3 research outputs found

    The atmospheres of M dwarfs: Observations

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    After presenting global properties of M dwarfs, the principal diagnostic of activity phenomena occurring in their atmosphere from the geometrical, energetic, and temporal points of view is stressed. Observations of sunspots, plages, flares, and activity cycles are presented. The major sources of activity are discussed with particular emphasis on the generation, intensification, and measurements of stellar magnetic fields

    Doppler imaging of AR Lacertae at three epochs

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    Observations from IUE were used to study the structure of the lower chromosphere of AR Lacertae in the light of Mg II k. Sequences of LWR/P-HI images distributed around the binary period at three epochs were obtained. Discrete plage-like regions of enhanced Mg II surface flux in this system are identified. There are temporal variations in the Mg II flux on timescales of hours as well as substantial changes in chromospheric morphology on timescales of years. Even with the limited S/N attainable with the IUE, one can map the gross structures of active stellar atmospheres. With such information, one can begin to study the true 3-D structure of the atmospheres of late-type stars