8,710 research outputs found

    Inverse type II seesaw mechanism and its signature at the LHC and ILC

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    The advent of the LHC, and the proposal of building future colliders as the ILC, both programmed to explore new physics at the TeV scale, justifies the recent interest in studying all kind of seesaw mechanisms whose signature lies on such energy scale. The natural candidate for this kind of seesaw mechanism is the inverse one. The conventional inverse seesaw mechanism is implemented in an arrangement involving six new heavy neutrinos in addition to the three standard ones. In this paper we develop the inverse seesaw mechanism based on Higgs triplet model and probe its signature at the LHC and ILC. We argue that the conjoint analysis of the LHC together with the ILC may confirm the mechanism and, perhaps, infer the hierarchy of the neutrino masses.Comment: 24 pages, 22 figure

    A SDSS for integrated management of health and education facilities at the local level : challenges and opportunities in a developing country

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    The objective of this paper is to discuss challenges and opportunities met during the development of a SDSS (Spatial Decision Support System) for integrated management of health and education facilities at the local level in Brazil. The goal of the proposed system is to seek for an optimal arrangement of health and education facilities in medium-sized cities, in order to reduce both facilities construction costs and user's transportation costs that ought to be produced during a time span of two to four decades. Some of the operational difficulties observed during the early implementation steps of the proposed SDSS are discussed in this paper. Apparently, they can be relevant in the practical application of similar systems. The described experience also suggests that the implementation of systems like the one proposed here can be an opportunity to drive a change in the way that local governments in developing countries deal with planning

    Weeds associated with cotton crop and hosting whitefly.

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    The whitefly can be hosted by weeds and cause damage to cotton crops. The objective of this work was to identify which species of weeds among the floristic compositions occurring in the cotton crop are hosts of whiteflies (Bemisia tabaci biotype B). Bi-weekly evaluations were performed in a cotton area (FM 975 WS) in Sinop, Mato Grosso, Brazil, during the reproductive phase of the crop. An inventory square (0.25 m side) was randomly cast 15 times between the cotton rows. The weeds were cut close to the ground, conditioned and taken to the laboratory to identify the family and species, and to quantify the eggs and nymphs of whiteflies. Eleven families were detected, with the most frequent being Amaranthaceae (16.67%), Convolvulaceae (12.5%), Rubiaceae (12.5%) and Poaceae (12.5%). The most frequent species were Amaranthus spp. (13.79%) and Alternanthera tenella, Ipomea spp., Richardia brasiliensis and Eleusine indica, with 10.34% each. From the 15 collected species, the presence of whitefly eggs or nymphs was only not observed in Portulaca oleracea and E. indica. The highest incidence of B. tabaci occurred in Euphorbia heterophylla. The occurrence of these species should be monitored, so that the whitefly population does not interfere in the cotton fiber quality

    Avaliação multicritério e SIG vectorial: uma alternativa para planeamento de transportes

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    Este trabalho tem por objectivo apresentar um modelo concebido para permitir a integração de métodos de avaliação multicritério em ambiente SIG vectorial. A avaliação da acessibilidade, aqui modelada, para além de ser um problema típico, complexo e quase permanente no planeamento de transportes, adequa-se bem ao modelo concebido pelo fato de conter alguns dos principais elementos que caracterizam os problemas de transportes (caso da análise de fluxos em rede). O modelo proposto, além de basear-se na medição de afastamento incluindo o efeito da distância, permite também o desenvolvimento de cenários de avaliação baseados na atitude de risco e compensação entre critérios, obtendo-se desta forma um espectro estratégico de avaliação. Por fim, um exemplo de aplicação que consiste na avaliação interna de um campus universitário em Portugal, aponta o potencial do modelo proposto para a avaliação da acessibilidade, abrindo perspectivas para sua aplicação em outros problemas de transportes.The aim of this work is to present a model built to allow the integration of multicriteria evaluation methods into a vector GIS environment. The accessibility assessment, which was explored here, in addition to be a typical, complex and almost permanent problem of transport planning, fits well to the conceived model because it contains some of the main elements that characterize transport models (such as flow network analysis). The proposed modeling approach, which is more than merely a measure of separation incorporating the effect of distance, allows the development of evaluation scenarios based on different trade-off and risk attitudes, i.e., a decision strategy spectrum. Finally, an application example, which consists in the internal evaluation of a university campus in Portugal, reveals the potential of the proposed model for evaluating accessibility, therefore opening perspectives to its application to other transport problems

    Estratégia de uma população tradicional de catadoras para comercialização da mangaba proveniente do extrativismo.

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    Sistema especialista para aplicação do composto de lixo urbano na agricultura.

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    Composto de lixo urbano. Compostagem. Grau de maturação do composto. Composto de lixo como adubo e corretivo do solo. Coleta seletiva de lixo. Metais pesados. Contaminação por patógeno. Sistemas especialistas. Aplicação deste sistema especialista.bitstream/CNPTIA/9947/1/doc22.pdfAcesso em: 29 maio 2008

    An analysis of energy consumption for transportation in Portuguese cities using artificial neural networks

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    Empirical studies carried out in several parts of the world have highlighted the existence of a strong relationship between the physical planning of cities and energy use for transportation. Despite the economic and environmental costs produced by urban sprawl, several countries have not yet started to study the phenomenon in order to better understand it and to somehow control it. Thus, this study tries to bring a contribution to the subject through an analysis of the situation found in some of the main Portuguese cities, which however do not include Lisbon and Oporto. The main objective of this work is to identify the variables related to physical aspects of the cities and socioeconomic characteristics of urbanized areas in Portugal that significantly influence energy consumption for transportation. After the spatial and socioeconomic data were comb ined in a single database, they were analyzed using Artificial Neural Network models, in order to identify variables that are relevant to energy consumption for transportation, along with their relative weights. The results found in the current study confirmed the trend observed in several countries worldwide, in which the characteristics of urban form and population distribution played an important role influencing energy use for transportation