19 research outputs found

    The color of cancer: margin guidance for oral cancer resection using elastic scattering spectroscopy

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    Published in final edited form as: Laryngoscope. 2017 September ; 127(Suppl 4): S1–S9. doi:10.1002/lary.26763.OBJECTIVES/HYPOTHESIS: To evaluate the usefulness of elastic scattering spectroscopy (ESS) as a diagnostic adjunct to frozen section analysis in patients with diagnosed squamous cell carcinoma of the oral cavity. STUDY DESIGN: Prospective analytic study. METHODS: Subjects for this single institution, institutional review board-approved study were recruited from among patients undergoing surgical resection for squamous cell cancer of the oral cavity. A portable ESS device with a contact fiberoptic probe was used to obtain spectral signals. Four to 10 spectral readings were obtained on each subject from various sites including gross tumor and normal-appearing mucosa in the surgical margin. Each reading was correlated with the histopathologic findings of biopsies taken from the exact location of the spectral readings. A diagnostic algorithm based on multidimensional pattern recognition/machine learning was developed. Sensitivity and specificity, error rate, and area under the curve were used as performance metrics for tests involving classification between disease and nondisease classes. RESULTS: Thirty-four (34) subjects were enrolled in the study. One hundred seventy-six spectral data point/biopsy specimen pairs were available for analysis. ESS distinguished normal from abnormal tissue, with a sensitivity ranging from 84% to 100% and specificity ranging from 71% to 89%, depending on how the cutoff between normal and abnormal tissue was defined (i.e., mild, moderate, or severe dysplasia). There were statistically significant differences in malignancy scores between histologically normal tissue and invasive cancer and between noninflamed tissue and inflamed tissue. CONCLUSIONS: This is the first study to evaluate the effectiveness of ESS in guiding mucosal resection margins in oral cavity cancer. ESS provides fast, real-time assessment of tissue without the need for pathology expertise. ESS appears to be effective in distinguishing between normal mucosa and invasive cancer and between "normal" tissue (histologically normal and mild dysplasia) and "abnormal" tissue (severe dysplasia and carcinoma in situ) that might require further margin resection. Further studies, however, are needed with a larger sample size to validate these findings and to determine the effectiveness of ESS in distinguishing visibly and histologically normal tissue from visibly normal but histologically abnormal tissue. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE: NA Laryngoscope, 127:S1-S9, 2017.R21 DE023192 - NIDCR NIH HHSAccepted manuscrip

    Using Infrared Spectroscopy and Multivariate Analysis to Detect Antibiotics’ Resistant <i>Escherichia coli</i> Bacteria

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    Bacterial pathogens are one of the primary causes of human morbidity worldwide. Historically, antibiotics have been highly effective against most bacterial pathogens; however, the increasing resistance of bacteria to a broad spectrum of commonly used antibiotics has become a global health-care problem. Early and rapid determination of bacterial susceptibility to antibiotics has become essential in many clinical settings and, sometimes, can save lives. Currently classical procedures require at least 48 h for determining bacterial susceptibility, which can constitute a life-threatening delay for effective treatment. Infrared (IR) microscopy is a rapid and inexpensive technique, which has been used successfully for the detection and identification of various biological samples; nonetheless, its true potential in routine clinical diagnosis has not yet been established. In this study, we evaluated the potential of this technique for rapid identification of bacterial susceptibility to specific antibiotics based on the IR spectra of the bacteria. IR spectroscopy was conducted on bacterial colonies, obtained after 24 h culture from patients’ samples. An IR microscope was utilized, and a computational classification method was developed to analyze the IR spectra by novel pattern-recognition and statistical tools, to determine <i>E. coli</i> susceptibility within a few minutes to different antibiotics, gentamicin, ceftazidime, nitrofurantoin, nalidixic acid, ofloxacin. Our results show that it was possible to classify the tested bacteria into sensitive and resistant types, with success rates as high as 85% for a number of examined antibiotics. These promising results open the potential of this technique for faster determination of bacterial susceptibility to certain antibiotics