5 research outputs found

    Forgetting alcohol: a double-blind, randomized controlled trial investigating memory inhibition training in young binge drinkers

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    The Supplementary Material for this article can be found online at: https://www.frontiersin.org/articles/10.3389/fnins.2022.914213/full#supplementary-materialBackground: Binge Drinking (BD) has been associated with altered inhibitory control and augmented alcohol-cue reactivity. Memory inhibition (MI), the ability to voluntarily suppress unwanted thoughts/memories, may lead to forgetting of memories in several psychiatric conditions. However, despite its potential clinical implications, no study to date has explored the MI abilities in populations with substance misuse, such as binge drinkers (BDs). Method: This study—registered in the NIH Clinical Trials Database (ClinicalTrials.gov identifier: NCT05237414)—aims firstly to examine the behavioral and electroencephalographic (EEG) correlates of MI among college BDs. For this purpose, 45 BDs and 45 age-matched non/low-drinkers (50% female) will be assessed by EEG while performing the Think/No-Think Alcohol task, a paradigm that evaluates alcohol-related MI. Additionally, this work aims to evaluate an alcohol-specific MI intervention protocol using cognitive training (CT) and transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) while its effects on behavioral and EEG outcomes are assessed. BDs will be randomly assigned to one MI training group: combined [CT and verum tDCS applied over the right dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPFC)], cognitive (CT and sham tDCS), or control (sham CT and sham tDCS). Training will occur in three consecutive days, in three sessions. MI will be re-assessed in BDs through a post-training EEG assessment. Alcohol use and craving will be measured at the first EEG assessment, and both 10-days and 3-months post-training. In addition, behavioral and EEG data will be collected during the performance of an alcohol cue reactivity (ACR) task, which evaluates attentional bias toward alcoholic stimuli, before, and after the MI training sessions. Discussion: This study protocol will provide the first behavioral and neurofunctional MI assessment in BDs. Along with poor MI abilities, BDs are expected to show alterations in event-related potentials and functional connectivity patterns associated with MI. Results should also demonstrate the effectiveness of the protocol, with BDs exhibiting an improved capacity to suppress alcohol-related memories after both combined and cognitive training, along with a reduction in alcohol use and craving in the short/medium-term. Collectively, these findings might have major implications for the understanding and treatment of alcohol misuse. Clinical Trial Registration: [www.ClinicalTrials.gov], identifier [NCT05237414].This study was conducted at the Psychology Research Center (PSI/01662), School of Psychology, University of Minho, supported by the Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) through the Portuguese State Budget (Ref.: UIDB/PSI/01662/2020). This study was also supported by the project PTDC/PSI-ESP/28672/2017, funded by FCT and the European Regional Development Fund (FEDER). EL-C and AC were supported by the FCT and the Portuguese Ministry of Science, Technology and Higher Education, within the scope of the Individual Call to Scientific Employment Stimulus (CEECIND/02979/2018), and the Transitory Disposition of the Decree No. 57/2016, of 29 August, amended by Law No. 57/2017 of 19 July, respectively. NA-A was supported by the FCT, MCTES, and European Union through the European Social Fund (FSE) (SFRH/BD/146194/2019) and RR by a fellowship from the Psychology Research Centre, School of Psychology, University of Minho (UMINHO/BID/2021/19)

    Interactions lake-atmosphere: The ALEX 2014 field campaign and numerical simulations

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    The ALqueva hydro-meteorological EXperiment, ALEX 2014, was an integrated field campaign with measurements of chemical, physical and biological parameters in water and air at different experimental sites in the region of the Alqueva reservoir, a 250 km2 man made lake, in the southeast of Portugal. The Field campaign took place from June 1 to September 30, 2014 and comprises an Intensive Observation Period (IOP) of three days (22 to 24 July). During the four months, the over water fluxes of momentum, heat and mass (H2O and CO2) were obtained with an integrated Open-Path CO2 /H2O Gas Analyser and 3D Sonic Anemometer, mounted on a floating platform, where radiative fluxes were also measured, as well as the water temperature profile. Eight near surface weather stations were operating in the area and air quality, atmospheric electrical field (Potential Gradient) and radon (222Rn) concentration were continuous monitored. Along this period, in situ measurements, water samples and biological elements were monthly collected from three fixed platforms placed in the lacustrine zone and from selected sites in the margins. During the IOP, radiosondes were launched every tree hours, allowing a characterization of the atmospheric boundary layer and its evolution. In 10 occasions Geigersondes were coupled to the radiosondes in order to obtain the atmospheric ionization profile. The boundary layer was characterized with a Ceilometer and the vertical distribution of O3 and NO2 were obtained from a Spectrometer. A GPS network of 15 GNSS stations was installed in order to map the water vapour. The sky brightnesson the nights of July 24 and 25, was measured using a Sky Quality Meter. The lake-atmosphere interactions and its impact in the boundary layer structure and in the local circulations are studied using data collected during the ALEX 2014 POI together with results from numerical simulations performed with the non-hydrostatic Meso-NH french model

    Quando a festa acaba: efeitos da ressaca de álcool no processamento da memória de trabalho em estudantes universitários: um estudo eletroencefalográfico

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    Dissertação de mestrado integrado em PsicologiaAlcohol is the major cause of health and social problems in western countries, when associated with university students there is a pattern of alcohol consumption that appears known as binge drinking (BD), characterised by an excessive intake of alcohol over a brief period, specifically 5 drinks in two hours or less (four drinks for women). Strictly related with BD, in the day after excessive intake there are a series of unpleasant physical and mental symptoms which are especially significant when BAC reaches 0 g/dL. This phenomenon goes by the name hangover. Even though the literature as risen in this subject, there are no investigations prior to this one using a working memory and ERP paradigm during hangover state, and that was the gap we hoped to fill with our investigation. With this investigation we found significative lower amplitude in P2, P3 and LPC wave amplitude during hangover, as well as a reaction time increase, suggesting that this state affects not only the working memory process but also attentional processes. Other than that, we found a correlation between alcohol craving and hangover severity which might indicate a facilitation to indulge in alcohol consumption again when the symptoms of hangover are severe.O consumo de álcool é a causa da maioria dos problemas sociais e de saúde em países ocidentais, associado a este, existe um padrão frequentemente observado em estudantes universitários conhecido como binge drinking, caracterizado pelo consumo excessivo de álcool num período inferior a duas horas, mais especificamente 5 ou mais bebidas (4 em mulheres). Diretamente relacionado com este padrão, existe um grupo de sintomas físicos e psicológicos que parece intensificar-se quando a concentração de álcool no sangue atinge 0 g/dL, conhecidos como um todo por ressaca. Apesar do aumento da literatura nesta área, parece não existir, até à data, nenhuma investigação que procure perceber os efeitos da ressaca na memória de trabalho, em binge drinkers utilizando ERPs, sendo essa a lacuna que procurámos preencher com esta investigação. Os resultados mostram uma amplitude significativamente menor em P2, P3 e LPC durante a ressaca, assim como um aumento no tempo de reação, sugerindo uma influência na memória de trabalho e também nos processos atencionais. Foi ainda possível observar uma correlação positiva entre o craving por álcool e a severidade dos sintomas de ressaca, sugerindo que a presença de sintomatologia severa poderá ser um facilitador para o consumo de álcool de forma compensatória

    Simulation of image-guided intervention in medical imaging education

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    Introduction/Background: Medical imaging education programs across Europe, despite their variability, include clinical practice as a guarantee of quality because learning in a clinical context is more effective and allows for constructive qualification of students. Learning in a clinical simulation context is a strategy to promote simulated clinical experience and assure patient safety. In this work, a learning experience, consisting of simulating a pacemaker implantation, implemented over 3 years with students pursuing the Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy degree at the University of Aveiro was evaluated. Methods: A pacemaker implantation simulation with fluoroscopic support was performed with students (third year) pursuing the Medical Imaging and Radiotherapy degree at the Simulation Centre of our institution over 3 years (2016, 2017–2018), addressing all the simulation phases. An operating theater, video recording system, high-fidelity full-body manikin with remote control and monitoring, anesthesia, and fluoroscopic C-arm imaging equipment were used for the simulation. After the simulation activity, students completed a questionnaire evaluated the importance of this learning experience for their educational process. Results: Overall, the mean score results were consistent, even considering the three independent groups (one for each academic year). Students considered this experience valuable for their education, strongly agreeing that the simulation environment helped their learning process and allowed them to acquire, consolidate, and deepen knowledge. Furthermore, they considered that it impressed on them the necessity to continue to improve their learning, and that they would like to participate in other simulation scenarios. Discussion/Conclusion: This simulation activity was a valuable experience for the learning process of the students because it facilitated the acquisition and consolidation of knowledge. It also allowed the students to be aware of the importance of being engaged in their own education. The results were highly consistent over the 3 years, reinforcing the positive feedback from this experience.Introduction/Contexte: Les programmes d’enseignement de l’imagerie médicale en Europe, malgré leur variabilité, incorporent par consensus la pratique clinique comme garantie de qualité, puisque l’apprentissage en contexte clinique est plus efficace et permet la qualification constructive des étudiants. L’apprentissage en contexte de simulation clinique est une stratégie qui favorise l’expérience clinique simulée tout en assurant la sécurité des patients. Dans cette étude, les auteurs évaluent une expérience d’apprentissage qui consiste en l’implantation simulée d’un stimulateur cardiaque mise en œuvre pendant trois ans auprès des étudiants en Imagerie médicale et Radiothérapie de l’Université d’Aveiro. Méthodologie: Une simulation d’implantation de stimulateur cardiaque avec soutien de fluoroscopie a été effectuée avec des étudiants de 3e année en Imagerie médicale et Radiothérapie au Centre de simulation de notre institution pendant une période de trois ans (2016, 2017 et 2018), en appliquant toutes les phases de la simulation. Une salle d’opération, un système d’enregistrement vidéo, un mannequin de corps complet de haut niveau avec contrôle et surveillance à distance, l’anesthésie et un appareil de fluoroscopie sur arceau ont été utilisés pour la simulation. Après l’exercice, les étudiants répondent à un questionnaire qui permet d’évaluer l’importance de cette expérience d’apprentissage dans leur processus éducationnel. Résultats: Dans l’ensemble, les résultats moyens pour les trois années scolaires ont été très bons et constants, même en tenant compte de la présence de trois groupes différents (un pour chaque année). Les étudiants jugent l’expérience valable pour leur formation, sont fortement d’accord pour dire que l’environnement de simulation a aidé le processus d’apprentissage et leur a permis d’acquérir, de consolider et d’approfondir des connaissances. Ils considèrent en outre que cela a souligné la nécessité d’améliorer leur apprentissage et aimeraient participer à d’autres scénarios de simulation. Discussion/conclusion: Cette activité de simulation est une expérience de grande valeur dans le processus d’apprentissage des étudiants, puisqu’elle facilite l’acquisition et la consolidation des connaissances. Elle permet également aux étudiants de prendre conscience de l’importance de s’engager dans leur propre apprentissage. Les résultats ont présenté un degré élevé de constance pendant les trois années, renforçant la rétroaction positive de l’expérience.publishe

    ALEX2014: The Alqueva Hydro-Meteorological Experiment

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    During the four months of the ALEX 2014, the over water fluxes of momentum, heat and mass (H2O and CO2) were obtained with an integrated Open-Path CO2 /H2O Gas Analyser and 3D Sonic Anemometer, mounted on a floating platform (Fig.1) belonging to the Portuguese Environment Agency. The short and long wave, up and down, radiative fluxes were measured at the same place, as well as the water temperature profile. Eight near surface weather stations were operating during the field campaign, two in floating platforms and one in a little island. The air quality, the atmospheric electrical field (Potential Gradient) and the radon (222Rn) concentration were continuous monitored. The solar direct normal irradiation (DNI) as well as other solar radiation components were also measured. Along this period, in situ measurements, water sam-ples and biological elements were monthly collected from three fixed platforms placed in the lacustrine zone and from selected sites in the margins. In each campaign, the vertical profiles of temperature, dis-solved oxygen (mg DO L-1 and %), pH, oxidation-reduction potential, turbidity and solar inwater irra-diation were taken. Simultaneously, water samples were collected at three depths for nutrient determina-tion and microscopic and molecular characterization of cyanobacteria. Diatoms were collected from artificial substrates placed in the platforms and Chironomid pupal exuviae were sampled from two selected sites on the reservoir margins During the IOP, 18 balloons with meteorological radiosondes were launched. In 10 occasions Geigersondes were coupled to the radiosondes in order to obtain the atmospheric ionization profile. The boundary layer was characterized with a Ceilometer and the vertical distribution of O3 and NO2 were obtained from a Spectrometer. A GPS network of 15 GNSS stations was installed in order to map the water vapour. The sky brightness on the nights of July 24 and 25, was measured using a Sky Quality Meter