19 research outputs found

    Reassessing the Fighting Performance of Conscript Soldiers During the Malvinas/Falklands War (1982)

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    While the idea is controversial, it is quite possible that, at least under certain circumstances, the fighting effectiveness of a conscript army can equal that of a professional army. For any army, fighting effectiveness is not only influenced by the degree of psychological cohesion among soldiers and officers, but also by the organizational culture of each particular service unit towards the preparation for war and the waging of the conflict itself. The Malvinas (Falklands) War of 1982 demonstrates this very well. In this war, two different types of armies confronted one another: the British army, a professional and all volunteer force, and the Argentine army constituted principally of conscripted soldiers. In this regard, some analysts assert that the British concept was vindicated when a force of British professional soldiers defeated an opposing Argentine force of draftees twice as numerous. Analysts in general have rated the capabilities of the Argentine land forces as poor, although there were exceptions and some units performed very well. These cases deserve to be studied. Notably, the most effective Argentine effort came from some small Army units and one Navy unit, the 5th Marine Battalion. For these units, two primary reasons account for the differences in fighting performance. First, small Army groups fought well because there was cohesion among their components, conscripts, noncommissioned officers, and junior officers, especially by the attitude of the latter. Secondly, in the case of the Marine battalion, its performance was the product not only of good training, but also of the different institutional approach to waging war that the Argentine Navy employed. These, in turn, improved cohesion. By focusing upon these units and their effectiveness, a rather new picture of the Malvinas War comes to light that differs quite substantially from those drawn in the immediate aftermath of the war itself. It should also make us rethink the lessons of the war, including those that surround the professionals versus conscripts controversy

    Consecuencias del s?ndrome de la vibraci?n fantasma en los estudiantes de la Universidad Metropolitana de Educaci?n, Ciencia y Tecnolog?a ?UMECIT? en Santiago, Veraguas

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    Este art?culo, presenta la influencia del s?ndrome de vibraci?n fantasma en los estudiantes, causado por la dependencia que tienen sobre la tecnolog?a (smartphone). Los resultados obtenidos por medio de un an?lisis de datos, extra?dos de una encuesta aplicada a 20 estudiantes, se?alan que la mayor?a de los estudiantes han sentido que el celular est? vibrando, pero no tienen ninguna notificaci?n, la red social que m?s usan es whatsapp. la frecuencia de tomarse fotograf?as, si les importa la opini?n de los usuarios en las redes sociales entre otras. Se considera preocupante cuando la persona sufre de estados de ansiedad, depresi?n, ira.This article, presents the influence of the phantom vibration syndrome in students, they have the dependence they have on technology (smartphone). The results obtained through an analysis of data, extracted from a survey applied to 20 students, indicate that the majority of students make sense that the cell phone is vibrating, but they have no notification, the social network they use the most is whatsapp. the frequency of taking photographs, if they care about the opinion of users on social networks among others. It is considered worrying when the person suffers from states of anxiety, depression, angerSede Santiago, Facultad de Ciencias de la Salud, Licenciatura Registros M?dicos y Estad?stica de Salud. Taller de Inform?tic

    Corporate Cost and Profit Shares in the Euro Area and the US: The Same Story?

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    The Effects of Tax Changes on Economic Activity: A Narrative Approach to Frequent Anticipations

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    Direitos Sociais, Estado De Direito E Desigualdade: Reflexxes Sobre as Crrticas Judicializaaao Dos Direitos Prestacionais (Social Rights, Rule of Law and Inequality: Reflections on the critical reviews about judicialization of positive rights)

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