6 research outputs found

    Length Increase and Survival Rate of Coral Isopora palifera which Transplanted on Concrete Block

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    Efforts to mitigate damage to coral reef ecosystems can be made by developing techniques for coral transplantation. The purpose is to know the survival rate of coral Isopora palifera and Measure the length increase of coral Isopora palifera using the Image-J application as the measurement. The research method was that artificial blocks made of concrete were used as containers for the installation of 27 colonies of coral Isopora palifera. Data collection in the field in the form of colonies that were successfully transplanted to artificial reef units will be explored using a camera from each concrete block which will take perpendicular pictures and colony portraits from each artificial reef unit. The results are then analyzed using the Image-J application. The transplantation results survival rate in Isopora palifera coral colonies in Paputungan village is 66.6% of 100%, while the Isopora palifera coral colony increase length was around 1.51 mm/5 months or 0.302 mm/month. Keywords: Coral, Isopora palifera, Transplant, Concrete block, North Sulawesi Abstrak Upaya penanggulangan kerusakan ekosistem terumbu karang dapat dilakukan dengan menggembangkan teknik transplantasi karang. Tujuan adalah Mengetahui tingkat ketahanan hidup karang Isopora palifera dan Mengetahui laju pertambahan karang Isopora palifera dengan menggunakan aplikasi Image-J sebagai pengukuran pertumbuhan. Metode penelitian yaitu balok buatan dari beton dijadikan wadah tempat pemasangan karang Isopora palifera sebanyak 27 koloni. Pengambilan data di lapangan berupa koloni yang berhasil ditransplantasi ke unit terumbu buatan akan didokumentasikan menggunakan kamera dari tiap-tiap balok diambil gambar tegak lurus dan memotret koloni dari masing-masing unit terumbu buatan.  Hasil pemotretan tersebut selanjutnya dianalisa menggunakan aplikasi Image-J. Proses transplantasi di desa Paputungan menghasilkan 66,6% dari 100% tingkat kelangsungan hidup pada koloni karang Isopora palifera, sedangkan untuk laju pertabahan koloni karang Isopora palifera berada disekitar 1,51 mm/5 bulan atau 0,302 mm/bln. Kata Kunci: Karang, Isopora palifera, Transplantasi, Balok beton, Sulawesi Utara

    Strategies for Sustainable Use of Seagrass Ecosystem in Coastal Area around Borgo Village, Belang District, Southeast Minahasa Regency

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    The objective of this research is to formulate strategies for the sustainable use of the seagrass ecosystem in the coastal area around Borgo Village, Belang District, Southeast Minahasa Regency as a public policy recommendation that can be given to the local regional government. The research method is a survey method with an interview technique using a questionnaire addressed to the heads of relevant agencies as resource persons.  The formulation of priority strategies is analyzed through the following stages: 1) Establishing the vision, mission, and values ​of the organization, 3) Analysis of the strategic environment, 4) Analysis of the final conclusions of internal and external factors, 5) SWOT analysis matrix, and (6) Determining critical success factors through strategic choice analysis. The research results obtained 6 priority strategies, namely: 1) Make academic papers as a data base on: a) coastal and marine resource profiles, b) social, economic and cultural data, and c) legal data and community institutions in the region the coast of Borgo Village and its surroundings; 2) Carry out technical guidance, counseling and outreach to the coastal communities of Borgo Village and its surroundings; 3) Provide guidance to fishermen and input to the government of Southeast Minahasa Regency so that the seagrass ecosystem area on the coast of Borgo Village and its surroundings is not used as a boat mooring location and a location for disposal of marine debris or household waste; 4) Make standard operational procedures on boat moorings, disposal of marine debris, household waste, and marine conservation techniques for the coastal communities of Borgo Village and its surroundings; 5) Empowerment of fishermen or coastal communities in Borgo Village and its surroundings in order to carry out the task of supervising and monitoring coastal and marine resources, as well as fostering the quality and processing of fishery products; and 6) Make a spatial plan for the Minapolitan area in the coastal area of Belang Regency based on Regional Regulation Number 1 of 2017 of North Sulawesi Province. Keywords: Borgo Village, seagrass ecosystem, sustainable use, priority strategy Abstrak Tujuan penelitian adalah merumuskan strategi pemanfaatan berkelanjutan ekosistem padang lamun di pesisir sekitar Desa Borgo, Kecamatan Belang, Kabupaten Minahasa Tenggara sebagai rekomendasi kebijakan publik untuk diberikan kepada Pemerintah Daerah setempat.  Metode penelitian adalah metode survei dengan teknik wawancara menggunakan kuesioner ditujukan kepada pimpinan instansi terkait sebagai narasumber.  Perumusan strategi prioritas dianalisis melalui tahapan: 1) Menetapkan visi, misi dan nilai organisasi, 3) Analisis lingkungan strategis, 4) Analisis kesimpulan akhir faktor internal dan eksternal, 5) Matriks analisis SWOT, dan (6) Menetapkan faktor-faktor kunci keberhasilan melalui analisis pilihan strategis.  Hasil penelitian diperoleh 6 strategi prioritas, yaitu: 1) Membuat naskah akademik sebagai database tentang: a) profil sumber daya pesisir dan laut, b) data sosial, ekonomi dan budaya, dan c) data hukum dan kelembagaan masyarakat di pesisir Desa Borgo dan sekitarnya; 2) Melaksanakan bimbingan teknis, penyuluhan dan sosialisasi kepada masyarakat pesisir Desa Borgo dan sekitarnya; 3) Memberikan pembinaan kepada nelayan dan masukan kepada Pemerintah Kab. Minahasa Tenggara, agar di area ekosistim lamun pesisir Desa Borgo dan sekitarnya tidak dijadikan lokasi penambatan perahu dan tempat pembuangan sampah laut atau limbah rumah tangga; 4) Membuat SOP tentang tambatan perahu, tempat pembuangan sampah laut dan limbah rumah tangga, dan teknis konservasi laut kepada masyarakat pesisir Desa Borgo dan sekitarnya; 5) Memberdayakan nelayan atau masyarakat pesisir Desa Borgo dan sekitarnya dalam rangka melaksanakan tugas pengawasan dan pemantauan sumber daya pesisir dan laut, serta pembinaan mutu dan pengolahan hasil perikanan; dan 6) Membuat perencanaan penataan ruang di kawasan Minapolitan wilayah pesisir Belang berdasarkan Perda No. 1 Tahun 2017 Prov. SULUT. Kata kunci: Desa Borgo, ekosistim lamun, pemanfaatan berkelanjutan, strategi priorita

    Diversity of Coral Genus Scleractinia in Tidung Island Waters, Seribu Islands, DKI Jakarta Province

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    Coral reefs are one of the most productive and diverse ecosystems on earth and provide ecosystem services. One of the islands of the Seribu Islands that has a coral reef ecosystem is Tidung Island. It is strategic and developing location makes this island used as a residential area, conservation area, and tourist destination. But the utilization has an impact on the damage of coral reefs through environmental and anthropogenic pressures. This study aims to determine coral diversity by identifying the coral genus Scleractinia and the factors that affect coral diversity. Observations were done on three different stations include 2 snorkeling areas and 1 natural area. The method used is LIT (Line Intercept Transect) and coral genus identification with Coral Finder Toolkit Indo Pacific 3.0. The results of identification obtained 16 coral genera namely genus Acropora, Montipora, Isopora, Favites, Leptastrea, Favia, Goniastrea, Montastrea, Platygyra, Echinopora, Porites, Pocillopora, Stylophora, Ctenactis, Pavona, dan Symphyllia, with the value of Diversity Index (H') in the waters of Tidung Island ranges from 0.94 – 2.34  in the category of low to moderate diversity. The parameters of water quality in Tidung Island, temperature, salinity, and acidity (pH) are relatively good for coral growth, but brightness is still relatively poor for coral growth. The impact of human activities such as snorkeling, ship anchors, fishing with destroyers, oil and waste pollution, and rock mining are factors that affect coral growth and diversity.Keywords: Coral Scleractinia; Limiting Factors; Coral Finder; Tidung IslandAbstrakTerumbu karang adalah salah satu ekosistem yang paling produktif dan beragam di bumi serta menyediakan jasa ekosistem. Salah satu pulau dari gugusan Kepulauan Seribu yang memiliki ekosistem terumbu karang yaitu Pulau Tidung. Letaknya yang strategis dan berkembang menjadikan pulau ini dimanfaatkan sebagai kawasan permukiman, daerah konservasi, dan kawasan tujuan wisata. Namun dari pemanfaatan tersebut memberikan dampak terhadap kerusakan pada terumbu karang melalui tekanan-tekanan lingkungan maupun antropogenik. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui keanekaragaman karang dengan mengidentifikasi genus karang Scleractinia dan faktor yang mempengaruhi keanekaragaman karang. Pengamatan di tiga stasiun berbeda yaitu di antaranya 2 kawasan wisata snorkeling, dan 1 kawasan yang masih alami. Metode yang digunakan yaitu LIT (Line Intercept Transect) dan identifikasi genus karang dengan Coral Finder Toolkit Indo Pasific 3.0. Hasil identifikasi didapatkan 16 genus karang yaitu genus Acropora, Montipora, Isopora, Favites, Leptastrea, Favia, Goniastrea, Montastrea, Platygyra, Echinopora, Porites, Pocillopora, Stylophora, Ctenactis, Pavona, dan Symphyllia, dengan nilai Indeks Keanekaragaman (H’) di perairan Pulau Tidung berkisar 0,94 – 2,34 berada pada kategori keanekaragaman rendah hingga sedang. Parameter kualitas perairan di Pulau Tidung, suhu, salinitas, dan derajat keasaman (pH) tergolong baik bagi pertumbuhan karang, namun kecerahan masih tergolong kurang baik bagi pertumbuhan karang. Dampak aktivitas manusia seperti snorkeling, jangkar kapal, penangkapan ikan dengan alat perusak, pencemaran minyak dan sampah, serta penambangan batu karang menjadi faktor yang mempengaruhi pertumbuhan dan keanekaragaman karang

    Cryptic speciation of benthic Prorocentrum (Dinophyceae) species and their potential as ecological indicators

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    The response of marine ecosystems to rapid climate changes has been well recognized but not studied extensively. Benthic microalgae, in contrast to the phytoplankton that is able to be transported by currents, have limited dispersal ability and thus are a better ecological indicator to climate changes. Here we performed sampling in the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and South China Sea and established twenty-six strains of benthic Prorocentrum for detailed morphological and molecular examinations. Five Prorocentrum species, including P. concavum, P. fukuyoi, P. mexicanum, P. tsawwassenense, and P. cf. sculptile, were identified. Both P. concavum and P. fukuyoi displayed marked intraspecific divergences in large subunit (LSU) ribosomal RNA gene sequences, corresponding to their geographical origins. In contrast, P. mexicanum strains shared identical LSU sequence. Prorocentrum tsawwassenense and P. cf. sculptile are not suitable ecological indicators as they were rarely observed. Prorocentrum mexicanum is not recommended either as it is present across the region. In contrast, P. concavum and P. fukuyoi have advantages as ecological indicators for climate changes in the Western Pacific as they comprise several ribotypes with differentiated biogeography. Toxin analysis was also performed on all five species except P. fukuyoi by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, but okadaic acid was not detectable

    Morphology, ultrastructure and molecular phylogeny of Johsia chumphonensis gen. et sp. nov. and Parvodinium parvulum comb. nov. (Peridiniopsidaceae, Dinophyceae)

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    The family Peridiniopsidaceae encompasses mainly freshwater species of the genera Peridiniopsis, Palatinus and Parvodinium. Only one benthic, marine species ‘Scrippsiella’ hexapraecingula has been attributed to this family. Here we established five strains by isolating single Parvodinium-like cells from the marine Gulf of Thailand, Hainan Island waters (China), off Manado (Indonesia) and from a freshwater reservoir in Fuzhou (China). All strains were examined with light, scanning and transmission electron microscopy, and their SSU, ITS-5.8S and partial LSU rRNA regions were sequenced. Four marine strains share a plate formula of Po, cp, X, 4′, 2a, 6′′, 6C, 4S, 5′′′, 2′′′′ and are herein attributed to a new genus Johsia as J. chumphonensis gen. et sp. nov. Its theca is characterized by an epitheca 1.5 times as long as the hypotheca in dorsal view and a 2a plate about half the size of 1a. A type B eyespot was observed in J. chumphonensis comprising two rows of lipid globules within a chloroplast with a single row of crystals overlying the eyespot. Production of spherical cysts was observed in culture. The freshwater strain shows a plate pattern of Po, cp, X, 4′, 2a, 7′′, 6C, 5S, 5′′′, 2′′′′, characterized by two unequal antapical plates and a lack of antapical spines, fitting the description of Peridinium parvulum, which was transferred to Parvodinium as P. parvulum comb. nov. In this species, a type A eyespot was observed comprising four rows of lipid globules within a chloroplast. A molecular phylogeny was inferred based on concatenated data from SSU, ITS-5.8S and partial LSU rRNA gene sequences using maximum likelihood and Bayesian inference. Our results show that Johsia is nested within the Peridiniopsidaceae and is a sister clade to Peridiniopsis borgei and the strain UTEX1948 identified as ‘Scrippsiella’ hexapraecingula with three anterior intercalary plates

    Cryptic speciation of benthic Prorocentrum (Dinophyceae) species and their potential as ecological indicators

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    The response of marine ecosystems to rapid climate changes has been well recognized but not studied extensively. Benthic microalgae, in contrast to the phytoplankton that is able to be transported by currents, have limited dispersal ability and thus are a better ecological indicator to climate changes. Here we performed sampling in the Yellow Sea, the East China Sea and South China Sea and established twenty-six strains of benthic Prorocentrum for detailed morphological and molecular examinations. Five Prorocentrum species, including P. concavum, P. fukuyoi, P. mexicanum, P. tsawwassenense, and P. cf. sculptile, were identified. Both P. concavum and P. fukuyoi displayed marked intraspecific divergences in large subunit (LSU) ribosomal RNA gene sequences, corresponding to their geographical origins. In contrast, P. mexicanum strains shared identical LSU sequence. Prorocentrum tsawwassenense and P. cf. sculptile are not suitable ecological indicators as they were rarely observed. Prorocentrum mexicanum is not recommended either as it is present across the region. In contrast, P. concavum and P. fukuyoi have advantages as ecological indicators for climate changes in the Western Pacific as they comprise several ribotypes with differentiated biogeography. Toxin analysis was also performed on all five species except P. fukuyoi by liquid chromatography coupled to tandem mass spectrometry, but okadaic acid was not detectable