59 research outputs found

    Using concept mapping to explore the perspectives of people with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities toward sexual health

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    People with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities face many barriers toward their sexual health. To promote sexual health and overcome these barriers, they need individualized forms of sexuality support and education. To align sexuality support and education insight is needed on their understanding of sexual health. The current paper aims to provide greater insight in what sexual health consists of according to people with mild to borderline intellectual disabilities. Nine people with a mild to borderline intellectual disability participated in a concept mapping procedure, consisting of brainstorming, sorting, and ranking the statements. The resulting clusters and concept map were interpreted by an expert group. Analysis resulted in five clusters which participants considered important for their sexual health. According to people with mild to borderline intellectual disability cluster pertaining to romantic relationships and sexual socialization were the most important. These were followed by clusters on sexual health and lastly sexual selfhood. These results have implications for the development of sexuality support and education, as well as further research

    The foundations of the working alliance in assertive community treatment teams

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    Abstract Background In this study, we aimed to identify and define the fundamental components of the working alliance in multidisciplinary (Flexible) Assertive Community Treatment teams with shared caseloads, in order to support their daily practice and further research. Methods After reviewing the literature, concept mapping with professionals and clients was used to define the working alliance in (F) ACT teams. The resulting concept maps formed the basis for the working alliance assessment instrument, which was pilot tested with professionals and clients through cognitive interviews with a think-aloud procedure. Results The study led to the development of a twenty five-item assessment instrument to evaluate working alliances in multidisciplinary teams (WAM) that was comprised of three subscales: bond, task/goal and team. Two different versions were developed for clients and professionals. Conclusions The WAM instrument was developed to determine the quality of the working alliance in (F) ACT teams. Future research will focus on testing its psychometric properties and predictive value

    Meer dan werk:Het terugdringen van recidive en het bevorderen van re-integratie bij veelplegers in leer-werkprojecten

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    Een kleine groep criminelen blijft veelvuldig terugvallen in crimineel gedrag (veelplegers). Het is lastig om de vicieuze cirkel van criminaliteit te doorbreken bij deze doelgroep. Echter zien we een opkomst van re-integratieprojecten die werk combineren met leren en persoonlijke ontwikkeling, die er wel in slagen om deze doelgroep te bereiken en te ondersteunen bij hun re-integratie en persoonlijk herstel. Hoe? Dat hebben we onderzocht. In dit overzicht presenteren we 6 unieke werkzame ingrediënte

    IPS in supported housing:Fidelity and employment outcomes over a 4 year period

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    Background: People with severe mental illness have difficulties finding and maintaining competitive employment. This is particularly so for those living in supported housing who, by definition, have significant day-to-day support needs: in the Netherlands only 3 to 5% of people with serious mental health problems who live in supported housing are competitively employed. To support these people in finding and maintaining competitive employment, Individual Placement, and Support (IPS) was introduced within supported housing services in the Netherlands in 2015. As this is the first country that broadly implemented IPS in supported housing settings, this paper will focus on the first results regarding feasibility and effects on employment in clients of IPS in this sector. Methods: We investigated the feasibility and employment outcomes of delivering IPS in supported housing services using fidelity assessments and quarterly employment outcomes on IPS program level within eight supported housing organizations, and compared these with 21 mental health treatment organizations in the Netherlands over a 4 year period. We investigated possible reasons for our findings and their implications through qualitative evaluations of the IPS fidelity assessors' notes and additional focus groups with IPS specialists and coordinators from supported housing services and fidelity assessors. Results: The overall fidelity scores indicated reasonable implementation of the IPS model within both supported housing services and mental health services. However, there were differences between services with regard to specific fidelity items; mental health treatment organizations scored higher for team integration, whereas supported housing services scored higher for rapid job search and caseload size, diversity of jobs, and employers. Our qualitative data suggested that the difference in team integration between the two sectors was due to differences in their organizational and financial structures, as well as in the specific needs of their clients. Conversely, supported housing services had better connections with employers which facilitated more rapid job searching and greater diversity in employment opportunities. The average total client employment rate did not significantly differ; and was 25.8% per quarter in supported housing services and 29.6% in mental health treatment services. Conclusion: Implementing IPS in supported housing settings is both feasible and effective

    Niets zal werken, totdat jij dat doet! Ervaringen van veelplegers binnen eigentijdse werk-leerprojecten.:Bevindingen onderzoeksproject Be a barista

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    Een kleine groep criminelen blijft veelvuldig terugvallen in crimineel gedrag, dit zijn veelplegers. Het is voor veelplegers lastig om de vicieuze cirkel van criminaliteit te doorbreken. Door de opkomst vaneigentijdse werk-leerprojecten lijkt hier echter verandering in te komen. Deze projecten zijn gericht op het combineren van werk met leren en op persoonlijke ontwikkeling. De motivatie voor persoonlijk herstel en re-intergatie lijkt te groeien. Dit sluit aan bij de nieuwste wetenschappelijke inzichten uit de literatuur over de rol van motivatie bij re-integratie en kan ons veel leren over de praktijktoepassing hiervan. Twintig veelplegers zijn gevolgd in hun re-integratietraject, waarbij het perspectief van deze veelplegers onderzocht is

    Development of an intervention aimed at increasing awareness and acknowledgement of victimisation and its consequences among people with severe mental illness

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    Individuals with severe mental illness have a significant risk of (anticipated) discrimination and (criminal) victimisation, which is not structurally and systematically addressed by mental health practitioners. The aim of this study was to develop and pilot an intervention which supports professionals to address victimisation and its consequences, in order to reinforce safe social participation and improve recovery. Following the rehabilitation and positive risk management literature, in addition to current practice, intervention components were developed in two focus groups and four subsequent expert meetings. The intervention was piloted in two outpatient teams before being finalised. The Victoria intervention includes positive risk management, focusing on clients’ narratives and strengths, and awareness of unsafe (home) environments: it comprises four steps: exploring issues with social participation, analysing victimisation experiences, clarifying the context of these experiences, and determining future steps, including victimisation-sensitive rehabilitation planning and optional trauma treatment. Future research should further test this intervention

    'Then look!' Unborn attachments and the half-moving image

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    This article explores the emotional impact on the viewer of disturbing and disorienting images of infant-caregiver relationality in four “melo-horror” films: Imitation of Life (Stahl, 1934), Imitation of Life (Sirk, 1959), The Brood (Cronenberg, 1979), and Beloved (Demme, 1998). Comparing some of these filmic images with the infant performances of “disorganized” attachment styles captured on videotape by attachment researchers such as Mary Main, the author argues that the filmed audiovisual enactment of relational trauma, whether in the context of scientific research or cinematic art, offers the spectator an opportunity to work consciously and unconsciously with representations of unbearable psychic and psychosocial experience—both her own and that of others—that may hitherto have been thought unrepresentable or simply not thought at all
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