1 research outputs found

    At war with normality. drag kings: when the centre becomes “the other” and the otherway round

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    Resumen: ÂżQuĂ© tipo de amenaza supone imitar al poder? ÂżQuĂ© implica traspasar las barreras del podermasculino y utilizarlo para burlarse del heterosexismo presente en la sociedad? Estamos condenadas aser parias? El sexo y el gĂ©nero han sido tradicionalmente relacionados por los mecanismos de poder. Desde las religiones a los estados, a travĂ©s de la historia se han delimitado formas para regular nuestro gĂ©nero. Merece la pena prestar atenciĂłn a las polĂ­ticas drag como forma de desdibujar las barreras de gĂ©nero entre las que vivimos. Las drag kings, mujeres que actĂșan como hombres, invierten de una manera especial estas barreras y las resitĂșan de una nueva manera, desafiando las formas tradicionalesde poder, la heter[r]o[r]norma y las definiciones reguladoras. En este artĂ­culo intentarĂ© analizar las consecuencias de cruzar las barreras de gĂ©nero utilizando el modelo de las drag kings como forma de disidencia.Palabras clave: PolĂ­ticas drag, normas, disidencia de gĂ©nero, disgĂ©nero.Abstract: What is the real threat of mimicking power? What are the implications of crossing the borders, relocating the masculine power and use it to mock the heterosexist axis of society? Are we damned to be outcasts? Sex and gender have been traditionally intertwined by means of the dominant powers of the time. From Religion to the State, regulatory forms of what our gender has to be have been marked through history, resulting in the artificial construction of sex as marker. The politics of drag demand a special attention as it defies the borders of gender our lives are built on. Drag kings, women who perform as men, specially subvert these borders and relocate its space in a new one, defying traditional powers, heter[r]o[r]norm and regulatory definitions. I will try to make an analysis on the implications of crossing the borders of gender using the drag kings as models in terms of gender dissidence.Keywords: Politics of drags, norms, gender dissidence, disgender