8 research outputs found

    Phylogeny of TonB-dependent receptors.

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    <p>Neighbor joining tree based on the alignment of amino acid sequences of the 56 TonB dependent receptors (TBDR) detected in the genome of W15oct28 (green font) and a selection of known ferric-pyoverdine receptors from different sequenced Pseudomonas genomes (black font). W15oct28 TBDRs that are regulated through sigma-anti-sigma factors are indicated with a red node. Grey surface indicates part of the tree that contains all ferric-pyoverdine receptors that form a separate cluster.</p

    Fractionation of the antagonistic activity by HPLC.

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    <p>HPCL fractionation of a crude extract from a culture supernatant of <i>P. putida</i> W15Oct28 grown in M9-glucose medium: A, chromatography of crude extraction of W15Oct28 cultured in M9 minimal medium for 48 hours; B, chromatography of crude extraction of W15Oct28 cultured in M9 minimal medium for 48 hours plus 5 days stay at 6°C. The yield of fraction 1 and 4 were increased with longer time of cultivation. Fractions 1 to 4 were spotted on an agar plate inoculated with <i>P. aeruginosa</i> PAO1 (upper left, fraction 1, upper right, fraction 2, lower left, fraction 3, lower right, fraction 4). The green line represents the acetonitrile gradient.</p

    Genes involved in the production of secondary metabolites.

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    <p>A. Genes involved in the production of putisolvins in strain W15Oct28 (top) and strain <i>P. putida</i> PCL1145 (bottom): <i>psoA</i>, <i>psoB</i>, and <i>psoC</i> are the genes encoding NRPS enzymes with their condensation (C), adenylation (A) domains showing the predicted activated amino acid, and the T domain for the thioester attachment of the activated amino acid. The two thioesterase domains responsible for the detachment of the completed peptide at the end of <i>psoC</i> are also indicated (TE). The <i>macA</i> and <i>macB</i> genes correspond to a transporter, the <i>oprM</i> gene coding for an efflux system porin, and the two orphan <i>luxR</i> genes are shown in red. The amino acids predicted to be activated by the different A domains by the antiSMASH analysis are indicated without mentioning whether they are in the D- or L- form. B. The ten genes cluster possibly involved in the biosynthesis of a secondary metabolite. The cluster is preceded by a gene encoding an AraC regulator. See the text for details. C. The incomplete safracin gene cluster of W15Oct28 compared to the complete safracin gene cluster of <i>P. fluorescens</i> A2-2.</p

    Secretion systems.

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    <p>Gene clusters coding for components of different secretion systems: amyloid, curli, type I, type II, type IV, type V (autotransporters) and type VI secretion systems. The genes in yellow for type VI secretion represent the different VgrG effector proteins.</p

    Antagonistic activity and role of pyoverdine in the antagonism.

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    <p>A. Antagonistic activity of the <i>P. putida</i> W15Oct28 strain against <i>Pseudomonas aeruginosa</i>, <i>Curtobacterium flaccumfaciens</i>, and <i>Pseudomonas syringae</i>. The pyoverdine-negative <i>pvdO</i> 2C5 transposon mutant has lost its antagonism against <i>P. aeruginosa</i> while the Δ<i>psoB</i> putisolvin-negative mutant keeps a reduced, but still visible level of antagonism. B. The pyoverdine genes clusters: the arrows indicate the places of transposon insertions causing the loss of pyoverdine production and of the antagonism.</p