43 research outputs found

    Determination of underground economy with Schneider model trend in Romania with analytical methods

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    Trend determination of underground economy with Schneider model in Romania with analytical methods requires least squares method. Comparing the results of the absolute deviations between empirical and theoretical values for the linear, curvilinear and modified exponential regression, will choose the best trend equation for the smallest variation. The best trend model for underground economy with Schneider model in Romania is modelled using curvilinear regression equation equation

    General Considerations on Fiscal Evasion

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    Analysis of performance of any economy involves the measurement and correlation of three basic elements: the rate of economic growth, the rate of inflation and unemployment rate. When the rate of growth (rate of real GDP) is high, the production of goods and services is growing and therefore increasing the number of jobs, decrease unemployment and raise living standards. If the economy is in recession phase, increasing fiscal pressure to ensure the necessary budgetary funds triggers complex economic mechanisms. Rules more strictly is that those who are not able to operate in the normal economy to slide towards the underground economy, and this not because he wants to tax evasion, but because they simply cannot cope with new regulations. It is widely accepted in economic theory and practice the idea that reliability scale macroeconomic indicators of a country is affected by size of underground economy and the various tests made so far on this subject, focusing either on the social aspect or the economic or moral, or emphasizes the illegal or the edge of legality. This has led to various studies in this area do not provide comparable data or provide data to the contrary. Worldwide were put in place, however, some calculation methods provided that applied the same country and same period, the results are rarely consistent, sometimes even in fundamentally different

    Corruption – The Politic and Bureaucratic Shield of the Underground Economy

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    In a conditional manner, corruption is considered the specific behavior for the entity that represents the state and public authority of using public resources for personal profits. International institutions for corruption evaluation (the World Bank or Transparency International) generally qualify the phenomenon as “ the abuse of public power for private benefit”. Thus, corruption and underground economy create the condition for the development of group interests, that, thanks to their influence, do not subordinate the national legislation and control the political and economical national systems, giving a perspective on what is known in the professional literature as “state capture"

    Evolution of taxation in Romania between 2001 – 2010

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    The general characteristic of modern economies is given by the rapid growth of the demand of financial resources as compared to the possibility of acquiring them. In periods of economic boom, when State levies allow the procurement of sufficient resources, the way of applying State conjuncture policies and its functions do not cause any debates. However, when the economy is in crisis and as the economic disequilibria carry along social difficulties, the need for financial resources can generate conflicts both between the adepts of different economic doctrines and in other environments as well (population and taxpayers included)

    Cash Flow Analysis on the Example Cormans Ltd. Galati

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    Finding appropriate ways to use cash flows to achieve financial diagnosis is one of the hardest tasks for financial analysts. Literature stressed the advantages for financial diagnosis users, when using flow information, without offering as many practical ways to achieve it. In a market economy, the enterprise should be regarded as a system that runs through its relations with third parties (investors, creditors, budgeting, suppliers, etc...) relationships which materialize through estate flows. According as these flows take liquidity shape are interested both third parties (for reclaiming of amounts invested and gaining benefits or claiming of some claims), as well as the management unit, for only thus can the system work.cash-flow, IAS 7, functional balance

    The Statistical Analysis of GDP, Tax Pressure and Tax Revenue with EViews 7 between 2000 – 2009

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    The general characteristic of modern economies is given by the rapid growth of the demand of financial resources as compared to the possibility of acquiring them. Fiscal pressure dataseries and tax revenues are used to determine descriptive indicators and to conduct statistical orgraphical estimation of econometric models. Evolution of the two variables analyzed: the tax burdenand tax revenue in the period 2001-2009 is presented using EViews 7

    The Analysis of the Relationship between the Tax Pressure Rate and the Level of Foreign Direct Investment

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    Generally speaking, this work presents the relationship between the tax pressure rate and the level of Foreign Direct Investment (FDI). It is known that FDI depend on many factors including the level of taxes in every country and we have studied how much tax pressure influences FDI in Romania in period 2004 – 2016 and how can this be quantified.&nbsp

    The Impact Of Competition On The Increasing Of The Competitiveness

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    Generally speaking, this work presents the relation between competition and competitiveness, as the firmscompete with one another in order to obtain a greater cut of the market share. At the firm level, competitivenessrefers to its ability to adapt as quickly as possible to market requirements and to innovate so as to satisfyconsumers. Studying consumer needs is an essential condition for delivering quality products and services, sothat quality strategy determines the progress of a company in the area of competitiveness. At a national level,competitiveness can be seen as a way to increase the population’s standard of living by using limited resourcesin the best way possible. Competitiveness is influenced in any country not only by fiscal policy, but also bymonetary and foreign exchange policy

    Analysis of Disparities between Regional GDP per Capita by Region

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    This paper aims to make a comparative analysis between GDP per capita by region. GDP per capita varies greatly between country level and by region, due to the specific conditions existing within them. GDP per capita is important because small increases in GDP per capita by region, but for a long period of time, can lead to an increase in the living standards of future generations

    Le Risque Politique

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    Les analyses de risque politique visent à évaluer et à prévoir la capacité des pays à faire face à leurs échéances financières. Ces analysessont très utiles aux exportateurs pour connaître les délais de paiement, les possibilités d’échange des devises et pour prendre des mesures decouverture des importations. Les entreprises doivent connaître le risque politique des pays pour décider d’investir ou non. Le risque politique estétabli des organismes externes à la base d’analyses multicritères