19 research outputs found

    Degree of integration of risk preventive measures in the management system of companies in the electricity sector

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    Despite the increasingly severe POH (Prevention and Occupational Health) regulation and the mandatory use of more effective protection equipment, workplace accidents and mishaps are still common events worldwide. Moreover, these mishaps include a considerable number of occasional accidents, that is, those that are caused by unsafe working conditions and behaviours, and therefore, could be avoided. Aiming to investigate the causes of such failures, the present study analyses the adoption and application of prevention measures within companies of the electricity (which has one of the highest levels of accidents). In this context, data on the organisation and adoption of prevention measures was collected through a survey with workers and supervisors of companies from Galicia, Spain (n = 220). Results suggest that there is a general deficiency regarding awareness of risk within companies from the sector, which leads to an insufficiency of adequate prevention measures. More specifically, a considerable percentage of both managers and workers have shown not to have enough knowledge on POH. Practical implications to mitigate these problems are addressed in the conclusions

    Resilience and individual competitive productivity: the role of age in the tourism industry

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    This study evaluates the conceptual and metrical correspondence between the construct measurements of the individual Competitive Productivity model and the scale that measures individual resilience in tourism. An individual work resilience scale was adapted to the context of the tourism industry. Scale items were operationalised on an online survey (n = 425) with tourism professionals and students. The role of age as an influence variable on individual resilience levels was explored. The results point to correspondences between the scale designed to measure personal resilience and the construct that identifies the ICP components. The findings suggest that companies should prioritise diversity in their recruitment policies, which allows them to capitalise on integrative thinking to become more ambidextrous, and consequently, more resilient.This study evaluates the conceptual and metrical correspondence between the construct measurements of the individual Competitive Productivity model and the scale that measures individual resilience in tourism. An individual work resilience scale was adapted to the context of the tourism industry. Scale items were operationalised on an online survey (n = 425) with tourism professionals and students. The role of age as an influence variable on individual resilience levels was explored. The results point to correspondences between the scale designed to measure personal resilience and the construct that identifies the ICP components. The findings suggest that companies should prioritise diversity in their recruitment policies, which allows them to capitalise on integrative thinking to become more ambidextrous, and consequently, more resilient.Universidade de Vigo/CISU

    Alternativas de aloxamento turístico na provincia de Ourense: análise da evolución recente da oferta e dos novos patróns de conduta da demanda nun contexto de irrupción do fenómeno das vivendas de uso turístico

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    Da mesma maneira que os servizos de aloxamento poden considerarse un dos trazos distintivos da actividade turística, a competitividade de calquera destino depende, en boa medida, do seu mercado de aloxamento. No presente traballo faise, a partir das fontes secundarias dispoñibles, un diagnóstico do mercado de aloxamento turístico da provincia de Ourense, nas súas vertentes de oferta e de demanda, con especial atención ás vivendas de uso turístico comercializadas a través das plataformas P2P. Ademais, segundo os datos obtidos mediante unha enquisa en liña a turistas, afóndase nas preferencias e nas eleccións de aloxamento dos e das turistas e, en particular, na súa percepción das vivendas de uso turístico. A análise realizada permite comprobar, entre outras cousas, como a oferta de aloxamento evolucionou e se diversificou nos últimos anos en Ourense, especialmente coa proliferación de vivendas de uso turístico, ou a desigual distribución comarcal dos distintos tipos de aloxamento. No caso da demanda, os datos reflicten o efecto negativo da crise económica iniciada en 2008 e o impacto moi negativo da pandemia sobre os fluxos de visitantes e noites nos establecementos da provincia. Así mesmo, verifícase que a densidade e a penetración turística da provincia son as máis baixas das catro provincias galegas. Por outra banda, maniféstase a importancia que teñen factores como o prezo, a localización, a liberdade de horarios e de movementos ou a facilidade á hora de reservar na elección do tipo de aloxamento. Ademais, confírmase que as vivendas de uso turístico son unha alternativa de aloxamento moi utilizada e valorada e que, fronte ao aloxamento hoteleiro tradicional, é unha opción preferible para viaxar en familia ou con amizades. En definitiva, o traballo bota luz sobre importantes aspectos relativos ao mercado de aloxamento, que poden axudar a que os axentes turísticos da provincia melloren a súa toma de decisións

    Diagnóstico do nivel de congruencia na oferta enoturística da provincia de Ourense

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    O presente traballo pretende diagnosticar o nivel de desenvolvemento na oferta do enoturismo na provincia de Ourense. Para iso, en primeiro lugar, e co fn de contextualizar o tema, lévase a cabo unha revisión teórica da unión do turismo e do viño, e a tipoloxía turística do enoturismo. A continuación, defínense e caracterízanse os principais aspectos da oferta enoturística provincial actual. Como parte empírica do traballo analízase o grao de explotación e de desenvolvemento deste potencial na actualidade. Para tal fn realízase unha análise cualitativa vía entrevistas en profundidade semiestruturadas a persoas expertas, técnicas e adegueiras da provincia de Ourense. Tamén se establece o nivel de coordinación e de cooperación existente entre os axentes públicos e privados, promoción e posicionamento estratéxico desta modalidade turística e da oferta complementaria requirida polos e polas enoturistas: gastronomía, cultura, tradicións. Finalmente, proponse unha matriz DAFO onde se diagnostica a situación do enoturismo na provincia a través das debilidades, ameazas, fortalezas e oportunidades que operan sobre unha futura actuación estratéxic

    The treatment of language in travel advisories as a covert tool of political sanction

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    Financiado para publicación en acceso aberto: Universidade de Vigo/CISUGThe safety-related contents in the travel advisories issued by the departments of foreign affairs stand out among the drivers of the perception of risk by international travellers. The aim of this paper is to identify keywords used in safety advice and to explore how such words are related to countries issuing the travel advice and to the risks identified in the destination country. A content analysis of the travel advisories issued by the five main tourist origin markets for Kenya (USA, UK, Germany, France and Italy) within a time span of five years is carried out. Both qualitative (text mining) and quantitative approaches (correspondence analysis) were used to analyse the narrative information. The results show substantial differences in the treatment of language between the countries as well as a persistent use of words related to risk and potential threats even though the reasons for them are no longer present

    Occupational risk prevention in the management of companies in the electricity sector

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    The present work aims at analysing the awareness and prevention in the management system of companies in the electricity sector, in order to detect the main shortcomings, seeking to improve in terms of occupational risk prevention. After collecting and analyzing a sample of 180 surveys, numerous shortcomings have been detected in the sector of electrical and telecommunications installations in Galicia (Spain), including the lack of established goals and objectives in preventive matters or the absence of the use of preventive modalities

    The age factor in the analysis of occupational risks in the wood industry

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    Workers in the wood industry are continually exposed to a wide range of risks. Some risks are potentially high and may lead to serious work-related accidents or occupational diseases. It is a sector where physical work is predominant and where high-risk machinery is used. There is also the age factor, as the age of the workforce increases the risks of loss of skills, particularly physical skills. This study analyses the impact of age on the occupational safety and health management in the wood industry. To this end, a qualitative analysis was carried out through semi-structured in-depth interviews. A total of 52 interviews were conducted with wood-based entrepreneurs, occupational safety technicians and experts from Galicia (Spain). The results show that there is a growing concern to integrate the older group in occupational safety and health management due to the increasing work life. The older group is not the one with the greatest number of occupational accidents (8.3%), but rather the one that needs better working conditions in the face of physical deterioration, considering that a large proportion of senior workers is transferred to administrative tasks. Consequently, the proportion of older workers performing physical tasks, which are the tasks with the highest associated risk, is lower

    Smart experiences in tourism

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    The term "smart" is increasingly being applied to aspects of our daily lives. It is linked mainly to technology that makes routine tasks easier for us. Also, in the case of tourism, its emergent application has a consequence of the evolution of the sector, and a result of the current needs and consumption habits of tourists. Technology already plays a role throughout the entire tourist purchasing process, from information search to post-trip valuations, both conducted online. New smart products and services have emerged to facilitate travel and enjoy a destination, such as augmented reality in tourist attractions, smart cards for public transport and smart rooms in hotels. The present work aims to contribute to a better understanding of the concept of smart tourism; to that end, this paper undertakes a bibliometric study of the historical research on smart tourism, analyzing the main related themes and determining that direction of the leading research in this field

    Influence of weather on the behaviour of tourists in a beach destination

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    In sun-and-beach destinations, weather has a decisive influence on the variability of the daily flow of tourists. Uncertainty in demand flows directly affects businesses and employment. This work aims to improve understanding of the behaviour of tourists in response to changes in weather conditions. The analysis is carried out in the Rías Baixas, a sun-and-beach destination in north-west Spain. The paper analyses the relationship of weather conditions with daily flows during the high season at the main tourist beaches in the area, also considering two beach typologies. The density of beach use is measured three times a day through the analysis of webcam images in combination with real-time weather, and an online survey is conducted among tourists who have visited these beaches. The results show that the hours of sunshine are the most influential weather factor. Weather forecast greatly or totally influenced the decision to go to the beach for almost 70% of respondents and about 80% of the respondents checked on the weather before visiting a beach