1 research outputs found

    Penggunaan Contract Forward Hedging Secara Konvensional Dan Syariah Dalam Meminimalkan Risiko Nilai Tukar (Studi Kasus Pada PT Indofood Cbp Sukses Makmur, Tbk Dan Anak Perusahaan Yang Terdaftar Di JII)

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    Thissstudyxaimsxtoxdeterminexthexexchangexrate risk to bexfaced by PTxIndofoodxCBPII(ICBP) Sukses Makmur,xTbkxinx2015,xhowxthexusexofxcontract forward hedgingxof conventionalxand syar'i xonxxtotalxxnet liability in foreign exchange (forex), and the differences in corporate profits after the second calculation hedging. Differences forward contract conventional and Islamic heding located at the forward exchange rate calculations. Conventional forward exchange rate is calculated based on the foreign currency interest rate, while for sharia hedging forward exchange rate is calculated based on the value of the foreign exchange rate fluctuation risk. The results showed that both the forward hedging contract conventional and Islamic both provide positive changes in the financial statements of ICBP in 2015 in the form of foreign exchange earnings respectively Rp57,13 billion and Rp18,35 billion. Therefore, ICBP as a company whose shares are listed in the Jakarta Islamic Index (JII) may use forward hedging contract with this concept as a means to protect total net liabilities in foreign currency on the foreign exchange risk