25 research outputs found

    Computational DNA binding studies of (–)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate

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    <p>The catechin family of molecules that are present in the leaves of green tea has been under investigation since the antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties of tea were discovered. Among multiple proposed therapeutic targets of these molecules, the direct interaction with nucleic acids has been proposed and experimentally observed but without clear knowledge about the potential binding modes between these ligands and DNA. One of these catechin structures, (–)-epigallocatechin gallate (EGCG), has three aromatic rings that could interact with double-stranded DNA via terminal base-pair stacking, intercalation, or through groove binding. Using enhanced sampling techniques and molecular dynamics simulations, we have found a stable complex between the EGCG ligand and DNA through intercalation of the trihydroxybenzoate aromatic ring and an ApC step. Moreover, we have calculated the absorption spectra of four possible binding modes and compared these to absorption profiles reported in the literature, and explored the possible DNA sequence preference for the EGCG ligand to bind. Our results suggest that an intercalative mode of interaction through the major groove is possible between the EGCG ligands and DNA with apparently very little DNA sequence selectivity.</p

    In Silico Design of Monomolecular Drug Carriers for the Tyrosine Kinase Inhibitor Drug Imatinib Based on Calix- and Thiacalix[n]arene Host Molecules: A DFT and Molecular Dynamics Study

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    The use of functionalized calix- and thia-calix­[<i>n</i>]­arenes is proposed as the basis for our <i>in silico</i> design of a suitable drug carrier for the tyrosine kinase inhibitor, Imatinib. Their mutual electronic properties and interaction energies, <i>E</i><sub>int</sub>, were assessed with the use of Density Functional Theory (DFT) methods under the NBODel methodology. Three structural variables for the host molecules were considered: R = {SO<sub>3</sub>H (<b>1</b>), <i>t</i>-Bu (<b>2</b>), <i>i</i>-Pr (<b>3</b>), COOH (<b>4</b>), (CH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>OH (<b>5</b>), (CH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>NH<sub>2</sub> (<b>6</b>)}; <i>b</i> = {CH<sub>2</sub>, S}; <i>n</i> = {5, 6, 8}, and two possible orientations for the insertion of Imatinib within the macrocycle cavity: pyridine moiety pointing inward (<i>N1</i>) and piperazine pointing inward (<i>N2</i>). In total, we explored 72 different assemblies. Initial molecular mechanics geometry optimizations with the UFF potential were undertaken for every host–guest complex, with further optimization at the B97D/6-31G­(<i>d</i>,<i>p</i>) level of theory. Using the same optimized structures, Molecular Dynamics (MD) simulations were carried out on all 72 assemblies using the General Amber Force Field and the AMBER 12 MD package. Electronic parameters were fitted using the RESP method, and the complexes were run for 100 ns. Potential of mean force was obtained for the most stable systems using umbrella sampling and the Weighted Histogram Analysis Method. Calix­[<i>n</i>]­arenes families <b>1</b> and <b>5</b> (R = SO<sub>3</sub>H and (CH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>OH, respectively) with <i>n</i> = 6 constitute the most promising candidates to become drug carriers within our parameter space due to their more negative <i>E</i><sub>int</sub> values and increased flexibility to allow the inclusion of the drug

    Exploring potentially alternative non-canonical DNA duplex structures through simulation

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    <p>Hopkins proposed an alternative and chirally distinct family of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) models that have antiparallel chains with 5′→3′ senses opposite to those of the right-handed Watson–Crick (WC) family. Termed configuration II, this family of dsDNA models contains both right-handed (II-R) and left-handed (II-L) forms, with Z-DNA as an example of the latter. Relative interstrand binding energies for six DNA duplex models, two each of configuration I-R (standard WC canonical B-DNA), II-R, and II-L for the duplex d(CGCGAATTCGCG), have been estimated under identical conditions using MM-PBSA analysis from molecular dynamics trajectories using three different AMBER force fields. These simulations support the stereo chemical soundness of configuration II dsDNA forms. Recent force fields (Barcelona Supercomputing Center [BSC] [bsc1] and Olomouc 2015 [OL15]) successfully render stable II-L structures, whereas the previous force field, bsc0, generated stable II-R structures, although with an energy difference between II-R and II-L of ∼30 kcal/mol.</p> <p>Communicated by Ramaswamy H. Sarma</p

    Using Wavelet Analysis To Assist in Identification of Significant Events in Molecular Dynamics Simulations

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    Long time scale molecular dynamics (MD) simulations of biological systems are becoming increasingly commonplace due to the availability of both large-scale computational resources and significant advances in the underlying simulation methodologies. Therefore, it is useful to investigate and develop data mining and analysis techniques to quickly and efficiently extract the biologically relevant information from the incredible amount of generated data. Wavelet analysis (WA) is a technique that can quickly reveal significant motions during an MD simulation. Here, the application of WA on well-converged long time scale (tens of Îźs) simulations of a DNA helix is described. We show how WA combined with a simple clustering method can be used to identify both the physical and temporal locations of events with significant motion in MD trajectories. We also show that WA can not only distinguish and quantify the locations and time scales of significant motions, but by changing the maximum time scale of WA a more complete characterization of these motions can be obtained. This allows motions of different time scales to be identified or ignored as desired

    Computational Assessment of Potassium and Magnesium Ion Binding to a Buried Pocket in GTPase-Associating Center RNA

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    An experimentally well-studied model of RNA tertiary structures is a 58mer rRNA fragment, known as GTPase-associating center (GAC) RNA, in which a highly negative pocket walled by phosphate oxygen atoms is stabilized by a chelated cation. Although such deep pockets with more than one direct phosphate to ion chelation site normally include magnesium, as shown in one GAC crystal structure, another GAC crystal structure and solution experiments suggest potassium at this site. Both crystal structures also depict two magnesium ions directly bound to the phosphate groups comprising this controversial pocket. Here, we used classical molecular dynamics simulations as well as umbrella sampling to investigate the possibility of binding of potassium versus magnesium inside the pocket and to better characterize the chelation of one of the binding magnesium ions outside the pocket. The results support the preference of the pocket to accommodate potassium rather than magnesium and suggest that one of the closely binding magnesium ions can only bind at high magnesium concentrations, such as might be present during crystallization. This work illustrates the complementary utility of molecular modeling approaches with atomic-level detail in resolving discrepancies between conflicting experimental results

    Refinement of the Sugar–Phosphate Backbone Torsion Beta for AMBER Force Fields Improves the Description of Z- and B‑DNA

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    Z-DNA duplexes are a particularly complicated test case for current force fields. We performed a set of explicit solvent molecular dynamics (MD) simulations with various AMBER force field parametrizations including our recent refinements of the ε/ζ and glycosidic torsions. None of these force fields described the ZI/ZII and other backbone substates correctly, and all of them underpredicted the population of the important ZI substate. We show that this underprediction can be attributed to an inaccurate potential for the sugar–phosphate backbone torsion angle β. We suggest a refinement of this potential, β<sub>OL1</sub>, which was derived using our recently introduced methodology that includes conformation-dependent solvation effects. The new potential significantly increases the stability of the dominant ZI backbone substate and improves the overall description of the Z-DNA backbone. It also has a positive (albeit small) impact on another important DNA form, the antiparallel guanine quadruplex (G-DNA), and improves the description of the canonical B-DNA backbone by increasing the population of BII backbone substates, providing a better agreement with experiment. We recommend using β<sub>OL1</sub> in combination with our previously introduced corrections, εζ<sub>OL1</sub> and χ<sub>OL4</sub>, (the combination being named OL15) as a possible alternative to the current β torsion potential for more accurate modeling of nucleic acids

    Assessing the Current State of Amber Force Field Modifications for DNA

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    The utility of molecular dynamics (MD) simulations to model biomolecular structure, dynamics, and interactions has witnessed enormous advances in recent years due to the availability of optimized MD software and access to significant computational power, including GPU multicore computing engines and other specialized hardware. This has led researchers to routinely extend conformational sampling times to the microsecond level and beyond. The extended sampling time has allowed the community not only to converge conformational ensembles through complete sampling but also to discover deficiencies and overcome problems with the force fields. Accuracy of the force fields is a key component, along with sampling, toward being able to generate accurate and stable structures of biopolymers. The Amber force field for nucleic acids has been used extensively since the 1990s, and multiple artifacts have been discovered, corrected, and reassessed by different research groups. We present a direct comparison of two of the most recent and state-of-the-art Amber force field modifications, bsc1 and OL15, that focus on accurate modeling of double-stranded DNA. After extensive MD simulations with five test cases and two different water models, we conclude that both modifications are a remarkable improvement over the previous bsc0 force field. Both force field modifications show better agreement when compared to experimental structures. To ensure convergence, the Drew–Dickerson dodecamer (DDD) system was simulated using 100 independent MD simulations, each extended to at least 10 μs, and the independent MD simulations were concatenated into a single 1 ms long trajectory for each combination of force field and water model. This is significantly beyond the time scale needed to converge the conformational ensemble of the internal portions of a DNA helix absent internal base pair opening. Considering all of the simulations discussed in the current work, the MD simulations performed to assess and validate the current force fields and water models aggregate over 14 ms of simulation time. The results suggest that both the bsc1 and OL15 force fields render average structures that deviate significantly less than 1 Å from the average experimental structures. This can be compared to similar but less exhaustive simulations with the CHARMM 36 force field that aggregate to the ∼90 μs time scale and also perform well but do not produce structures as close to the DDD NMR average structures (with root-mean-square deviations of 1.3 Å) as the newer Amber force fields. On the basis of these analyses, any future research involving double-stranded DNA simulations using the Amber force fields should employ the bsc1 or OL15 modification

    Transitions of Double-Stranded DNA Between the A- and B‑Forms

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    The structure of double-stranded DNA (dsDNA) is sensitive to solvent conditions. In solution, B-DNA is the favored conformation under physiological conditions, while A-DNA is the form found under low water activity. The A-form is induced locally in some protein–DNA complexes, and repeated transitions between the B- and A-forms have been proposed to generate the forces used to drive dsDNA into viral capsids during genome packaging. Here, we report analyses on previous molecular dynamics (MD) simulations on B-DNA, along with new MD simulations on the transition from A-DNA to B-DNA in solution. We introduce the A-B Index (ABI), a new metric along the A-B continuum, to quantify our results. When A-DNA is placed in an equilibrated solution at physiological ionic strength, there is no energy barrier to the transition to the B-form, which begins within about 1 ns. The transition is essentially complete within 5 ns, although occasionally a stretch of a few base pairs will remain A-like for up to ∼10 ns. A comparison of four sequences with a range of predicted A-phobicities shows that more A-phobic sequences make the transition more rapidly than less A-phobic sequences. Simulations on dsDNA with a region of roughly one turn locked in the A-form allow us to characterize the A/B junction, which has an average bend angle of 20–30°. Fluctuations in this angle occur with characteristic times of about 10 ns

    Oxazinin A, a Pseudodimeric Natural Product of Mixed Biosynthetic Origin from a Filamentous Fungus

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    A racemic, prenylated polyketide dimer, oxazinin A (<b>1</b>), was isolated from a novel filamentous fungus in the class Eurotiomycetes, and its structure was elucidated spectroscopically. The pentacyclic structure of oxazinin A (<b>1</b>) is a unique combination of benzoxazine, isoquinoline, and a pyran ring. Oxazinin A (<b>1</b>) exhibited antimycobacterial activity and modestly antagonized transient receptor potential (TRP) channels

    TNF signaling is affected in HeLa cells treated with Cas II-gly favoring apoptosis rather than differentiation and proliferation.

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    <p>Image based in an analysis of the gene expression matrix in the IngenuityÂŽ database for Systems Pathways Analysis (IPA) <a href="http://www.plosone.org/article/info:doi/10.1371/journal.pone.0054664#pone.0054664-Ingenuity1" target="_blank">[28]</a>. Molecules in green are transcriptionally down-regulated whereas molecules in red are transcriptionally over-expressed. Notice the abundance of molecules -such as HMOX1- responding to oxidative stress.</p