2,125 research outputs found

    Magnetic field variations associated with umbral flashes and penumbral waves

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    Umbral flashes (UF) and running penumbral waves (RPWs) in sunspot chromospheres leave a dramatic imprint in the intensity profile of the Ca II 854.2 nm line. Recent studies have focussed on also explaining the observed polarization profiles, that show even more dramatic variations during the passage of these shock fronts. While most of these variations can be explained with an almost constant magnetic field as a function of time, several studies have reported changes in the inferred magnetic field strength during UF phases. In this study we investigate the origin of these periodic variations of the magnetic field strength by analyzing a time-series of high temporal cadence observations acquired in the Ca II line with the CRISP instrument at the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope. In particular, we analyze how the inferred geometrical height scale changes between quiescent and UF phases, and whether those changes are enough to explain the observed changes in BB. We have performed non-LTE data inversions with the NICOLE code of a time-series of very high spatio-temporal resolution observations in the Ca II and Fe I 630.15\630.25 nm lines. Our results indicate that the Ca II line in sunspots is greatly sensitive to magnetic fields at logτ500=5\log\tau_{500}=-5 during UFs and quiescence. However, this optical depth value does not correspond to the same geometrical height during the two phases. Our results indicate that during UFs and RPWs the logτ=5\log\tau=-5 is located at a higher geometrical height than during quiescence. Additionally, the inferred magnetic field values are higher in UFs (~270 G) and in RPWs (~100 G). Our results suggest that opacity changes caused by UFs and RPWs cannot explain the observed temporal variations in the magnetic field, as the line seems to form at higher geometrical heights where the field is expected to be lower.Comment: Accepted in A&

    The chromosphere above a δ\delta-sunspot in the presence of fan-shaped jets

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    δ\delta-sunspots are known to be favourable locations for fast and energetic events like flares and CMEs. The photosphere of this type of sunspots has been thoroughly investigated in the past three decades. The atmospheric conditions in the chromosphere are not so well known, however. his study is focused on the chromosphere of a δ\delta-sunspot that harbours a series of fan-shaped jets in its penumbra . The aim of this study is to establish the magnetic field topology and the temperature distribution in the presence of jets in the photosphere and the chromosphere. We use data from the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope (SST) and the Solar Dynamics Observatory. We invert the spectropolarimetric FeI 6302~\AA\ and CaII ~8542~\AA\ data from the SST using the the non-LTE inversion code NICOLE to estimate the magnetic field configuration, temperature and velocity structure in the chromosphere. A loop-like magnetic structure is observed to emerge in the penumbra of the sunspot. The jets are launched from the loop-like structure. Magnetic reconnection between this emerging field and the pre-existing vertical field is suggested by hot plasma patches on the interface between the two fields. The height at which the reconnection takes place is located between logτ500=2\log \tau_{500} = -2 and logτ500=3\log \tau_{500} = -3. The magnetic field vector and the atmospheric temperature maps show a stationary configuration during the whole observation.Comment: 12 pages, 15 figures. Recommended for publication in A&

    The effect of isotopic splitting on the bisector and inversions of the solar Ca II 854.2 nm line

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    The Ca II 854.2 nm spectral line is a common diagnostic of the solar chromosphere. The average line profile shows an asymmetric core, and its bisector shows a characteristic inverse-C shape. The line actually consists of six components with slightly different wavelengths depending on the isotope of calcium. This isotopic splitting of the line has been taken into account in studies of non-solar stars, but never for the Sun. We performed non-LTE radiative transfer computations from three models of the solar atmosphere and show that the asymmetric line-core and inverse C-shape of the bisector of the 854.2 nm line can be explained by isotopic splitting. We confirm this finding by analysing observations and showing that the line asymmetry is present irrespective of conditions in the solar atmosphere. Finally, we show that inversions based on the Ca II 854.2 nm line should take the isotopic splitting into account, otherwise the inferred atmospheres will contain erroneous velocity gradients and temperatures.Comment: Accepted for ApJ

    Recovering Thermodynamics from Spectral Profiles observed by IRIS: A Machine and Deep Learning Approach

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    Inversion codes allow reconstructing a model atmosphere from observations. With the inclusion of optically thick lines that form in the solar chromosphere, such modelling is computationally very expensive because a non-LTE evaluation of the radiation field is required. In this study, we combine the results provided by these traditional methods with machine and deep learning techniques to obtain similar-quality results in an easy-touse, much faster way. We have applied these new methods to Mg II h&k lines observed by IRIS. As a result, we are able to reconstruct the thermodynamic state (temperature, line-of-sight velocity, non-thermal velocities, electron density, etc.) in the chromosphere and upper photosphere of an area equivalent to an active region in a few CPU minutes, speeding up the process by a factor of 10510^5-10610^6. The open-source code accompanying this paper will allow the community to use IRIS observations to open a new window to a host of solar phenomena.Comment: 8 pages, 5 figure

    Emergence of granular-sized magnetic bubbles through the solar atmosphere. II. Non-LTE chromospheric diagnostics and inversions

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    Magnetic flux emergence into the outer layers of the Sun is a fundamental mechanism for releasing energy into the chromosphere and the corona. In this paper, we study the emergence of granular-sized flux concentrations and the structuring of the corresponding physical parameters and atmospheric diagnostics in the upper photo- sphere and in the chromosphere. We make use of a realistic 3D MHD simulation of the outer layers of the Sun to study the formation of the Ca II 8542 line. We also derive semi-empirical 3D models from non-LTE inversions of our observations. These models contain depth-dependent information of the temperature and line-of-sight stratification. Our analysis explains the peculiar Ca II 8542 profiles observed in the flux-emerging region. In addition, we derive detailed temperature and velocity maps describing the ascent of magnetic bubbles from the photosphere to the chromosphere. The inversions suggest that, in active regions, granular-sized bubbles emerge up to the lower chromosphere where the existing large-scale field hinders their ascent. We report hints of heating when the field reaches the chromosphere.Comment: Submitted to ApJ, 10 Figure

    On chromospheric heating during flux emergence in the solar atmosphere

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    Context. The radiative losses in the solar chromosphere vary from 4~kW~m2^{-2} in the quiet Sun, to 20~kW~m2^{-2} in active regions. The mechanisms that transport non-thermal energy to and deposit it in the chromosphere are still not understood. Aims. We aim to investigate the atmospheric structure and heating of the solar chromosphere in an emerging flux region. Methods. We use observations taken with the CHROMIS and CRISP instruments on the Swedish 1-m Solar Telescope in the Ca II K, Ca II 854.2 nm, Hα\alpha, and Fe I 630.1 nm and 630.2 nm lines. We analyse the various line profiles and in addition perform multi-line, multi-species, non-Local Thermodynamic Equilibrium (non-LTE) inversions to estimate the spatial and temporal variation of the chromospheric structure. Results. We investigate which spectral features of Ca II K contribute to the frequency-integrated Ca II K brightness, which we use as a tracer of chromospheric radiative losses. The majority of the radiative losses are not associated with localized high-Ca II K-brightness events, but instead with a more gentle, spatially extended, and persistent heating. The frequency-integrated Ca II K brightness correlates strongly with the total linear polarization in the Ca II 854.2 nm line, while the Ca II K profile shapes indicate that the bulk of the radiative losses occur in the lower chromosphere. Non-LTE inversions indicate a transition from heating concentrated around photospheric magnetic elements below logτ500=3\log{\tau_{500}} =-3 to a more space-filling and time-persistent heating above logτ500=4\log{\tau_{500}} =-4. The inferred gas temperature at logτ500=3.8\log{\tau_{500}} =-3.8 correlates strongly with the total linear polarization in the Ca II 854.2 nm line, suggesting that that the heating rate correlates with the strength of the horizontal magnetic field in the low chromosphere.Comment: Accepted for publication by A&

    Observations of Ellerman bomb emission features in He I D3 and He I 10830 {\AA}

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    Context. Ellerman bombs (EBs) are short-lived emission features, characterized by extended wing emission in hydrogen Balmer lines. Until now, no distinct signature of EBs has been found in the He I 10830 {\AA} line, and conclusive observations of EBs in He I D 3 have never been reported. Aims. We aim to study the signature of EBs in neutral helium triplet lines. Methods. The observations consist of 10 consecutive SST/TRIPPEL raster scans close to the limb, featuring the Hβ\beta, He I D3 and He I 10830 {\AA} spectral regions. We also obtained raster scans with IRIS and make use of the SDO/AIA 1700 {\AA} channel. We use Hazel to invert the neutral helium triplet lines. Results. Three EBs in our data show distinct emission signatures in neutral helium triplet lines, most prominently visible in the He I D3 line. The helium lines have two components: a broad and blue-shifted emission component associated with the EB, and a narrower absorption component formed in the overlying chromosphere. One of the EBs in our data shows evidence of strong velocity gradients in its emission component. The emission component of the other two EBs could be fitted using a constant slab. Our analysis hints towards thermal Doppler motions having a large contribution to the broadening for helium and IRIS lines. We conclude that the EBs must have high temperatures to exhibit emission signals in neutral helium triplet lines. An order of magnitude estimate places our observed EBs in the range of T2104105T\sim 2\cdot 10^4-10^5 K.Comment: 15 pages, 14 figure

    Modeling of the hydrogen Lyman lines in solar flares

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    The hydrogen Lyman lines (91.2 nm < λ < 121.6 nm) are significant contributors to the radiative losses of the solar chromosphere, and they are enhanced during flares. We have shown previously that the Lyman lines observed by the Extreme Ultraviolet Variability instrument onboard the Solar Dynamics Observatory exhibit Doppler motions equivalent to speeds on the order of 30 km s−1. However, contrary to expectations, both redshifts and blueshifts were present and no dominant flow direction was observed. To understand the formation of the Lyman lines, particularly their Doppler motions, we have used the radiative hydrodynamic code, RADYN, along with the radiative transfer code, RH, to simulate the evolution of the flaring chromosphere and the response of the Lyman lines during solar flares. We find that upflows in the simulated atmospheres lead to blueshifts in the line cores, which exhibit central reversals. We then model the effects of the instrument on the profiles, using the Extreme Ultraviolet Variability Experiment (EVE) instrument's properties. What may be interpreted as downflows (redshifted emission) in the lines, after they have been convolved with the instrumental line profile, may not necessarily correspond to actual downflows. Dynamic features in the atmosphere can introduce complex features in the line profiles that will not be detected by instruments with the spectral resolution of EVE, but which leave more of a signature at the resolution of the Spectral Investigation of the Coronal Environment instrument onboard the Solar Orbiter