12 research outputs found

    The information and communication technologies in the administration of the processes and systematization

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    The objective of the research is to describe how Information and Communication Technologies allow not only to organize in the strain bank microorganisms obtained from different environments for application in academic, research and extension processes, but also to continue characterizing microorganisms obtained from different environments for application in all these processes. Results it has been observed that the absence of Information and Communication Technologies as a strategy to organize and select viable microorganisms already identified can continue to be used and applied in industrial processes, environmental, agricultural food and pharmaceutical industry, among others, has caused the dispersion and loss of information, hindering the easy and timely recovery of the products generated, not being recorded and stored information that is generated. The "Laboratorio de Investigaciones en Microbiología Avanzada y Biología Aplicada" must create its own website and web application that allows strengthening the strain bank, allowing them to be visible with the production generated there


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    Hoy en día la educación y la tecnología más que una moda es una modalidad de enseñanza-aprendizaje que consiste en el diseño, puesta en práctica y evaluación de un curso o plan formativo desarrollado a través de redes de computadores y puede definirse como la educación o formación ofrecida a individuos que están geográficamente distantes y que interactúan en tiempos diferidos del docente empleando los recursos informáticos y de telecomunicaciones. Lo característico del e-learning es que el proceso formativo tiene lugar totalmente o en parte a través de un aula o entorno virtual en el cual tiene lugar la interacción profesor-alumno, así como las actividades de los estudiantes con los materiales de aprendizaje. La variedad en estrategias docentes se ve acompañada de diferentes modelos que deben ir acordes a las características y necesidades formativas de los estudiantes, sobre todo en el nivel medio superior. Lo anterior lleva a plantear la disyuntiva de trabajar con recursos y bajo un modelo tradicional de enseñanza, o incorporar nuevas tecnologías al aula, debiendo para ello conocerse su funcionamiento y sobre todo su potencial de aplicación como herramientas didácticas. Entre los modelos de trabajo en clase presencial, está el que combina los instrumentos llamados tradicionales como el tablero, el libro, videobeam y audiovisuales con los que permiten al docente tener una comunicación fuera del espacio académico, tales como el correo electrónico, el blog, wikis y la Internet. A este modelo se le llama mixto, mezclado o “blended learning” y su uso en la enseñanza ha permitido diversificar las estrategias docentes y los productos de aprendizaje que los estudiantes elaboran a lo largo de su proceso académico. El docente debe entonces reorganizar sus esquemas metodológicos para incorporar aquellos que conlleva el uso de tecnologías que por sus aplicaciones y alcances se han denominado como “nuevas”. No basta que la institución educativa adquiera recursos que los profesores no utilicen por desconocimiento de su uso y potencial didáctico, se requiere también que el docente mismo asuma un compromiso consigo mismo para conocer y adecuar los recursos disponibles a nuevos modelos de enseñanza, de ahí la importancia de esta modalidad que combina recursos físicos tradicionales para una clase presencial con otros que pueden trabajarse a distancia y apoyan una clase presencial en un sistema que por sus características no ofrece otra opción. Durante el proceso de introducción de las TIC en el aula, se han venido utilizando diversos modelos didácticos y pedagógicos a través de los que se vislumbra el predominio de unos modelos de aprendizaje con respecto a otros. La variedad de circunstancias y opciones tanto de hardware, de software, de posturas educativas, como de acceso a la tecnología, han hecho que la aparición de dispositivos tecnológicos en clases haya seguido vías diferentes, entre las que hay muchos puntos en común y no menos divergencias. ¿Cuál o cuáles de estas propuestas han tenido más éxito en las aulas, cuáles son las de mayor utilización, qué competencias se han conseguido potenciar siguiendo cada uno de ellos, a qué modelo de enseñanza responde cada una, qué tipo de dificultades aparecen con más frecuencia durante el proceso? Dar respuesta a estas interrogantes y analizar su impacto educativo y la participación del profesorado, constituyen el eje principal en la propuesta de estudio que refuerzan el uso del “blended learning, m-elearning, u-learning”.Universidad Francisco de Paula Santandermixtalas TIC y sus implicaciones en la Educació

    Visibility strategy of the academic production and research output of the UFPS: Institutional digital repository

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    Within the University Francisco de Paula Santander (UFPS), activities are conducted to generate a large amount of academic and research output for which there exists a high demand for access to them. The objective of this article is to describe the construction of the Institutional Digital Repository (IDR) as a strategy to strengthen the visibility and the national and international impact of the academic output of the UFPS-Cúcuta. The framework for the development of the IDR was developed with The Dublin Core standard of Metadata interoperability using open source software DSPACE which is greatly accepted in the community as it has tools for the management of bibliographic collections. As a result, a description of the concepts of repositories, data representation and the process of building the IDR was done. By managing these strategies, the UFPS will strengthen its visibility and the national and international impact of its academic and research output and improve the scientific performance in the University's Web Ranking

    Inclusive education and technologie in pedagogical practices

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    El factor más crítico para el desarrollo de la educación inclusiva es el docente, todavía son muchos los que no se encuentran suficientemente cualificados para afrontar la transformación que requiere el sistema educativo inclusivo. El Objetivo es conocer la percepción de los docentes de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander sede Cúcuta, donde la integración de las Tecnologías de la Información y Comunicación apoye los procesos de enseñanza y aprendizaje al diseñar estrategias en el aprendizaje y ser docentes inclusivos. El método utilizado parte del estudio descriptivo y de carácter exploratorio al analizar las percepciones de los docentes universitarios, permitiendo reflejar la estructura lógica y el rigor científico del proceso de investigación, empezando por la elección de un enfoque metodológico específico y finalizando con la forma como se analizaron las percepciones que tienen los docentes acerca de las competencias docentes, propiciando el desarrollo de buenas prácticas educativas, en relación a la inclusión del estudiante con discapacidades visuales y auditiva. Como técnicas utilizadas se desarrolla el análisis documental, la aplicación de instrumentos. Resultado. Se identificaron las percepciones y necesidades formativas que presentan los docentes de la Facultad de Ingeniería de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander en el desarrollo de su práctica educativa dentro de un modelo de educación inclusiva para estudiantes con discapacidades visuales y auditiva, se diseñaron los instrumentos que permitieron recopilar. Conclusión. Describir las necesidades y percepciones de los docentes que formaran parte de la investigación sobre educación inclusiva.The most critical factor for the development of inclusive education is the teacher, there are still many who are not qualified enough to face the transformation required by the inclusive education system. The objective is to know the perception of the professors of the Faculty of Engineering of the Francisco de Paula Santander University, Cucuta headquarters, where the integration of ICT supports the teaching and learning processes when designing learning strategies and being inclusive teachers. The method used starts from the descriptive and exploratory study when analyzing the perceptions of university professors, allowing to reflect the logical structure and scientific rigor of the research process, starting with the choice of a specific methodological approach and ending with the way in which They analyzed the perceptions that teachers have about teacher competencies, promoting the development of good educational practices, in relation to the inclusion of students with visual and hearing disabilities. As techniques used, documentary analysis, the application of instruments are developed. Results. The perceptions and training needs presented by the teachers of the Faculty of Engineering of the Francisco de Paula Santander University in the development of their educational practice within an inclusive education model for students with visual and auditory disabilities were identified, the instruments that were They allowed to collect. Conclusion. Describe the needs and perceptions of teachers who will be part of the research on inclusive education

    ICT exploitation in the mining and energy industry in Norte de Santander

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    This article describes the results of the research paper "Characterization of ICT management of the Coal production sector in Norte de Santander against the guidelines of the current Strategic Plan for ICT in the Mining and Energy sector". The objective of the study details the characteristics of ICT management and its use in the unified environment of mining and energy sector companies in Norte de Santander. As a result, the basic architecture aligned with the ICT strategic plan of the mining and energy sector was identified, which includes: document and archive management, process management, geographic information management, and security. In the same way, the limitations, capacities and state of maturity of the ICT management of the mission processes of the coal supply chain are specified, taking into account the level of integration with systems external to the sector such as the mining cadastre and the Ministry of Mines and Energy, among several and finally the information systems and tools used in decision making

    Fertilcacao: software for the automation of the soil fertilization process guild cacao growers

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    Este articulo presentan los resultados del proyecto de investigación: “sistema de información para elgremio de los cacao cultores, para automatizar y dar mayor rendimiento en el proceso de fertilizaciónde los suelos”, donde se obtuvo como producto de desarrollo tecnológico e innovación, un softwaredenominado FERTILCACAO con un módulo para el cacao cultor para la gestión de la fertilizacióndel suelo, lo que conlleva a obtener una ventaja competitiva a nivel nacional de modo que permitirá elregistro de las áreas de suelo renovadas que seguirán entrando en producción así como el registro de lasáreas que se sembraron en años anteriores, las cuales seguirán latentes para su uso, con el objetivo deatraer nuevos clientes, aumentar la productividad del cacao en un 10% con periodo de 1 año, Incrementarun 30% las ganancias trimestrales, Incrementar el grado de satisfacción del gremio de Cacaoteros, y unmódulo de administración para la gestión del cultivo del cacao, administración de los fertilizantes,visualización de la tabla ideal, El software se desarrolló aplicando las buenas prácticas del PMBOK5ªedición, usando ciclo de vida en cascada y métricas de estimación de puntos de Casos de Uso con elfin de contribuir a que los caco cultores realicen un seguimiento y control nutricional sobre los cultivosen la fase fenológica productiva.This article presents the results of the research project: "information system for the cocoa growers'guild, to automate and give greater yield in the soil fertilization process" where a software calledFERTILCACAO was obtained as a product of technological development and innovation, with a modulefor the cocoa grower for the management of soil fertilization, which leads to a competitive advantage atthe national level so that it will allow the registration of renewed areas of soil that will continue to enter production aswell as the registration of areas that were planted in previous years, which will remain dormant foruse, with the aim of attracting new customers, Increase cocoa productivity by 10% with 1 year period,Increase quarterly profits by 30%, Increase the degree of satisfaction of the Cocoa Growers Guild, andan administration module for cocoa crop management, administration of fertilizers, visualization of theideal table, The software was developed applying the good practices of the PMBOK 5ªedition, usingcascade life cycle and metrics of estimation of points of Use Cases with the purpose of contributing tothat the caco cultores make a follow-up and nutritional control on the crops in the productive phenologicalphase

    Project time: Time management method for software development projects-analytical summary

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    This article presents the results of the research project: "Time Management Method for Software Development Projects", where a method was used to calculate the time spent on a software development project from its preparation phase until the delivery of it, applying the best practices of the PMBOK 5th edition, the RUP methodology and the estimation metric per Use Cases, so that companies and people dedicated to this activity, execute the project time estimation and carry out an effective programming of their activities. The proposed method consists of six phases: preparation, initiation, planning, development, testing and delivery, where inputs, activities, tools, roles and output artefacts are defined, allowing time to be calculated in each phase. The validation of the method was carried out through of the expert judgment technique, obtaining a favorable result that shows the degree of acceptance of it. According to the evaluation, the method provides a level of precision in the estimates of time, defines activities that provide a basis for estimating, planning, executing, monitoring and controlling the research project, as well as an appropriate logical sequence of activities

    Information architecture for the implementation of a technological platform that manages research production in higher education institutions

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    Scientific communication and diffusion is one of the challenges of higher education institutions, related to the implementation of strategies of free access to the scientific and technological productivity of the teachers and researchers of the institutions, which allow to increase the visibility and impact of the research, for which a model of information architecture of the technological platform for the management of the investigative production of teachers and researchers was designed, under an environment focused on satisfying the information needs of the users that allows to organize, to group and to visualize the information by means of metadata. The research is of exploratory-descriptive type, through which the products of science, technology and innovation that should be visible in the technological platform were identified, generating as a result an architecture model-view-controller, with data storage in a relational database, which has access through a RESTful API made in Java, the views and controllers were made in HyperText markup language and JavaServer pages respectively. MySQL was used as a relational database engine to store information and MYSQL Workbench as a platform for the construction of the relationship model between entities, tables and columns; which will be used as a framework for the design, planning and implementation of the technological platform

    Method to interact with stakeholders in the process of capture software requirements

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    La interacción de los stakeholders en el proceso de captura de requerimientos de software es una de las tareas más complejas para los analistas de software y para las empresas de desarrollo de software, ya que la captura de requerimientos es un proceso dentro del marco de la Gestión de la Ingeniería de Requerimientos que se somete a diferentes análisis y debates. Siempre se han mantenido en la mirada de todos debido a su fuerte repercusión dentro del éxito o fracaso de proyectos de software. El artículo propone un método para interactuar con los stakeholders en el procesos de captura de requerimientos de software aportando al proceso de comunicaciones y gestión de los stakeholders; para el caso de estudio se aplica a un proyecto de software denominado Sistema de Administración Integral de Liquidación y Nómina de la Universidad Francisco de Paula Santander de la ciudad de Cúcuta, Colombia; el cual se somete a la aplicación de las fases diseñadas en el método propuesto.The interaction of the stakeholders in the process of requirements capture software is one of the most complex for analysts and software for companies software development tasks, as the requirements capture is a process within the framework of the Management Requirements Engineering undergoing different analyzes and discussions; and always they have remained in the eyes of all because of its strong impact in the success or failure of software projects. the paper proposes a method for interacting with stakeholders in the process capture software requirements contributing to the process of communication and stakeholder management, for the case study applied to a software project called System of Integral Management and settlement Payroll Francisco de Paula Santander University of the city of Cucuta, Colombia; which is subjected to the application of stages designed in the proposed method

    Maturity analysis in project management in Colombian universities

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    Project management has become a worldwide trend within organizations seeking continuous improvement of their processes, where maturity models for project management play an important role. The general objective of the research is to evaluate the degree of maturity in project management in order to propose strategies to improve the organizational culture in project management. The selection of the maturity model that fits the organizational context is carried out, then an analysis is made of the management of those involved and the management of communication in project matters, the degree of maturity is measured, and then strategies for improvement are selected. As a result of the research it was obtained that reaching a level of maturity implies obtaining results from a measurement and comparing them with a previously established standard, in order to implement best practices, reach a higher level of scale or continuously improve their processes. However, it should be borne in mind that reaching maturity involves a gradual process, senior management support, time and a highly trained team