12 research outputs found

    Особенности пролиферативных процессов при инвертированной папилломе и раке полости носа и околоносовых пазух

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    The article presents the results of investigation on detection of criterions of cell changing in inverted papilloma and carcinoma of the nasal cavity mucose and paranasal sinuses. Proliferative process in different layers of nasal cavity mucose and paranasal sinuses was examined by immunohistochemical method. It was established that the most important for diagnosis of inverted papilloma is proportion of cells in basal and parabasall layers. Carcinoma is characterized by distribution of positive painted cells from the basal membrane to the central zone of tumors.В статье представлены результаты исследования, направленного на выявление критериев изменений пролиферации клеток эпителия при инвертированной папилломе и раке слизистой оболочки полости носа и околоносовых пазух. С помощью иммуногистохимического метода была оценена пролиферация в различных слоях эпителия слизистой оболочки полости носа и околоносовых пазух. Установлено, что наиболее важным для диагностики инвертированных папиллом является соотношение пролиферирующих клеток в базальном и парабазальном клеточных слоях. В плоскоклеточном раке отмечена высокая пролиферативная активность клеток, архитектоника ткани была полностью нарушена и деление эпителия на слои практически отсутствовало. Положительно окрашенные клетки распределялись равномерно от базального слоя до центральной зоны опухоли

    Experimental access to Transition Distribution Amplitudes with the P̄ANDA experiment at FAIR

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    On the histogenesis of cardiac myxoma

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    Objective - to investigate the morphological and phenotypic features of cardiac myxoma (CM), to discuss argumentative issues on the sources of its growth. Subjects and methods. The investigation included 176 sporadic and familial myxomas originating from different cardiac chambers (96% from the atria). The histological, ultrastructural, and immunohistochemical features of the cells and vessels of this tumor were studied. Results. The morphological and phenotypic features of the embryonic endothelium resembling the cells of the primary cardiovascular network were found in the cells and vessels of CM. No signs of other mesenchymal derivatives were detected. Discussion. The authors anticipate that there is focal cessation of maturation of the embryonic endocardial endothelium and its persistence - hamartia. Postnatal proliferation of embryonic hamartia forms the tumor hamartoma. Differentiated cells may retain the phenotypic (but not morphological) features of closely related cells that have a common precursor. Conclusion. The results of the study have allowed the authors to consider CM to be hamartoma, a monohistioid benign embryonic endocardial endothelioma. Our findings do not exclude the possibility of developing CM from pluripotent mesenchymal cells. © 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    Widespread of scleroma. A rare clinical case

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    Scleroma is a chronic infectious disease characterized by developing inflammation nye granulomas, mainly of the upper respiratory tract, with subsequent scarring. The reasons for the development of scleroma remain unclear, but it is generally accepted that the gram-negative coccal bacterium Klebsiella rhinoscleromatis (pas-Volkovich’s loch - Frisch) is the causative agent of this disease. Endemic in the spread of scleroma is considered There are tropical and temperate zones such as Africa, Asia, Eastern Europe, South America and Central America. Features of development scleroma in the present case and the complexity of the diagnosis caused by atypical, the rapid development of the disease, the greater prevalence of the process (including the orbit), with the transition to the soft tissues of the cheek bone and upper jaw, which is not typical for scleroma. The process was primarily localized in the left maxillary sinus and mimicked sinusitis. The presence of radicular cysts and darkening of the left maxillary sinus on radiographs, taking into account the clinical picture of the disease, were interpreted incorrectly, which led to the establishment of an incorrect diagnosis and subsequent surgical interventions. More targeted and consistent examination of histo-the logical material obtained after three surgical interventions made it possible to identify the characteristic signs scleroma, establish the correct diagnosis and prescribe effective treatment. In our case, we applied Ciprofloxacin course for 3 months at a maximum daily dose of 2000 mg in combination with probiotics. During treatment, it was noted a significant improvement in the patient’s well-being, facial pains became less intense, a decrease in the volume of ma tissues of the left cheek and improved nasal breathing. © 2021, Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    On the histogenesis of cardiac myxoma

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    Objective - to investigate the morphological and phenotypic features of cardiac myxoma (CM), to discuss argumentative issues on the sources of its growth. Subjects and methods. The investigation included 176 sporadic and familial myxomas originating from different cardiac chambers (96% from the atria). The histological, ultrastructural, and immunohistochemical features of the cells and vessels of this tumor were studied. Results. The morphological and phenotypic features of the embryonic endothelium resembling the cells of the primary cardiovascular network were found in the cells and vessels of CM. No signs of other mesenchymal derivatives were detected. Discussion. The authors anticipate that there is focal cessation of maturation of the embryonic endocardial endothelium and its persistence - hamartia. Postnatal proliferation of embryonic hamartia forms the tumor hamartoma. Differentiated cells may retain the phenotypic (but not morphological) features of closely related cells that have a common precursor. Conclusion. The results of the study have allowed the authors to consider CM to be hamartoma, a monohistioid benign embryonic endocardial endothelioma. Our findings do not exclude the possibility of developing CM from pluripotent mesenchymal cells. © 2018 Media Sphera Publishing Group. All rights reserved

    A case of Lambl’s excrescences of the mitral valve concurrent with myocardial infarction

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    Lambl’s excrescences are a rare disease that is characterized by a lesion of the heart valves as filamentous growths on their surface mainly along the coaptation lines and that is mostly asymptomatic. Due to traumatic injuries during heart contractions, fibrin masses can be deposited on the surface of the growths, contributing to thromboembolic events or infection. The paper provides the data available in the literature and demonstrates a postmortem observation of Lambl’s excrescences on the ventricular surface of the mitral valve concurrent with myocardial infarction. © K.A. ROGOV3, L.V. KAKTURSKY, M.I. TARAKIN, V.M. GORLUSHKIN

    Наблюдение экскресценций Ламбля митрального клапана в сочетании с инфарктом миокарда

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    Lambl’s excrescences are a rare disease that is characterized by a lesion of the heart valves as filamentous growths on their surface mainly along the coaptation lines and that is mostly asymptomatic. Due to traumatic injuries during heart contractions, fibrin masses can be deposited on the surface of the growths, contributing to thromboembolic events or infection. The paper provides the data available in the literature and demonstrates a postmortem observation of Lambl’s excrescences on the ventricular surface of the mitral valve concurrent with myocardial infarction.Экскресценции Ламбля - редкая патология, характеризующаяся поражением клапанов сердца в виде нитевидных разрастаний на их поверхности, преимущественно по линиям смыкания, и протекающая в основном бессимптомно. В связи с травматическими повреждениями при сердечных сокращениях на поверхности разрастаний могут откладываться массы фибрина, способствующие образованию тромбоэмболических осложнений или инфицированию. Приведены данные литературы и демонстрируется секционное наблюдение экскресценций Ламбля на желудочковой поверхности митрального клапана в сочетании с инфарктом миокарда

    Bi-functional sterically hindered phenol lipid-based delivery systems as potential multi-target agents against Alzheimer's disease: Via an intranasal route

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    © The Royal Society of Chemistry. New lipid-based nanomaterials and multi-target directed ligands (MTDLs) based on sterically hindered phenol, containing a quaternary ammonium moiety (SHP-s-R, with s = 2,3) of varying hydrophobicity (R = CH2Ph and CnH2n+1, with n = 8, 10, 12, 16), have been prepared as potential drugs against Alzheimer's disease (AD). SHP-s-R are inhibitors of human cholinesterases with antioxidant properties. The inhibitory potency of SHP-s-R and selectivity ratio of cholinesterase inhibition were found to significantly depend on the length of the methylene spacer (s) and alkyl chain length. The compound SHP-2-16 showed the best IC50 for human AChE and the highest selectivity, being 30-fold more potent than for human BChE. Molecular modeling of SHP-2-16 binding to human AChE suggests that this compound is a dual binding site inhibitor that interacts with both the peripheral anionic site and catalytic active site. The relationship between self-assembly parameters (CMC, solubilization capacity, aggregation number), antioxidant activity and a toxicological parameter (hemolytic action on human red blood cells) was investigated. Two sterically hindered phenols (SHP-2-Bn and SHP-2-R) were loaded into L-a-phosphatidylcholine (PC) nanoparticles by varying the SHP alkyl chain length. For the brain AChE inhibition assay, PC/SHP-2-Bn/SHP-2-16 nanoparticles were administered to rats intranasally at a dose of 8 mg kg-1. The Morris water maze experiment showed that scopolamine-induced AD-like dementia in rats treated with PC/SHP-2-Bn/SHP-2-16 nanoparticles was significantly reduced. This is the first example of cationic SHP-phospholipid nanoparticles for inhibition of brain cholinesterases realized by the use of intranasal administration. This route has promising potential for the treatment of AD