1 research outputs found

    Analysis of a Middle Mississippi Structure at the Denmark Site (40MD85)

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    Originally thought to be a vacant ceremonial center, magnetometer surveys and subsequent excavations have demonstrated that the Denmark site in Madison County, Tennessee is a town-size settlement. Targeted excavation based upon this magnetometry data revealed what is now referred to as Structure . After analyzing function, construction, and location, Structure 1 has been hypothesized to be a residence, one building within a cluster of buildings, possibly representing ane xtended family compound. Excavations confirm that Structure 1 is of wall trench construction, however determining its above ground architecture has been problematic. Structure 1 has also been found to be similar to contemporaneous buildings at other sites in the western Tennessee region. While household archaeology and settlement patterning have been studied throughout the prehistoric southeastern United States information is minimal in the western Tennessee area at the town and household scales. Structure 1 provides much needed insight into the settlement of this region