15 research outputs found

    Diffusiophoretic Focusing of Suspended Colloids

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    Using a microfluidic system to impose and maintain controlled, steady-state multicomponent pH and electrolyte gradients, we present systems where the diffusiophoretic migration of suspended colloids leads them to focus at a particular position, even in steady-state gradients. We show that naively superpositing effects of each gradient may seem conceptually and qualitatively reasonable, yet is invalid due to the coupled transport of these multicomponent electrolytes. In fact, reformulating the classic theories in terms of the flux of each species (rather than local gradients) reveals rather stringent conditions that are necessary for diffusiophoretic focusing in steady gradients. Either particle surface properties must change as a function of local composition in solution (akin to isoelectric focusing in electrophoresis), or chemical reactions must occur between electrolyte species, for such focusing to be possible. The generality of these findings provides a conceptual picture for understanding, predicting, or designing diffusiophoretic systems

    Direct Measurements of Colloidal Solvophoresis under Imposed Solvent and Solute Gradients

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    We describe a microfluidic system that enables direct visualization and measurement of diffusiophoretic migration of colloids in response to imposed solution gradients. Such measurements have proven difficult or impossible in macroscopic systems due to difficulties in establishing solution gradients that are sufficiently strong yet hydrodynamically stable. We validate the system with measurements of the concentration-dependent diffusiophoretic mobility of polystyrene colloids in NaCl gradients, confirming that diffusiophoretic migration velocities are proportional to gradients in the logarithm of electrolyte concentration. We then perform the first direct measurement of the concentration-dependent "solvophoretic" mobility of colloids in ethanol-water gradients, whose dependence on concentration and gradient strength was not known either theoretically or experimentally, but which our measurements reveal to be proportional to the gradient in the logarithm of ethanol mole fraction. Finally, we examine solvophoretic migration under a variety of qualitatively distinct chemical gradients, including solvents that are miscible or have finite solubility with water, an electrolyte for which diffusiophoresis proceeds down concentration gradients (unlike for most electrolytes), and a nonelectrolyte (sugar). Our technique enables the direct characterization of diffusiophoretic mobilities of various colloids under various solvent and solute gradients, analogous to the electrophoretic ζ-potential measurements that are routinely used to characterize suspensions. We anticipate that such measurements will provide the feedback required to test and develop theories for solvophoretic and diffusiophoretic migration and ultimately to the conceptual design and engineering of particles that respond in a desired way to their chemical environments

    Panoramic snapshot of serum soluble mediator interplay in pregnant women with convalescent COVID-19: an exploratory study

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    IntroductionSARS-CoV-2 infection during pregnancy can induce changes in the maternal immune response, with effects on pregnancy outcome and offspring. This is a cross-sectional observational study designed to characterize the immunological status of pregnant women with convalescent COVID-19 at distinct pregnancy trimesters. The study focused on providing a clear snapshot of the interplay among serum soluble mediators.MethodsA sample of 141 pregnant women from all prenatal periods (1st, 2nd and 3rd trimesters) comprised patients with convalescent SARS-CoV-2 infection at 3-20 weeks after symptoms onset (COVID, n=89) and a control group of pre-pandemic non-infected pregnant women (HC, n=52). Chemokine, pro-inflammatory/regulatory cytokine and growth factor levels were quantified by a high-throughput microbeads array.ResultsIn the HC group, most serum soluble mediators progressively decreased towards the 2nd and 3rd trimesters of pregnancy, while higher chemokine, cytokine and growth factor levels were observed in the COVID patient group. Serum soluble mediator signatures and heatmap analysis pointed out that the major increase observed in the COVID group related to pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-6, TNF-α, IL-12, IFN-γ and IL-17). A larger set of biomarkers displayed an increased COVID/HC ratio towards the 2nd (3x increase) and the 3rd (3x to 15x increase) trimesters. Integrative network analysis demonstrated that HC pregnancy evolves with decreasing connectivity between pairs of serum soluble mediators towards the 3rd trimester. Although the COVID group exhibited a similar profile, the number of connections was remarkably lower throughout the pregnancy. Meanwhile, IL-1Ra, IL-10 and GM-CSF presented a preserved number of correlations (≥5 strong correlations in HC and COVID), IL-17, FGF-basic and VEGF lost connectivity throughout the pregnancy. IL-6 and CXCL8 were included in a set of acquired attributes, named COVID-selective (≥5 strong correlations in COVID and <5 in HC) observed at the 3rd pregnancy trimester.Discussion and conclusionFrom an overall perspective, a pronounced increase in serum levels of soluble mediators with decreased network interplay between them demonstrated an imbalanced immune response in convalescent COVID-19 infection during pregnancy that may contribute to the management of, or indeed recovery from, late complications in the post-symptomatic phase of the SARS-CoV-2 infection in pregnant women

    Microfluidic Microdialysis: Spatiotemporal Control over Solution Microenvironments Using Integrated Hydrogel Membrane Microwindows

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    We present a powerful and versatile technique that enables exquisite spatial and temporal control over local solution chemistry in microfluidic devices. Using a microscope and a UV lamp, we use projection lithography to photopolymerize thin (10–25  μm) hydrogel membrane “microwindows” (HMMs) into standard microfluidic devices. These microwindows are permeable to solute and solvent diffusion and to electric fields, yet act as rigid walls from the standpoint of fluid flow. Reservoirs of solution may thus be rapidly imposed, switched, and maintained on one side of a HMM using standard microfluidic techniques, provoking changes in solution conditions on the other side without active mixing, stirring, or diluting. We highlight three paradigmatic experimental capabilities enabled by HMMs: (1) rapid dialysis and swapping of solute and/or solvent, (2) stable and convection-free localized concentration gradients, and (3) local electric permeability. The functional versatility of hydrogel microwindow membranes, coupled with the ease and speed of their fabrication and integration into simple microchannels or multilayer devices, will open a variety of novel applications and studies in a broad range of fields