16 research outputs found

    2023 Year in Review

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    Year in Review (2023

    Visual Methods to Study the Underwater World

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    In this article I engage in a discussion regarding how and why to conduct underwater ethnography when studying the social group of scuba divers. The material presented was collected during fieldwork in Brazil 2016/2017, as well as from the researchers own decade long experience of being a recreational diver. The discussion touches on the methodological approach of using a camera to document and engage with a sensorial experience. Furthermore, aspects of power, representation, and framing of images are brought up, noting how the increasing circulation of visual materials has made interlocutors more aware of the way they are represented visually. I also elaborate on the importance of doing backups of your material. Lastly, the aim of this article is to call for further exploration of the scuba diving community and their underwater practices.En este art铆culo planteo una discusi贸n acerca de c贸mo y por qu茅 realizar una etnograf铆a submarina al estudiar el grupo social de los buceadores. El material presentado se recopil贸 durante un trabajo de campo realizado en Brasil entre 2016 y 2017, as铆 como a partir de la experiencia del investigador como buceador recreativo durante una d茅cada. La discusi贸n aborda el enfoque metodol贸gico del uso de una c谩mara para documentar y participar en una experiencia sensorial. Adem谩s, se ponen encima de la mesa aspectos relativos al poder, a la representaci贸n y al encuadre de las im谩genes, observando c贸mo el aumento de la circulaci贸n de los materiales visuales ha hecho que los interlocutores sean m谩s conscientes de la forma en que son representados visualmente. Tambi茅n me refiero a la importancia de hacer copias de seguridad del material. Por 煤ltimo, el objetivo de este art铆culo es reivindicar una mayor exploraci贸n de la comunidad de buceo y de sus pr谩cticas submarinas

    Normal Water

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    Jeremy J. Schmidt. 2019. Water. Abundance, Scarcity, and Security in the Age of Humanity. New York University Press: New York, 320 pp, ISBN: 978147984642

    Year in Review - 2020

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    Year in Review - 202

    Water is Life

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    Hames, M. 2019.聽Thirst for Power. The Video Projec

    To Hear and Feel the Noise through the Glitch

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    To Hear and Feel the Noise through the Glitc