2,518 research outputs found

    Proposal and Description of a Test System with Wind, Hydro and Fossil Fuel Power Plants for Static Analyses

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    This article presents and describes a 229 bus test system that includes wind, hydro and fossil fuel power plants. It represents the Northeast subsystem of the Brazilian Interconnected Power System (BIPS). The test system supplies a load of 4.17 GW, being 13% powered by wind farms, which is the current wind power penetration level of the BIPS. The data comprehends different load levels based on the typical load behavior and typical capacity factors of wind, hydro and fossil fuel plants, as well as the capacity of transmission and sub-transmission lines, transformers, and the adopted structure for the test system. The data is compiled considering models and operating scenarios of the BIPS, and allow performing studies of static voltage stability, sensitivity of voltage stability margin considering the wind farms, and multi-objective optimization considering market constraints. The results of the simulations with the test system indicate the consistency of their data structure and its applicability to different studies of electric power systems.Comment: In proceedings of the 11th Bulk Power Systems Dynamics and Control Symposium (IREP 2022), July 25-30, 2022, Banff, Canad

    Informe jurídico sobre la casación 6428-2019 Cajamarca

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    A través de la Sentencia recaída en el Expediente 976-2011-AA/TC se determinó que un despido fraudulento se configurará cuando se impute al trabajador una falta no prevista legalmente. Sin embargo, la Casación 6428-2019 tiene como primer eje principal la imputación de un despido a una trabajadora fundamentada en una ley española. Tal sentencia nos trae a colación las siguientes interrogantes ¿todas las faltas no previstas legalmente constituyen un despido fraudulento? ¿qué tipos de faltas no previstas legalmente que pueden imputarse? ¿varía en algo si en nuestro país existe una falta grave igual o similar a la que no se encuentra prevista legalmente? De igual manera, la Casación 6428-2019 guarda como uno de sus ejes centrales los tipos de procedimiento de despido, ya sea por conducta o por capacidad, y cómo cada uno de estos se materializa frente a la existencia de un rendimiento deficiente o una disminución en el rendimiento. ¿Por cuál procedimiento deberá optar el empleador frente a dichos casos? ¿Qué metodología de evaluación se necesita para comparar el rendimiento de los trabajadores y para acreditarlo en un despido? Por último, a partir de los hechos narrados en la Casación 6428 también surgen diferentes cuestiones ¿el principio de igualdad de trato en la extinción de labores también debe aplicarse frente a casos de trabajadores con deficiencias en su capacidad? ¿Puede condicionarse la renovación de un contrato de trabajo a la mejoría del rendimiento del trabajador? A partir del siguiente Informe se dilucidará sobre todas las cuestiones formuladas.Through the Judgment handed down in File 976-2011-AA/TC, it will be limited that a fraudulent dismissal will be configured when the worker is charged with an serious misconduct not legally provided for. However, Cassation 6428-2019 has as its first main axis the imputation of a dismissal to a fundamental worker in a Spanish law. Such sentence brings us a collation of the following questions: all the misdemeanors not legally foreseen constitute a fraudulent dismissal? What types of offenses not legally foreseen that can be imputed? Does it vary somewhat if in our country there is a serious fault equal or similar to that which is not legally provided for? Similarly, Cassation 6428-2019 keeps as one of its central axes the types of dismissal procedures, either for conduct or capacity, and how each of these materializes in the face of poor performance or a decrease in performance. Which procedure should the employer opt for in such cases? What evaluation methodology is needed to compare the performance of workers and to accredit it in a dismissal? Finally, based on the facts narrated in Cassation 6428, different questions also arise. Should the principle of equal treatment in job termination also be applied to cases of workers with deficiencies in their capacity? Can the renewal of an employment contract be conditioned on the improvement of the worker's performance? From the next Report, all the questions raised will be elucidated

    RI-Calc: A User Friendly Software and Web Server for Refractive Index Calculation

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    The refractive index of an optical medium is essential for studying a variety of physical phenomena. One useful method for determining the refractive index of scalar materials (i.e, materials which are characterized by a scalar dielectric function) is to employ the Kramers-Kronig (K-K) relations. The K-K method is particularly useful in cases where ellipsometric measurements are unavailable, a situation that frequently occurs in many laboratories. Although some packages can perform this calculation, they usually lack a graphical interface and are complex to implement and use. Those deficiencies inhibits their utilization by a plethora of researchers unfamiliar with programming languages. To address the aforementioned gap, we have developed the Refractive Index Calculator (RI-Calc) program that provides an intuitive and user-friendly interface. The RI-Calc program allows users to input the absorption coefficient spectrum and then easily calculate the complex refractive index and the complex relative permittivity of a broad range of thin films, including of molecules, polymers, blends, and perovskites. The program has been thoroughly tested, taking into account the Lorentz oscillator model and experimental data from a materials' refractive index database, demonstrating consistent outcomes. It is compatible with Windows, Unix, and macOS operating systems. You can download the RI-Calc binaries from our GitHub repository or conveniently access the program through our dedicated web server at nanocalc.org.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    Protection Against Spam Using Pre-Challenges

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    Abstract: Spam turns out to be an increasingly serious problem to email users. A number of anti-spam schemes have been proposed and deployed, but the problem has yet been well addressed. One of those schemes is challenge-response, in which a challenge is imposed on an email sender. However, such a scheme introduces new problems for the users, e.g., delay of service and denial of service attacks. In this paper, we introduce a pre-challenge scheme that avoids those problems. It assumes each user has a challenge that is defined by the user himself/herself and associated with his/her email address, in such a way that an email sender can simultaneously retrieve a new receiver's email address and challenge before sending an email in the first contact. Some new mechanisms are employed to reach a good balance between security against spam and convenience to email users

    Actividad física en la población infantil y juvenil española en el tiempo libre. Estudio enKid (1998-2000)

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    Introducción y objetivos: La práctica regular de actividad física se ha convertido en uno de los objetivos principales de los planes de salud pública debido a su relación con la prevención de numerosas enfermedades crónicas. La infancia y la adolescencia son momentos clave para iniciar el hábito del ejercicio físico. El objetivo de este trabajo es realizar un análisis descriptivo de la práctica de actividad física en el tiempo libre y los factores socioeconómicos que influyen en ella en una muestra representativa de la población infantil y juvenil española. Métodos: Se estudiaron 3.185 individuos de 2 a 24 años a los que se administró un cuestionario sobre actividad física y variables socioeconómicas. Resultados: Alrededor del 70% de los niños y adolescentes españoles no realizan actividad física regular en su tiempo libre, especialmente las chicas. Con la edad, se produce un aumento de la actividad física hasta los 10-13 años, a partir de entonces disminuye su práctica. El nivel socioeconómico y el nivel de estudios de la madre influyen positivamente en el grado de actividad física de la población. Conclusiones: El ejercicio físico en el tiempo libre no es un hábito en la mayoría de la población infantil y juvenil española. Las campañas de salud dirigidas a su promoción deben tener en cuenta las variables socioeconómicas que influyen en su práctica y mejorar la disponibilidad de instalaciones deportivas o recreativas de manera que toda la población tenga acceso a ellas