3 research outputs found

    Educación Superior en Latinoamérica y la Web 2.0

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    El presente trabajo muestra un estado del arte de la Web 2.0 en la Educación Superior Latinoamericana, realiza una conceptualización y contextualización de términos, recolección, organización y análisis de datos acerca de acceso a Internet, redes sociales, herramientas web 2.0 en Latinoamérica, un análisis de la filosofía y herramientas web 2.0 disponibles en la actualidad y algunas de las tendencias respecto a filosofías y herramientas aplicables a la Educación Superior, finalmente describe a grandes rasgos una iniciativa de inclusión de web 2.0 en una Universidad de Ecuador el enfoque, objeto y resultados obtenidos

    Accessibility variability model: the UTPL MOOC case study

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    Several approaches to define Variability Models (VM) of non-functional requirements or quality attributes have been proposed. However, these approaches have focused on specific quality attributes rather than more general non-functional aspects established by standards such as ISO/IEC 25010 for software evaluation and quality. Thus, developing specific software products by selecting features and at the same time measuring the level of compliance with a stan-dard/guideline is a challenge. In this work, we present the definition of an accessibility VM based on the web content accessibility guides(WCAG) 2.1 W3C recommendation, to obtain a quantitative measure to improve or construct specific SPL products that require to be accessibility-aware. This paper is specially focused on illustrating the experience of measuring the accessibility in a software productline (SPL) in order to check if it is viable measuring products and recommending improvements in terms of features before addressing the construction of accessibility-aware products. The adoption of the VM accessibility has been putted into practice through a pilot case study, the MOOC (Massive Open Online Course) initiative of the Universidad Técnica Particular de Loja. The conduction of this pilot case study has allowed us to illustrate how it is possible to model and measure the accessibility in SPL using accessibility VM, as well as to recommend accessibility configuration improvements for the construction of new or updated MOOC platforms

    Improving the design of virtual learning environments from a usability study

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    Usability as an area of knowledge of Computer Science closest to the user, has seen enhance their interest and development in recent times, due to the diversity of devices and forms of interaction. At the same time, educational institutions, aware of the potential existing in new technologies, and the disruption caused, invest their resources in the implementation of virtual learning platforms. In this investment, they seek diversify in the tools that allow the development of new teaching strategies, which are ubiquitous and continuous, adaptable to the needs of the user. In this context, a usability study is carried out, sustained in the method of inquiry with the questionnaire technique, following the proposal of Ferreira & Sanz in 2009, measuring the parameters of Satisfaction, Learning, Operability, Attractiveness, Content and Communication. The best results are obtained in the Learning and Content indicators, and with lower scores the Operability, highlighting in the latter the low value in the Accessibility and Availability indicators. According to the results obtained, a proposal for improvements is proposed, in order to achieve a greater degree of usability in the mentioned environment. Finally, these improvements are implemented in the case study, making a new evaluation of users in order to validate the improvements made