8 research outputs found

    La durabilit\ue0 dei componenti edilizi

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    La pubblicazione riporta una sintesi dei risultati della ricerca scientifica nazionale (PRIN-2003) su \u201cMetodologie di progettazione e di valutazione della durabilit\ue0 dei componenti edilizi in processi di produzione sostenibili, finalizzate alla programmazione della manutenzione degli edifici\u201d delle sei unit\ue0 di ricerca (Politecnico di Milano, Politecnico di Torino, Universit\ue0 degli Studi Federico II di Napoli, Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Palermo, Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Catania, Universit\ue0 degli Studi di Brescia). La ricerca \ue8 condotta in coerenza con quanto si sta sviluppando a livello internazionale nell\u2019ambito dell\u2019International Council for Research and Innovation in Buiding and Construction (CIB), in particolare nella Commissione CIB W80 Prediction of Service Life of Building Materials and Components, nonch\ue9 nei correlati lavori dell\u2019ISO TC 59 SC14 per l\u2019elaborazione delle varie parti della norma ISO 15686 \u201cService life planning\u201d. Il lavoro ha portato nel 2006 alla uscita della prima norma italiana UNI 11156 \u201cValutazione della durabilit\ue0 dei componenti edilizi\u201d articolata in tre parti: \u201cTerminologia e definizione dei parametri di valutazione\u201d, \u201dMetodi per la valutazione della propensione all\u2019affidabilit\ue0\u201d, \u201dMetodi per la valutazione della durata\u201d. I risultati finora acquisiti costituiscono gi\ue0 un significativo riferimento per gli operatori di committenza pubblica e privata in interventi edilizi di nuova costruzione ai fini di organizzare per essi una manutenzione programmata atta ad assicurare nel tempo il mantenimento di un livello di qualit\ue0 tecnologica adeguato, con benefico effetto di riduzione dei costi di gestione degli edifici. Ci\uf2 potr\ue0 essere perseguito attraverso la conoscenza della qualit\ue0 tecnologica utile dei componenti edilizi dei componenti edilizi richiedibile attraverso le specifiche di durabilit\ue0 direttamente imponibili da parte dei progettisti nei capitolati speciali d\u2019appalto secondo i dettati della sopra citata norma UNI 11156

    A Parallel Procedure for the Analysis of Long-term Sequences of Light Curves

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    . We present a parallel procedure which allows us to speed up the modelling of photometric and spectroscopic observations of active binary stars with brightness inhomogeneities on their surfaces. The procedure has been implemented using PVM and is suitable to run on a cluster of non-homogeneous, non-dedicated computers. It is optimized to recognize and assign the data sets requiring the largest computational e#ort to the most powerful CPUs of the cluster, taking into account the evolution of their performances during the calculation in a fully dynamical way. We report on several tests made with the workstation cluster of Catania Astrophysical Observatory and discuss the advantages of this kind of procedure for data analysis in Astrophysics. 1. Introduction Binary systems belonging to the RS CVn and BY Dra classes show huge cool spots on their photospheres which are regarded as manifestations of intense magnetic fields by analogy with sunspots (e.g., Tuominen et al. 1991, Strassmeier ..

    Durability of continuous roofing

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    As part of the national research project on durability, the Naples research unit addressed roofing subsystems. Roofing is one of the most complex (insofar as normally comprised of numerous materials) components of the external coverings of buildings. Probably the area which has traditionally presented the main maintenance problems, it’s also the one which presents most variety across, and within, its different contexts of application. Another – but certainly not the last – problem which needs to be addressed is “quality of execution”, a particularly sensitive issue in the roofing sector, which in fact remains one of the few remaining building trades still generally entrusted to specialized firms, without whose expertise the results in terms of performance often leave much to be desired. In the course of our analysis of the state of the art in the durability of continuous roofing – which included both scientific literature and an examination of Italian and international standards for laboratory testing – it became apparent that - as with so many other building components - while indications on individual products are in plentiful supply (e.g. membrane), there is something of a black hole when it comes to the built-up roof itself – and in fact it’s the latter which is particularly interesting, as it’s in the variety of materials which comprise them, and the diversity of the ways in which they’re combined, that lie the reasons for the problems which can often lead to sudden performance decay and anticipated death. The fact is, here as in other parts of building, we have to acknowledge that the physical changes undergone by roofing materials during and after their application are decisive for their performance evaluation: returning to the example of prefabricated bituminous membrane (a good example after all, since in a sense it’s a crucial component in the appraisal of the performance of the roofing assembly as a whole), this is a material which as prescribed in the standards is tested in such a way as to ignore the changes it undergoes subsequent to its application at temperature using propane gas; likewise ignored are the differences which manifest themselves over time in accordance with the different protection systems currently in vogue in the country: nowadays acrylic paint instead of slate granules. Then there are other important factors: the articulation of the different layers of the built-up roofing, the presence or absence of an insulating layer, the nature of this layer: these are all of major significance in the evaluation of roofing life cycles. We felt, therefore, that it would be useful to go a little beyond the strictures of standard prescriptions. Although standards are an obligatory point of reference for a whole range of conditions, they were of little use when it came to designing the samples to be subjected to accelerated ageing if the ultimate goal of laboratory testing is re-scaling to real conditions. In other words: in agreement with the other offices, a research approach driven by accelerated ageing testing on the different materials ultimately leads to re-scaling due to externally-sourced sampling. All very well, but if this was to have any bearing on real buildings, i.e. the behaviour of the elements undergoing testing as part of a complex as well as individually, all the more reason to design samples capable of reproducing as faithfully as possible the situations and conditions of the same materials in real buildings

    La valutazione della durabilitĂ  di componenti edilizi - The evaluation of building components

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    La presente pubblicazione riporta i risultati ottenuti dal programma di ricerca scientifica di rilevante interesse nazionale cofinanziato negli anni 2003 – 2005 dal Ministero dell’Istruzione, dell’UniversitĂ  e della Ricerca,sul tema ‘’Metodologie di progettazione e di valutazione della durabilitĂ  dei componenti edilizi in processi di produzione sostenibili.-valutazione sperimentale di durabilitĂ  standard e loro correlazioni per l’impiego del componente in specifiche condizioni di utilizzo,finalizzate alla programmazione della manutenzione degli edifici’’. Al programma hanno partecipato sei unitĂ  di ricerca di altrettante FacoltĂ  di Ingegneria di UniversitĂ  italiane –Il Politecnico di Milano,Il Politecnico di Torino,L’UniversitĂ  degli Studi Federico II di Napoli,L’UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Palermo ,l’UniversitĂ  degli Studi di Catania,l’UniversittĂ  degli Studi di Brescia. Le sei unitĂ  sono state coordinate dall’unitĂ  del Politecnico di Milano attraverso la partecipazione alla ricerca che si sta sviluppando a livello internazionale nell’ambito dell’International Council for Research and Innovation in Buiding and Construction –CIB-,in particolare nella Commissione CIB W80, nonchĂ© nei correlati lavori dell’ISO TC 59 per l’elaborazione delle varie parti della norma ISO 15686 ‘’Service life planning’’. Tutto ciĂČ ha portato nel 2006 alla uscita della prima norma italiana UNI 1156 ‘’Valutazione della durabilitĂ  dei componenti edilizi’’ articolata in tre parti –‘’Terminologia e definizione dei parametri di valutazione’’,’’Metodi per la valutazione della propensione all’affidabilità’’ ,’’Metodi per la valutazione della durata’. I risultati finora acquisiti giĂ  costituiscono un significativo riferimento per gli operatori di committenza pubblica e privata in interventi edilizi di nuova costruzione ai fini di organizzare per essi una manutenzione programmata atta ad assicurare nel tempo il mantenimento di un livello di qualitĂ  tecnologica adeguato,con benefico effetto di riduzione dei costi di gestione degli edifici. CiĂČ potrĂ  essere perseguito attraverso la conoscenza della qualitĂ  tecnologica di durabilitĂ  dei componenti edilizi richiedibile attraverso le specifiche di durabilitĂ  direttamente imponibili da parte dei progettisti nei capitolati speciali d’appalto secondo i dettati della sopra citata norma UNI 1156. I controlli dei livelli di durabilitĂ  dei componenti edilizi utilizzati nel progetto dell’edificio sono fin d’ora fattibili per il tramite della rete nazionale di sistematica sperimentazione che puĂČ essere condotta nei laboratori tecnologici giĂ  dsponibili su richiesta presso le sei sedi delle unitĂ  di ricerca che hanno partecipato al programma trattato nella presente pubblicazione

    Exoplanetary Atmospheres—Chemistry, Formation Conditions, and Habitability

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    Characterizing the atmospheres of extrasolar planets is the new frontier in exoplanetary science. The last two decades of exoplanet discoveries have revealed that exoplanets are very common and extremely diverse in their orbital and bulk properties. We now enter a new era as we begin to investigate the chemical diversity of exoplanets, their atmospheric and interior processes, and their formation conditions. Recent developments in the field have led to unprecedented advancements in our understanding of atmospheric chemistry of exoplanets and the implications for their formation conditions. We review these developments in the present work. We review in detail the theory of atmospheric chemistry in all classes of exoplanets discovered to date, from highly irradiated gas giants, ice giants, and super-Earths, to directly imaged giant planets at large orbital separations. We then review the observational detections of chemical species in exoplanetary atmospheres of these various types using different methods, including transit spectroscopy, Doppler spectroscopy, and direct imaging. In addition to chemical detections, we discuss the advances in determining chemical abundances in these atmospheres and how such abundances are being used to constrain exoplanetary formation conditions and migration mechanisms. Finally, we review recent theoretical work on the atmospheres of habitable exoplanets, followed by a discussion of future outlook of the field.M. AgĂșndez acknowledges funding support from Spanish MINECO through grants CSD2009-00038, AYA2009-07304, and AYA2012-32032 and from the European Research Council (ERC Grant 610256: NANOCOSMOS). J. Moses thanks the NASA Exoplanet Research program NNX15AN82G for support. Y. Hu is supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China 435 (NSFC) under grants 41375072 and 41530423

    Exoplanetary Atmospheres—Chemistry, Formation Conditions, and Habitability

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