126 research outputs found

    Model-driven in reverse. The practical experience of the AQUA project

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    Model-Driven Web Engineering (MDWE) is a new paradigm which provides satisfactory results in software development. However, most experiments with MDWE towards the development of software from the requirements to the implementation stages. However, in practice, sometimes software development does not follow this classic path. In this paper, MDWE is presented as a suitable selection in software projects of technological evolution. The AQUA project is a very large and important project which is a fusion of three previous systems. Thus, this project starts with the original code of these three systems. The paper introduces the power of MDWE in this kind of systems.Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia TIN2007-67843-C06_03Ministerio de Educación y Ciencia IN2007-30391-

    Evolutionary dynamics of the repeatome explains contrasting differences in genome sizes and hybrid and polyploid origins of grass loliinae lineages

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    The repeatome is composed of diverse families of repetitive DNA that keep signatures on the historical events that shaped the evolution of their hosting species. The cold seasonal Loliinae subtribe includes worldwide distributed taxa, some of which are the most important forage and lawn species (fescues and ray-grasses). The Loliinae are prone to hybridization and polyploidization. It has been observed a striking two-fold difference in genome size between the broad-leaved (BL) and fine-leaved (FL) Loliinae diploids and a general trend of genome reduction of some high polyploids. We have used genome skimming data to uncover the composition, abundance, and potential phylogenetic signal of repetitive elements across 47 representatives of the main Loliinae lineages. Independent and comparative analyses of repetitive sequences and of 5S rDNA loci were performed for all taxa under study and for four evolutionary Loliinae groups Loliinae, Broad-leaved (BL), Fine-leaved (FL), and Schedonorus lineages]. Our data showed that the proportion of the genome covered by the repeatome in the Loliinae species was relatively high (average ~ 51.8%), ranging from high percentages in some diploids (68.7%) to low percentages in some high-polyploids (30.7%), and that changes in their genome sizes were likely caused by gains or losses in their repeat elements. Ty3-gypsy Retand and Ty1-copia Angela retrotransposons were the most frequent repeat families in the Loliinae although the relatively more conservative Angela repeats presented the highest correlation of repeat content with genome size variation and the highest phylogenetic signal of the whole repeatome. By contrast, Athila retrotransposons presented evidence of recent proliferations almost exclusively in the Lolium clade. The repeatome evolutionary networks showed an overall topological congruence with the nuclear 35S rDNA phylogeny and a geographic-based structure for some lineages. The evolution of the Loliinae repeatome suggests a plausible scenario of recurrent allopolyploidizations followed by diploidizations that generated the large genome sizes of BL diploids as well as large genomic rearrangements in highly hybridogenous lineages that caused massive repeatome and genome contractions in the Schedonorus and Aulaxyper polyploids. Our study has contributed to disentangling the impact of the repeatome dynamics on the genome diversification and evolution of the Loliinae grasses. Copyright © 2022 Moreno-Aguilar, Inda, Sánchez-Rodríguez, Arnelas and Catalán

    Leptin administration restores the altered adipose and hepatic expression of aquaglyceroporins improving the non-alcoholic fatty liver of ob/ob mice

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    Glycerol is an important metabolite for the control of lipid accumulation in white adipose tissue (WAT) and liver. We aimed to investigate whether exogenous administration of leptin improves features of non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD) in leptin-deficient ob/ob mice via the regulation of AQP3 and AQP7 (glycerol channels mediating glycerol efflux in adipocytes) and AQP9 (aquaglyceroporin facilitating glycerol influx in hepatocytes). Twelve-week-old male wild type and ob/ob mice were divided in three groups as follows: control, leptin-treated (1 mg/kg/d) and pair-fed. Leptin deficiency was associated with obesity and NAFLD exhibiting an AQP3 and AQP7 increase in WAT, without changes in hepatic AQP9. Adipose Aqp3 and and hepatic Aqp9 transcripts positively correlated with markers of adiposity and hepatic steatosis. Chronic leptin administration (4 weeks) was associated with improved body weight, whole-body adiposity, and hepatosteatosis of ob/ob mice and to a down-regulation of AQP3, AQP7 in WAT and an up-regulation of hepatic AQP9. Acute leptin stimulation in vitro (4 h) induced the mobilization of aquaglyceroporins towards lipid droplets (AQP3) and the plasma membrane (AQP7) in murine adipocytes. Our results show that leptin restores the coordinated regulation of the fat-specific AQP7 and the liver-specific AQP9, a step which might prevent the lipid overaccumulation in WAT and liver in obesity

    Physics of ULIRGs with MUSE and ALMA: The PUMA project: I. Properties of the survey and first MUSE data results

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    Ultraluminous infrared galaxies (ULIRGs) are characterised by extreme starburst (SB) and AGN activity, and are therefore ideal laboratories for studying the outflow phenomena. We have recently started a project called Physics of ULIRGs with MUSE and ALMA (PUMA), which is a survey of 25 nearby (z < 0.165) ULIRGs observed with the integral field spectrograph MUSE and the interferometer ALMA. This sample includes systems with both AGN and SB nuclear activity in the pre- and post-coalescence phases of major mergers. The main goals of the project are to study the prevalence of multi-phase outflows as a function of the galaxy properties, to constrain the driving mechanisms of the outflows (e.g. distinguish between SB and AGN winds), and to identify feedback effects on the host galaxy. In this first paper, we present details on the sample selection, MUSE observations, and derive first data products. MUSE data were analysed to study the dynamical status of each of the 21 ULIRGs observed so far, taking the stellar kinematics and the morphological properties inferred from MUSE narrow-band images into account. We also located the ULIRG nuclei, using near-IR (HST) and mm (ALMA) data, and studied their optical spectra to infer the ionisation state through BPT diagnostics, and outflows in both ionised and neutral gas. We show that the morphological and stellar kinematic classifications are consistent: post-coalescence systems are more likely associated with ordered motions, while interacting (binary) systems are dominated by non-ordered and streaming motions. We also find broad and asymmetric [OIII] and NaID profiles in almost all nuclear spectra, with line widths in the range 300-2000 km/s, possibly associated with AGN- and SB-driven winds. This result reinforces previous findings that indicated that outflows are ubiquitous during the pre- and post-coalescence phases of major mergers.ERC STF

    MUSE view of Arp220: Kpc-scale multi-phase outflow and evidence for positive feedback

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    Arp220 is the nearest and prototypical ULIRG, and shows evidence of pc-scale molecular outflows in its nuclear regions and strongly perturbed ionised gas kinematics on kpc scales. It is therefore the ideal system for investigating outflows and feedback phenomena in details. We investigate the feedback effects on the Arp220 ISM, deriving a detailed picture of the atomic gas in terms of physical and kinematic properties, with a spatial resolution never obtained before (0.56", i.e. ~ 210 pc). We use optical IFS observations from VLT/MUSE-AO to obtain spatially resolved stellar and gas kinematics, for both ionised ([N II]6583) and neutral (Na ID5891,96) components; we also derive dust attenuation, electron density, ionisation conditions and hydrogen column density maps to characterise the ISM properties. Arp220 kinematics reveal the presence of a disturbed, kpc-scale disk in the innermost nuclear regions, and highly perturbed, multi-phase (neutral and ionised) gas along the minor-axis of the disk, which we interpret as a galactic-scale outflow emerging from the Arp220 eastern nucleus. This outflow involves velocities up to ~ 1000 km/s at galactocentric distances of ~ 5 kpc, and has a mass rate of ~ 50 Msun/yr, and kinetic and momentum power of ~ 1e43 erg/s and ~ 1e35 dyne, respectively. The inferred energetics do not allow us to distinguish the origin of the outflows, i.e. whether they are AGN-driven or starburst-driven. We also present evidence for enhanced star formation at the edges of - and within - the outflow, with a star formation rate SFR ~ 5 Msun/yr (i.e. ~ 2% of the total SFR). Our findings suggest the presence of powerful winds in Arp220: they might be capable of removing or heating large amounts of gas from the host ("negative feedback"), but could be also responsible for triggering star formation ("positive feedback").STFC ER

    (Re)Conceptualizing decision-making tools in a risk governance framework for emerging technologies—the case of nanomaterials

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    The utility of decision-making tools for the risk governance of nanotechnology is at the core of this paper. Those working in nanotechnology risk management have been prolific in creating such tools, many derived from European FP7 and H2020-funded projects. What is less clear is how such tools might assist the overarching ambition of creating a fair system of risk governance. In this paper, we reflect upon the role that tools might and should play in any system of risk governance. With many tools designed for the risk governance of this emerging technology falling into disuse, this paper provides an overview of extant tools and addresses their potential shortcomings. We also posit the need for a data readiness tool. With the EUs NMP13 family of research consortia about to report to the Commission on ways forward in terms of risk governance of this domain, this is a timely intervention on an important element of any risk governance system

    Análisis de la deformación en la Península Ibérica a partir del estudio de mecanismos focales, implicaciones en la peligrosidad sísmica.

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    Se han analizado 682 mecanismos focales de terremotos localizados en la Península Ibérica y zonas próximas. Aplicando métodos de determinación del tensor de deformación (Modelo de Deslizamiento), se han obtenido diferentes resultados para cada uno de los mecanismos focales: (1) plano de falla entre los dos planos nodales del mecanismo, (2) orientación de máximo acortamiento horizontal (ey), (3) factor de forma de tensor de deformación (k’) y (4) tipo de falla. Con estos datos se pueden realizar análisis regionales y locales de las características de la fracturación activa en el área considerada: (a) caracterización de la fracturación, (b) orientación de máximo acortamiento horizontal, (c) zonación en función del tipo de falla y del factor de forma del tensor de deformación. Este tipo de información puede ser muy útil a la hora de realizar tanto diferentes análisis locales de la peligrosidad sísmica, como para incorporar a los catálogos sísmicos terremotos históricos destructivos sin información de la fuente sísmica

    Strain analysis in the Iberian Peninsula from focal mechanism solutions, seismic hazard impacts

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    Se han analizado 682 mecanismos focales de terremotos localizados en la Península Ibérica y zonas próximas. Aplicando métodos de determinación del tensor de deformación (Modelo de Deslizamiento), se han obtenido diferentes resultados para cada uno de los mecanismos focales: (1) plano de falla entre los dos planos nodales del mecanismo, (2) orientación de máximo acortamiento horizontal (ey), (3) factor de forma de tensor de deformación (k’) y (4) tipo de falla. Con estos datos se pueden realizar análisis regionales y locales de las características de la fracturación activa en el área considerada: (a) caracterización de la fracturación, (b) orientación de máximo acortamiento horizontal, (c) zonación en función del tipo de falla y del factor de forma del tensor de deformación. Este tipo de información puede ser muy útil a la hora de realizar tanto diferentes análisis locales de la peligrosidad sísmica, como para incorporar a los catálogos sísmicos terremotos históricos destructivos sin información de la fuente sísmica.We analysed 682 earthquake focal mechanism solutions located in the Iberian Peninsula and nearby areas. We have obtained different parameters applying methods of determination of the strain tensor (Slip Model): (1) the fault plane between the nodal planes of the focal mechanism, (2) the orientation of the maximum horizontal shortening (ey), (3) the strain shape factor (k`) and (4) the type of fault. With these data, regional and local analysis of active faulting can be carried out in Spain: (a) fracture characterization, (b) the orientation of maximum horizontal shortening, (c) spatial zonation according to the type of fault and (d) the strain shape factor. These results can be useful for seismic hazards studies of local zones and for including destructive historical earthquakes in the seismic catalogs.Depto. de Mineralogía y PetrologíaFac. de Ciencias GeológicasTRUEpu

    Análisis de la deformación en la Península Ibérica a partir del estudio de mecanismos focales, implicaciones en la peligrosidad sísmica

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    Reunión Ibérica sobre Fallas Activas y Paleosismología (3ª. 2018. Alicante). - Texto en inglés con resumen y palabras claves en inglés y españolSe han analizado 682 mecanismos focales de terremotos localizados en la Península Ibérica y zonas próximas. Aplicando métodos de determinación del tensor de deformación (Modelo de Deslizamiento), se han obtenido diferentes resultados para cada uno de los mecanismos focales: (1) plano de falla entre los dos planos nodales del mecanismo, (2) orientación de máximo acortamiento horizontal (ey), (3) factor de forma de tensor de deformación (k’) y (4) tipo de falla. Con estos datos se pueden realizar análisis regionales y locales de las características de la fracturación activa en el área considerada: (a) caracterización de la fracturación, (b) orientación de máximo acortamiento horizontal, (c) zonación en función del tipo de falla y del factor de forma del tensor de deformación. Este tipo de información puede ser muy útil a la hora de realizar tanto diferentes análisis locales de la peligrosidad sísmica, como para incorporar a los catálogos sísmicos terremotos históricos destructivos sin información de la fuente sísmica. = We analysed 682 earthquake focal mechanism solutions located in the Iberian Peninsula and nearby areas. We have obtained different parameters applying methods of determination of the strain tensor (Slip Model): (1) the fault plane between the nodal planes of the focal mechanism, (2) the orientation of the maximum horizontal shortening (ey), (3) the strain shape factor (k`) and (4) the type of fault. With these data, regional and local analysis of active faulting can be carried out in Spain: (a) fracture characterization, (b) the orientation of maximum horizontal shortening, (c) spatial zonation according to the type of fault and (d) the strain shape factor. These results can be useful for seismic hazards studies of local zones and for including destructive historical earthquakes in the seismic catalogs.Departamento de Geología y Geoquímica, Universidad Autónoma de Madrid, EspañaInstituto Geológico y Minero de España, EspañaDepartamento de Geología, Universidad de Salamanca, EspañaDepartamento de Geología, Geografía y Medio Ambiente, Universidad de Alcalá, EspañaDepartamento de Edafología, Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Españ