5 research outputs found

    Study on the auxin-like activity of organic compounds extracted from corn waste hydrochar prepared by hydrothermal carbonization

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    This work studied the auxin-like activity of liquid and solid hydrochar from aboveground corn biomass prepared using hydrothermal carbonization (HTC). Understanding the action of organic compounds in regulating plant metabolism is important to develop strategies to improve plant growth and production. Bioassays were performed by testing liquid hydrochar concentrations in the range of 0.0557-5570.0 mg carbon L−1; and solid hydrochar (via extracted dissolved organic matter, DOM) in the range of 0.026-2600.0 mg carbon L−1, using seeds of Lactuca sativa. SEM, ATR-FTIR, and Py-GC/MS were applied to assess the effect of HTC on hydrochar production/composition. Liquid hydrochar presented an intense bioactivity, completely inhibiting the germination of testing seeds at higher concentrations. Liquid hydrochar also was considerably more bioactive. Py-GC/MS allowed the identification of the molecules involved in IAA-like effects: carboxylic acids (linear and aromatic) and amino acids. The concentration of more bioactive molecules, rather than their simple presence in the hydrochar fraction, determined the bio-stimulating effect, besides an excellent linear regression between the auxin-like effect and the concentration of active molecules.</p


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    O uso de plantas para fins medicinais é uma prática muito antiga nas diferentes culturas ao redor do mundo. Contudo, o consumo de plantas medicinais pode interferir em processos metabólicos (in vivo) ou em métodos analíticos (in vitro), produzindo resultados laboratoriais que podem sugerir ou mascarar processos patológicos. Lippia sidoides, conhecida popularmente como alecrim-pimenta, é uma planta com propriedades antisséptica, antimicrobiana, anti-inflamatória e larvicida e é encontrada no Nordeste brasileiro e na região semiárida do norte de Minas Gerais. Assim, esta pesquisa teve como objetivo investigar se os extratos aquosos das folhas de L. sidoides por infusão (EALSI) e decocção (EALSD) são capazes de interferir no ensaio enzimático para quantificação de glicose sanguínea. Alíquotas dos extratos (0,1; 1 e 10 mg/dL) foram adicionadas às amostras biológicas (pool de plasma fluoretado) e após 1 hora, a glicose foi quantificada por meio de ensaio colorimétrico enzimático (Reação de Trinder). A prospecção fitoquímica foi capaz de identificar a presença de alcaloides, flavonoides, flavonóis, flavanonas, xantonas, taninos, esteroides e triterpenoides em ambos os extratos. Quanto à possível interferência que esses extratos poderiam causar na determinação da glicemia, apenas na concentração de 10 mg/dL houve um aumento significativo no nível de glicose para 321,5±10,0 mg/dL (EALSI) e 304,3±9,3 mg/dL (EALSD) quando comparados ao controle (85,4±3,6 mg/dL, ANOVA de uma via e teste de Tukey, p<0,05). Por fim, são necessários mais estudos a fim de elucidar qual ou quais substâncias são responsáveis por essa interferência e o mecanismo de ação frente a testes bioquímicos realizados rotineiramente em um laboratório clínico

    Perfil químico e atividades biológicas do gênero Caryocar: Uma revisão de literatura

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    O gênero Caryocar compreende 16 espécies de plantas endêmicas dos países tropicais da América das quais algumas constam na lista vermelha da IUCN com o status de ameaçada ou em perigo. Algumas das espécies de Caryocar são amplamente utilizadas como alimento e no uso medicinal por comunidades tradicionais, o que gera todo um conhecimento empírico sobre o potencial farmacológico desse gênero. Tem-se notado que os registros científicos, deste conhecimento, são feitos de forma mais intensa no Brasil, destacando-se as espécies C. brasiliense e C. coriaceum, esta última fortemente ligada à complementação de renda de comunidades e comerciantes no interior do estado do Ceará (Brasil). O fruto oleaginoso é o principal órgão estudado, rico em ácidos graxos, principalmente os ácidos oleico e palmítico, porém há ocorrência de diversos outros metabólitos relevantes, como compostos fenólicos e óleos essenciais oriundo do fruto e de outras partes da planta. Além dos estudos de caracterização química, uma variedade de atividades biológicas tem sido registradas para o gênero, que demonstrou possuir diversos efeitos como anti-inflamatório, antioxidante e cicatrizante.   DOI: https://doi.org/10.5281/zenodo.356616

    Virtual Screening of Acetylcholinesterase Inhibitors Using the Lipinski’s Rule of Five and ZINC Databank

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    Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is a progressive and neurodegenerative pathology that can affect people over 65 years of age. It causes several complications, such as behavioral changes, language deficits, depression, and memory impairments. One of the methods used to treat AD is the increase of acetylcholine (ACh) in the brain by using acetylcholinesterase inhibitors (AChEIs). In this study, we used the ZINC databank and the Lipinski’s rule of five to perform a virtual screening and a molecular docking (using Auto Dock Vina 1.1.1) aiming to select possible compounds that have quaternary ammonium atom able to inhibit acetylcholinesterase (AChE) activity. The molecules were obtained by screening and further in vitro assays were performed to analyze the most potent inhibitors through the IC50 value and also to describe the interaction models between inhibitors and enzyme by molecular docking. The results showed that compound D inhibited AChE activity from different vertebrate sources and butyrylcholinesterase (BChE) from Equus ferus (EfBChE), with IC50 ranging from 1.69 ± 0.46 to 5.64 ± 2.47 µM. Compound D interacted with the peripheral anionic subsite in both enzymes, blocking substrate entrance to the active site. In contrast, compound C had higher specificity as inhibitor of EfBChE. In conclusion, the screening was effective in finding inhibitors of AChE and BuChE from different organisms

    Antibacterial effect, efflux pump inhibitory (NorA, TetK and MepA) of Staphylococcus aureus and in silico prediction of α, β and δ-damascone compounds

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    Objective: The present study aimed to evaluate the antibacterial effect and inhibitory capacity against NorA, TetK and MepA efflux pump of Staphylococcus aureus multiresistant by in vitro and in silico approach of α, β and δ-damascone compounds. Results: The compounds α, β and δ-damascone showed a clinically relevant effect against S. aureus ATCC 6538 standard strain. A modulating effect was also observed in association with antibiotics against MDR strains. Regarding the inhibition of the efflux pump, the compounds showed a modulating effect with antibiotics, against SA-1199, SA-1199B, SA IS-58 and K2068. Only δ-damascone demonstrated an efflux pump inhibitory effect. Regarding ADME properties, α, β and δ-damascone showed similar physicochemical properties with good pharmacokinetic characteristics, such as lipophilicity, oral bioavailability and low toxicity. In addition, they exhibited the binding energy and Ligand Efficiency (LE) −81.17 (5.4), −77.48(-5.4) and −64.55 (-5.1), which shows good interactions with the critical residues of the MepA receptor. Conclusions: From the results it is concluded that the compounds α, β and δ-damascone do not have antibacterial activity, but show a modulating effect in association with antibiotics, as well as not showing direct activity on the efflux pump, but they do have a modulating effect with antibiotics and with EtBr (α and β-damascone)