7 research outputs found

    Quality Management System and Quality Assurance Programs in Radiotherapy in the Light of Regulations Applicable in México

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    Radiotherapy Quality Management Systems (qms) and Quality Assurance (qa) Programs have been proposed as an effective tool to ensure consistency between medical prescription and safe delivery of treatment to patients with minimal exposure to staff. In recent years in Mexico, there has been an increase in the acquisition of modern medical linear accelerators for the delivery of highly sophisticated radiotherapy treatments with specific qa requirements.This makes it necessary to review the current regulatory framework on Quality Management, to know if regulatory requirements are sufficient for the establishment, implementation and development of Comprehensive Quality Systems (qs) in radiotherapy centres. The objective of this work is to review the current national regulations in radiotherapy qms, in particular those referring to standard procedures, human and physical infrastructure, and the implementation of qs in the practice of health care institutions. Results show a first approach to the implementation of quality management systems and quality assurance programs in radiotherapy centres

    Quality Management System and Quality Assurance Programs in Radiotherapy in the Light of Regulations Applicable in México

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    Radiotherapy Quality Management Systems (qms) and Quality Assurance (qa) Programs have been proposed as an effective tool to ensure consistency between medical prescription and safe delivery of treatment to patients with minimal exposure to staff. In recent years in Mexico, there has been an increase in the acquisition of modern medical linear accelerators for the delivery of highly sophisticated radiotherapy treatments with specific qa requirements.This makes it necessary to review the current regulatory framework on Quality Management, to know if regulatory requirements are sufficient for the establishment, implementation and development of Comprehensive Quality Systems (qs) in radiotherapy centres. The objective of this work is to review the current national regulations in radiotherapy qms, in particular those referring to standard procedures, human and physical infrastructure, and the implementation of qs in the practice of health care institutions. Results show a first approach to the implementation of quality management systems and quality assurance programs in radiotherapy centres

    Dosimetry of translational technique for total body irradiation with electrons in Alderson anthropomorphic phantom, for the treatment of mycosis fungoides

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    Total skin electron irradiation (tsei) is one of the most widely used techniques in the treatment of mycosis fungoides (mf). The objective of this work is to carry out the dosimetric characterization of the translational method using a mobile platform at constant speed for tsei, being a longitudinal prospective study design, making use of descriptive statistics with a quantitative approach. The dosimetric and geometric characteristics were established according to the Varian 21 iX linear accelerator for clinical use, treatment method and conditions of the translational platform (tp) with two degrees of freedom (speed and height), using a 1 cm thick lucite, thus degrading the energy and obtaining the maximum dose at a depth of 4.8 mm and a photon contamination of 0.74%, which are within the parameters established by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (aapm) in report No. 23.1 In Mexico, the translational technique with tsei has not been implemented for mf cancer procedures, and due to the physical limitations of the patients, there is no homogeneous dose distribution on the skin surface with the Stanford and rotational techniqu

    Dosimetry of translational technique for total body irradiation with electrons in Alderson anthropomorphic phantom, for the treatment of mycosis fungoides

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    Total skin electron irradiation (tsei) is one of the most widely used techniques in the treatment of mycosis fungoides (mf). The objective of this work is to carry out the dosimetric characterization of the translational method using a mobile platform at constant speed for tsei, being a longitudinal prospective study design, making use of descriptive statistics with a quantitative approach. The dosimetric and geometric characteristics were established according to the Varian 21 iX linear accelerator for clinical use, treatment method and conditions of the translational platform (tp) with two degrees of freedom (speed and height), using a 1 cm thick lucite, thus degrading the energy and obtaining the maximum dose at a depth of 4.8 mm and a photon contamination of 0.74%, which are within the parameters established by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (aapm) in report No. 23.1 In Mexico, the translational technique with tsei has not been implemented for mf cancer procedures, and due to the physical limitations of the patients, there is no homogeneous dose distribution on the skin surface with the Stanford and rotational techniqu

    Dispensador bluetooth de comida para mascotas.

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    Actualmente es común que las personas que por sus múltiples ocupaciones pasen tiempo fuera del hogar y a su vez tengan responsabilidades que les demanden estar presentes en el hogar. También es cada vez más frecuente que las personas convivan con mascotas buscando compañía. El hecho de tener una mascota genera una responsabilidad, ya que estas requieren de cuidados y entre estos está la alimentación. El presente proyecto consiste en el diseño de un prototipo de un dispensador de comida para mascotas, controlada y administrada remotamente mediante bluetooth. El estudio y diseño de este prototipo va direccionado al uso de las personas con perros y gatos ya que son el tipo de mascota que generalmente se encuentran en los hogares, además va enfocado a crear conciencia humana y cultura de cuidado animal para que los dueños de perros que por distintos motivos y ocupaciones diarias no puedan dedicar a las mascotas el cuidado y alimentación apropiada, a su vez puedan hacerlo más simple, para aportar al crecimiento adecuado de las mascotas. Objetivo general Usar y controlar aparatos electrónicos del hogar, dispositivos móviles y mecanismos tecnológicos por una sola interfaz remotamente, En este caso diseñar un prototipo dispensador de comida para mascotas controlado y administrado desde una aplicación en el celular, mediante Bluetooth, para facilitar la alimentación de mascotas, proporcionándoles su comida en un horario y ración adecuada, favoreciendo en su crecimiento y nutrición. Objetivos específicos Controlar la alimentación de las mascotas mediante una aplicación que permite dispensar la cantidad de alimento deseado en tiempo real. Facilitar el cuidado de las mascotas, para instaurar las responsabilidades sobre la nutrición. Automatizar la dispensación de comida para la mascota mediante una placa de Arduino. Diseñar una aplicación para el proyecto que permita conectarse desde dispositivos.It is now common for people to have multiple occupations, spend time away from home and in turn have responsibilities that require them to be present at home. It is also increasingly common for people to live with pets looking for company. The fact of having a pet generates a responsibility, since these require care and among these is food. The present project consists of the design of a prototype of a pet food dispenser, controlled and managed remotely via Bluetooth. The study and design of this prototype is aimed at the use of people with dogs and cats since they are the type of pet that are usually found in homes, it is also focused on creating human awareness and culture of animal care so that dog owners who for different reasons and daily occupations can not dedicate to pets the appropriate care and feeding, in turn they can make it simpler, to contribute to the proper growth of pets. General objective Use and control household electronic devices, mobile devices and technological mechanisms by a single interface remotely, In this case design a prototype pet food dispenser controlled and managed from an application on the cell phone, via Bluetooth, to facilitate the feeding of pets, providing them with their food at an appropriate time and ration, favoring in their growth and nutrition. Specific objectives Control the feeding of pets through an application that allows dispensing the desired amount of food in real time. Facilitate the care of pets, to establish responsibilities on nutrition. Automate the dispensing of pet food using an Arduino board. Design an application for the project that allows you to connect from devices.1. Planteamiento del Problema. -- 2. Objetivos. -- 2.1. Objetivo General. -- 2.2. Objetivos Específicos. -- 3. Diseño Ingenieril. -- 4. Análisis y Discusión. -- 5. Funcionamiento. -- 6. Problemáticas Durante el Diseño y Puesta en Marcha. -- 7. Conclusiones. -- 8. Referencias. -- 9. [email protected]@[email protected]

    Dosimetry of translational technique for total body irradiation with electrons in Alderson anthropomorphic phantom, for the treatment of mycosis fungoides

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    Total skin electron irradiation (tsei) is one of the most widely used techniques in the treatment of mycosis fungoides (mf). The objective of this work is to carry out the dosimetric characterization of the translational method using a mobile platform at constant speed for tsei, being a longitudinal prospective study design, making use of descriptive statistics with a quantitative approach. The dosimetric and geometric characteristics were established according to the Varian 21 iX linear accelerator for clinical use, treatment method and conditions of the translational platform (tp) with two degrees of freedom (speed and height), using a 1 cm thick lucite, thus degrading the energy and obtaining the maximum dose at a depth of 4.8 mm and a photon contamination of 0.74%, which are within the parameters established by the American Association of Physicists in Medicine (aapm) in report No. 23.1 In Mexico, the translational technique with tsei has not been implemented for mf cancer procedures, and due to the physical limitations of the patients, there is no homogeneous dose distribution on the skin surface with the Stanford and rotational techniqu

    Quality Management System and Quality Assurance Programs in Radiotherapy in the Light of Regulations Applicable in México

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    Radiotherapy Quality Management Systems (qms) and Quality Assurance (qa) Programs have been proposed as an effective tool to ensure consistency between medical prescription and safe delivery of treatment to patients with minimal exposure to staff. In recent years in Mexico, there has been an increase in the acquisition of modern medical linear accelerators for the delivery of highly sophisticated radiotherapy treatments with specific qa requirements.This makes it necessary to review the current regulatory framework on Quality Management, to know if regulatory requirements are sufficient for the establishment, implementation and development of Comprehensive Quality Systems (qs) in radiotherapy centres. The objective of this work is to review the current national regulations in radiotherapy qms, in particular those referring to standard procedures, human and physical infrastructure, and the implementation of qs in the practice of health care institutions. Results show a first approach to the implementation of quality management systems and quality assurance programs in radiotherapy centres