17 research outputs found

    Le pivot de la cybergouvernance chinoise 

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    Durant les deux premières années de l’administration du président Xi Jinping, une série de mesures ont été prises pour restructurer la manière dont l’Internet chinois est gouverné. De nouvelles institutions ont été créées pour centraliser la gouvernance dans une sphère qui était jusqu’à présent fragmentée, tandis que la quête de sécurité idéologique et technologique s’est traduite par des efforts accrus pour contrôler les informations en ligne et prévenir les menaces, en particulier de l’étranger. Cet article analyse ce processus et discute des implications sur l’avenir d’Internet en Chine et dans le monde

    The Pivot in Chinese Cybergovernance

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    During the first two years of the Xi administration, a series of successive measures were taken to restructure the way that the Chinese Internet is governed. New institutions were created to centralise governance over a sphere that had hitherto been fragmented, while the pursuit of ideological and technological security led to greater efforts to control the circulation of online information and prevent harm, particularly originating from foreign threats. This paper analyses this process, and discusses implications for the future of the Chinese and global Internet

    Marching In: China’s Cultural Trade in Official and Press Discourse

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    This essay analyses the official and media response to the WTO cases related to cultural products, which China lost. It aims to contextualize both the official discourse and the press discourse in terms of domestic politics and China’s trade priorities. It concludes that in the official discourse, China and the US are working at cross purposes, as they have fundamentally divergent concepts of trade in cultural products. The newspaper discourse is more moderate and emphasises developmental and commercial issues, but is also subject to the priorities of Chinese politics

    Pitman B. Potter, China’s Legal System,

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    How does one begin to understand Chinese law? How does one do justice to the complexity of the legal (re)construction process that has taken place since the late 1970s? Observers must navigate between the Scylla of teleological approaches that too easily assume trajectories towards ill-defined notions of rule of law and democratisation, and the Charybdis of historical determinism. They must do justice both to a continuing dominant view of law as an instrument of state power and the agency of ..

    Can China’s approach to internet control spread around the world?

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    Earlier this month, citing concerns over “cyber sovereignty,” China’s Internet regulators announced new restrictions on the country’s already tightly controlled Internet—further curbing online news reporting and putting Party-appointed editors in charge. Plans were also announced for the compiling of a massive, officially sanctioned, online encyclopedia to rival Wikipedia, which Chinese censors routinely block. What does this mean for Internet freedom in other countries whose leaders also crave control over information? How much does China influence the shape of the Internet around the world? Where are the cracks in this seeming plan to press an agenda of total control