1,524 research outputs found

    Aplicación de la clase invertida en la educación superior: introducción a las nuevas tecnologías

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    Las autoras de este trabajo llevamos varios años trabajando con videos docentes para la enseñanza de las matemáticas dentro de la Economía a nivel universitario. Esto ha sido motivado por el auge de las nuevas tecnologías y las posibilidades docentes que nos proporcionan. La experiencia que teníamos en asignaturas virtuales nos ha permitido dar un paso más y utilizar los videos docentes en las clases presenciales. Si bien empezamos utilizándolos a modo de complemento, cuando conocimos la metodología de la flipped classroom (o clase invertida) nos planteamos una nueva forma de enseñanza. Decidimos invertir los papeles, de forma que el alumno, en vez de escuchar en clase y estudiar en casa, toma el papel protagonista, estudiando en casa con ayuda de videos y material proporcionado por el profesor y aprovecha el tiempo de clase para resolver ejercicios, plantear dudas y trabajar en equipo. Si bien esta metodología ha sido llevada a cabo con éxito en diversos niveles educativos, en el caso universitario no se conocen muchas experiencias. En nuestro caso hemos tenido que adaptarla, incorporando elementos adicionales, como el uso del programa Socrative para conseguir una mayor retroalimentación del aprendizaje del alumno. En el presente trabajo mostramos la experiencia que hemos llevado a cabo en el curso académico actual y recogemos la opinión de ambas partes, alumnos y profesores.Universidad de Málag

    Did the Cooperative Start Life as a Joint-Stock Company? Business Law and Cooperatives in Spain, 1869-1931

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    Studies of Spanish cooperatives date their spread from the Law on Agrarian Syndicates of 1906. But the first legislative appearance of cooperatives is an 1869 measure that permitted general incorporation for lending companies. The 1931 general law on cooperatives, which was the first act permitting the formation of cooperatives in any activity, reflects the gradual disappearance of the cooperative’s “business” characteristics. In this paper we trace the Spanish cooperative’s legal roots in business law and its connections to broader questions of the freedom of association, the formation of joint-stock enterprises, and the liability of investors in business and cooperative entities. Our account underscores the similarities of the organizational problems approach by cooperatives and business firms, while at the same time respecting the distinctive purposes cooperatives served.cooperative, general incorporation, business enterprise, freedom of association, freedom of contract

    Negotiating our membership : factors leading Latina lesbians to develop a political collective identity

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    This qualitative study explores the factors that lead Latina lesbians to develop a politicized collective identity. Simon and Klandermans (2001) define a politicized collective identity as an intentional group membership where members are mindful and conscious of the power difference that exists between in-group members, out-group members and the larger society, as well as engage in social and political power struggles to achieve justice and equality for their group. Additionally, the study aimed to explore the differences between a social identity and a politicized collective identity and the factors influencing the evolution from the former into the latter. Finally, the study explored the role intersectionality plays in the development of a politicized collective identity for this social group. Eleven self-identified Latina lesbians, ages 19-42, volunteered for this study and answered questions pertaining to their ethnic, racial and sexual identities. Findings revealed that education, feelings of responsibility for their group, experiencing or witnessing racial discrimination, romantic relationships, familial allies and other LGBQ relatives come out before, positively influenced participant\u27s development of a politicized collective identity. Additionally, findings revealed that conflation between ethnicity and sexual identity within family dynamics, concern for personal safety, and the difficulty navigating being a minority within a minority in the social world seemed to inhibit the development of a PCI. The study concluded that although most participants did not posses a systemic understanding of power and oppression, they still engaged in power struggles and activism thus fitting Simon and Klandermans\u27 (2001) concept of a politicized collective identity

    The Island Heritage / El Patrimonio de la Isla

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    In 1926, Philip. J. Fisher published “The Island Heritage. Episodes from the Missionary History of Fernando Poo, West Africa. A Play for Young People”. This book has remained unknown until present. There is one copy at Archives and Special Collections, SOAS Library (London). This play is of enormous interest not just for it has been mentioned above but also because: It is a vivid narration of the settlement of Protestant missionaries in Clarence, based on historical facts and personal experience collected first hand by Philip. J. Fisher as he interviewed some of the protagonists in the play. It is the first document with paragraph-length documented in Pichi, the Pidgin English (acrolect) originated in Clarence upon the arrival of liberated slaves who arrived with British colonizers in 1827, called Fernandinos (Sundiata 1975, 1996). It adopts the format of a play, something unusual until recent years, to the point that it can be considered the first work of this genre in the Equatoguinean colonial letters. The play tells the History of the Baptist Church work in Fernando Po and the missionaries’ vision to expand their proselytizing project in the mainland, which was achieved later on in Igumale, Nigeria. It is a piece of the British colonial archive, as we learn what was at stake on foreign policy between Spain - the official colonial power - and Great Britain regarding the African territories of Fernando Po (present day Bioko Island). The translation from English to Spanish has been made by Susana Castillo-Rodríguez keeping in mind the historical context, the language change and the potential reader today. The ongoing second phase of this project is the English Critical Edition, provided as an annotated transcription here as the 2022 version, but the project is live and open for comments at the project\u27s main website: https://islandheritage.pubpub.org

    Essays on the economic effects of pension-related policies

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    This thesis analyses the economic effects of changes in pension-related policies. Chapter 1 provides an overview. Chapter 2 estimates the impact of pension-related policies on household spending. The identification exploits the deviation in pensioner income and expenditure caused by the introduction of a new pension system during the 1980s and the 1990s in Spain and constructs a new narrative series of legislated pension changes. I find that increases in the average pension have a roughly one-for-one effect on pensioner spending. The strongest effects are on the wealthy pensioners, with associated high levels of expenditure, income, and real estate. Estimates for different categories of expenditure indicate that benefit increases trigger the consumption-rich to spend more on durables, while the consumption- and income-poor pensioners spend more on non-durables and necessities such as food. Chapter 3 compares the dynamic aggregate effects of exogenous shocks to two key components of public expenditure in the United States, government income transfers and government spending. In an SVAR framework, I instrument the structural shocks to public expenditure with exogenous measures of changes in federal spending constructing a new narrative variable of legislated increases in US social security benefits. I demonstrate that shocks to different types of public expenditure do not have the same macroeconomic impact. The estimated government spending multiplier is between 0 and 1, while increases in transfers generate a multiplier effect above 1. Chapter 4 focuses on the aggregate effects of changes in old-age pensions and for a sample of European Union countries. This chapter constructs another new measure of transfer shocks building on a dataset by public finance experts of the European System of Central Banks (ESCB). I find that increases in old-age pensions have a positive impact on aggregate expenditure components and employment consistent with a multiplier effect of between 0 and 1

    For Every Law a Loophole: Flexibility in the Menu of Spanish Business Forms, 1886-1936.

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    Choice of Enterprise Form: Spain, 1886-1936

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