54 research outputs found

    Variability of building simulation results depending on selected weather files and conditioning set points – a case study for a residential building in Victoria, Australia

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    Building simulation is a powerful way to evaluate the performance of a building. The quality of simulation results however strongly depends on the accuracy of simulation input data. Especially for weather data files and occupant behaviour it is difficult to obtain accurate data. This paper evaluates the variability of building simulation results with regards to different weather data sets as well as different heating and cooling set points for a residential building in Victoria, Australia. Thermal comfort according to ASHRAE Standard 55, final energy consumption and peak cooling and heating loads are assessed. Simulations have been performed with EnergyPlus, and weather data for a multi-year approach have been generated with the software Meteonorm. The results show that different weather files for the same location as well as different conditioning set points can influence the results by approximately factor 2

    Evaluation of thermal and visual comfort in offices considering realistic input data and user behaviour in building simulation

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    Thermal and visual comfort play a very important role regarding the satisfaction of occupants with their working environments. The most effective method to achieve thermal comfort in offices is to reduce cooling loads in order to avoid additional energy-consuming devices for cooling. Building simulation software can be a helpful tool for optimisation, and typically standard values for the influencing parameters are used in order to ensure compliance to norms and regulations.In practice many of those parameters turn out to be different compared to the simulation assumptions and the reasons may be the chosen room or building related properties as well as the user behaviour influenced by the task and the corporate culture of the company.This paper investigates exemplary for the climate of Hamburg, Germany and a naturally ventilated typical office room, the optimisation potential of the building- and user-related parameters for thermal comfort, daylighting and view when using realistic input data for building simulation. The study has been conducted with the EnergyPlus based simulation software &ldquo;Primero-Komfort&rdquo; [1].<br /

    Integrating the human factor into the holistic understanding of sustainability

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    Using a number of literary sources with sustainable design and architectural phenomenology as their foundation, this paper uses Integral theory, drawing on the writings of Ken Wilber and Mark DeKay to justify the importance of human architectural experience in the holistic view of sustainable design. The literature critiques modern practices and ideas of sustainability and identifies factors that contribute towards the success of sustainable building. It explores the implications for an Integral approach to sustainable design and then uses it to analyse the relationships that exist between the objective and the subjective value spheres of Integral theory

    Occupant interaction with interior environment in Greek dwellings during summer

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    User behaviour significantly affects energy consumption simulation estimates, which can consequently influence architectural design decisions at an early stage. Different regional behavioural patterns could, therefore, hinder the applicability of certain architectural and environmental strategies. Through questionnaires analysis and field studies, this study investigates the pattern use of manual control of windows, shading and air condition units, in residential buildings in Greece, during summer. Initial findings of the analysis indicate significant interaction of Greek residents with the building shell, in their effort to maintain comfort

    Key influences on office comfort and energy performance in different climates

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    This paper investigates the magnitude of influence of climate, architectural design and occupants on thermal comfort and final energy consumption in offices in different climates. A parametric study for a typical cellular office room has been conducted using the simulation software EnergyPlus. Two different occupant scenarios are each compared with three different architectural design variations and modelled in the context of three different locations for the IPCC climate change scenario A2 for 2030. The parameters evaluated in this study are final energy consumption and adaptive thermal comfort according to ASHRAE Standard 55. The study shows that the impact of occupants on final energy performance is larger than the impact of architectural design in all investigated climates, but the impact of architectural design is predominant concerning thermal comfort. Warmer climates show larger optimisation potential for comfort and energy performance in offices compared to colder climates

    Influence of building use on comfort and energy performance in offices

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    This paper investigates the influence of different building use by companies and individual occupants on thermal and visual comfort, energy consumption and CO2 emissions in mixed mode offices. Adaptive thermal comfort evaluation according to EN 15251 has been used during natural ventilation and cooling

    Balancing buildings and occupants - a holistic approach to thermal comfort and greenhouse gas emissions in mixed mode offices

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    This paper describes a holistic approach to comfort and greenhouse gas emissions in mixed mode offices. It is based on parametric studies for a typical cellular office in the Mediterranean climate of Athens, Greece, using building simulation.Considered parameters are the influence of different building design, varying occupant behaviour and internal heat loads, as well as of an exceptionally hot summer. Additionally, the performance of a cooling strategy following the comfort limits according to the EN 15251 adaptive model is compared with the common fixed cooling set point 22&deg;C.The performance of mixed mode offices is evaluated regarding thermal comfort, daylight autonomy and related greenhouse gas emissions. Results indicate strategies to improve sustainability in mixed mode offices in Athens, by balancing the influencing parameters.<br /

    Climate change sensitivity of comfort and energy performance criteria for offices

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    The climate change scenarios of the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) predict a significant increase in temperatures over the next decades. Architecture and building occupants have to respond to this change, but little information is currently available in how far the predicted changes are likely to affect comfort and energy performance in buildings. This study therefore investigates the climate change sensitivity of the following parameters: adaptive thermal comfort according to Ashrae Standard 55 and EN 15251, energy consumption, heating and cooling loads, and length of heating and cooling periods. The study is based on parametric simulations of typical office room configurations in the context of Athens, Greece. They refer to different building design priorities and account for different occupant behaviour by using an ideal and worst case scenario. To evaluate the impact of the climate change, simulations are compared based on a common standard weather data set for Athens, and a generated climate change data set for the IPCC A2 scenario. The results show a significant impact of the climate change on all investigated parameters. They also indicate that in this context the optimisation of comfort and energy performance is likely to be related to finding the best possible balance between building (design) and occupant behaviour and other contextual influences, rather than a straightforward optimisation of separated single parameters

    Context dependency of comfort and energy performance in mixed mode offices

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    This article investigates the context dependency of comfort and energy performance in mixed-mode offices in the climate of Athens, Greece. It is based on a parametric study using the simulation software EnergyPlus. Context refers to different building design priorities on the real estate market (prestige, low cost and green), occupant behaviour scenarios (ideal and worst case) and cooling strategies (fixed and adaptive set points). Results are evaluated according to energy consumption and related greenhouse gas emissions, daylight autonomy, view and percentage of working time when heating and cooling are operating. The results indicate that a holistic approach to comfort and energy performance evaluation focused on the specific context of a building and its occupants is necessary to develop appropriate optimization strategies. In early design stages, such specific information is not yet available and ideal/worst-case scenarios can indicate the magnitude of influence of occupants compared to building design.<br /

    Comparison of the EN 15251 and Ashrae Standard 55 adaptive thermal comfort models in the context of a Mediterranean climate

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    Strong heat waves in the past decade and resulting legal cases which gave full responsibility for indoor thermal comfort to building professionals lead to an increased uncertainty how to maintain thermal comfort in offices without the use of a cooling system. Adaptive thermal comfort standards such as EN 15251 and Ashrae Standard 55 provide methodologies to evaluate comfort in naturally ventilated spaces. Based on a parametric study for a typical cellular office in the context of Athens, Greece, and using the building simulation software EnergyPlus, this study investigates the potentials for the applicability of natural ventilation in a Mediterranean climate. The Ashrae Standard 55 and EN 15251 adaptive thermal comfort models are compared in this context, and conclusions are drawn how the use of natural ventilation based on adaptive models can be further encourgaged
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