456 research outputs found

    Assessment of Coronary Flow Reserve During Angioplasty Using A Doppler Tip Balloon Catheter. Comparison With Digital Subtraction Cineangiography

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    Intracoronary blood flow velocity measurements with a Doppler probe and the radiographic assessment of myocardial perfusion with contrast media previously have been used to investigate regional coronary flow reserve. In the present study we applied both techniques in the same patients to measure the immediate improvement in coronary flow reserve as a result of angioplasty. In addition we compared papaverine induced hyperemia with reactive hyperemia following transient transluminal occlusion of a major coronary artery. In 13 consecutive patients with a single proximal stenosis, coronary flow reserve was measured preā€ and postangioplasty by digital subtraction cineangiography, while preā€ and postangioplasty Doppler measurements before and after papaverine were obtained in the proximal part of the stenotic vessel. After the last transluminal occlusion, reactive hyperemia recorded with the Doppler probe was also compared to the coronary flow reserve measurement obtained during papaverine induced hyperemia. As a result of the angioplasty, coronary flow reserve measured with the radiographic technique (mean Ā± SD) increased from 1.1 Ā± 0.4 to 2.2 Ā± 0.4 (P < 0.001), while coronary flow reserve measured with the Doppler probe (mean Ā± SD) increased from 1.2 Ā± 0.3 to 2.4 Ā± 0.4 (P < 0.001). Pharmacologically induced hyperemia measured with the radiographic technique and the Doppler probe were linearly related (r = 0.91 with a SEE 0.3) and confirmed the reliability of the intracoronary measurements. Using these two independent techniques, coronary flow reserve immediately after angioplasty was found to be substantially improved but still abnormal. In addition, the magnitude of hyperemia induced by papaverine was comparable to the reactive hyperemia following transluminal occlusion, although the latter measurement was recorded with the angioplasty catheter still across the dilated lesion. (J Interven Cardiol, 1988:1:1) Copyrigh

    Absence of beneficial effect of intravenous metoprolol given during angioplasty in patients with single-vessel coronary artery disease

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    In a double-blind, randomized, placebo-controlled trial, the possible antiischemic effect of metoprolol during percutaneous transluminal coronary angioplasty was tested. Electrocardiograms, hemodynamics, and metabolism were studied in 27 patients with a stenosis in the left anterior descending coronary artery. Measurements took place before angioplasty, after each of four 1-minute occlusions and 15 minutes after the last balloon deflation. Patients were randomly given placebo or metoprolol (15 mg as a bolus intravenously, followed by an infusion 0.04 mg/kg/hr). At the end of the procedure, the rate-pressure product had decreased by 15% (NS) and 23% (p=0.001) in the placebo and metoprolol groups, respectively, mainly due to similar decreases in heart rate. Metoprolol tended to lower chest pain and reduce precordial ST-segment elevation due to angioplasty, but the effects were not statistically significant. Lactate, hypoxanthine, and urate release immediately after deflation was similar in both groups. Metoprolol reduced arterial plasma hypoxanthine throughout the procedure by about 30% (p ā‰¦ 0.02 vs. placebo). Thus, intravenous infusion of metoprolol did not significantly attenuate chest pain and ST-segment elevation, and failed to decrease cardiac lactate and oxypurine release. It did, however, reduce arterial hypoxanthine concentrations during angioplasty, possibly indicating that the beta-blocker inhibits extracardiac ATP catabolism. Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy Cardiovascular Drugs and Therapy Look Inside 1 Citation Other actions Export citation Register for Journal Updates About This Journal Reprints and Permissions Add to Papers Share Share this content on Facebook Share this content on Twitter Share this content on LinkedI

    Curved track sprint characteristics in elementary school children

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    The management strategies of patients who underwent Mustard repair for transposition (of the great arteries were changed in the 1970s: infants became eligible for direct surgical repair, so Blalock-Hanlon atrioseptostomy could be avoided, and cold cardioplegia was introduced for myocardial preservation. Data are lacking, however, regarding whether these changes have had positive effects on the long-term outcome. We therefore conducted a follow-up study on all 91 patients who underwent a Mustard repair for transposition of the great arteries in our institution between 1973 and 1980 to assess the incidence and clinical importance of sequelae as well as health-related quality of life for these patients. Patients who were alive and could be traced through local registrar's offices received an invitation to participate in the follow-up study, which consisted of an interview, physical examination, echocardiography, exercise testing, and standard 12-lead and 24-hour electrocardiography. Patients operated on in the first 4 years had a significantly higher mortality rate and higher incidence of sinus node dysfunction than did patients operated on in the subsequent 4 years (25% vs 2% and 41% vs 3%, respectively). In contrast, the incidence of baffle obstruction necessitating reoperation was significantly higher in the second group. There were no significant differences in echocardiographic findings and exercise capacity between patients operated on in the first 4 years and in the subsequent 4 years. None of the patients had right ventricular failure; a mild degree of baffle leakage or obstruction was seen in 22% of the patients, and the mean exercise capacity was decreased to 84% +/- 16% of normal. The changes introduced between 1973 and 1980 have resulted in a considerable reduction of mortality and incidence of sinus node dysfunction but have also resulted in a more frequent need for reoperatio

    Safety, hemodynamic profile, and feasibility of dobutamine stress technetium myocardial perfusion single-photon emission CT imaging for evaluation of coronary artery disease in the elderly

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    OBJECTIVES: Cardiovascular disease is the leading cause of morbidity and mortality in the elderly. The evaluation of coronary artery disease by exercise stress testing is frequently limited by the patient's inability to exercise. Although pharmacologic stress testing with dobutamine is an alternative, the safety of dobutamine myocardial perfusion scintigraphy in the elderly has not been previously studied. PATIENTS AND METHODS: We studied the safety and feasibility of dobutamine (up to 40 microg/kg/min)-atropine (up to 1 mg) stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy using technetium single-photon emission CT imaging in 227 patients > or = 70 years old (mean +/- SD age, 75 +/- 4 years). A control group of 227 patients < 70 years old (mean age, 55 +/- 11 years; matched for gender, prevalence of previous infarction, beta-blocker therapy, and severity of resting perfusion abnormalities) was studied to assess age-related differences in the safety and the hemodynamic response. A feasible test was defined as the achievement of the target heart rate and/or an ischemic end point (angina, ST-segment depression, or reversible perfusion abnormalities). RESULTS: No myocardial infarction or death occurred during the test. The target heart rate was achieved more frequently in the elderly patients (87% vs 79%; p < 0.05). The elderly patients had a higher prevalence of supraventricular tachycardia (7% vs 1%; p < 0.005) and premature ventricular contraction (74% vs 32%; p < 0.005) during the test, as compared to the younger patients. There was a trend to a higher prevalence of ventricular tachycardia (5% vs 2%) and atrial fibrillation (3% vs 0.4%) in the elderly patients. Arrhythmias were terminated spontaneously by termination of dobutamine infusion or by administration of metoprolol. Independent predictors of supraventricular tachyarrhythmias and ventricular tachycardia were older age (p < 0.001; chi(2), 9.8) and myocardial perfusion defect score at rest (p < 0.01; chi(2), 6.8) respectively, by using a multivariate analysis of clinical and stress test variables. Elderly patients had a higher prevalence of systolic BP drop > 20 mm Hg during the test (37% vs 12%; p < 0.05). The test was terminated due to hypotension in 2% of the elderly patients and in 1% of the control group. Age was the most powerful predictor of hypotension (p < 0.005; chi(2), 10.3). The test was considered feasible in 216 elderly patients (95%) and in 209 patients of the control group (92%). CONCLUSION: Dobutamine-atropine stress myocardial perfusion scintigraphy is a highly feasible method for the evaluation of coronary artery disease in the elderly. Elderly patients have a higher risk for developing hypotension and supraventricular tachyarrhythmias during a dobutamine stress test. However, dobutamine-induced hypotension is often asymptomatic and rarely necessitates the termination of the test

    Long-term prognostic value of dobutamine stress 99mTc-sestamibi SPECT: single-center experience with 8-year follow-up

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    PURPOSE: To determine the long-term prognostic value of dobutamine stress technetium 99m (99mTc)-labeled sestamibi single photon emission computed tomography (SPECT) in patients with limited exercise capacity. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Clinical data and SPECT results were analyzed in 531 consecutive patients. Follow-up was successful in 528 (99.4%) patients; 55 underwent early revascularization and were excluded. Normal or abnormal findings were considered in the absence or presence of fixed and/or reversible perfusion defects. A summed stress score was calculated to estimate the extent and severity of perfusion defects. Univariate and multivariate Cox proportional hazards regression models were used to identify independent predictors of late cardiac events. The incremental value of myocardial perfusion scintigraphy over clinical variables in predicting events was determined according to two models. The probability of survival was calculated by using the Kaplan-Meier method. RESULTS: Findings were abnormal in 312 patients. During 8.0 years +/- 1.5 of follow-up (range, 4.5-10.6 years), cardiac death occurred in 67 patients (total deaths, 165); nonfatal myocardial infarction, in 34; and late revascularization, in 49. The annual rates for cardiac death, cardiac death or infarction, and all events were 0.9%, 1.2%, and 1.5%, respectively, after normal findings and 2.7%, 3.4%, and 4.4%, respectively, after abnormal findings (P <.05). In a multivariable Cox proportional hazards model, not only an abnormal finding but also the summed stress score provided incremental prognostic information in addition to clinical data. The hazard ratio for cardiac death was 1.09 (95% CI: 1.01, 1.18) per 1-unit increment of the summed stress score. CONCLUSION: The incremental prognostic value of dobutamine stress 99mTc-sestamibi SPECT over clinical data was maintained over an 8-year follow-up in patients with limited exercise capacity
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