clinical practice ways of arterial wall stiffness assessment, information about conditions when it is important to the assessment, and available restrictions, as the issues remaining unresolved. © 2016 Vserossiiskoe Obshchestvo Kardiologov. All rights reserved