16 research outputs found

    Projektiranje upravljanja mehatroničkog sustava zasnovano na dinamičkom oponaŔanju mehaničkog tereta

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    The paper presents and analyses rapid prototyping methods for the dynamic emulation of mechanical loads. Approaches can be applied in design, testing and validation of the mechatronic systems propelled by electric drives. Actual system (prototype) is replaced by the torque controlled electromechanical load, for which the required torque is calculated through the closed-loop control algorithm. The active load is connected mechanically to the drive shaft, using the clutch. Also possible applications in the control design for variable speed and torque drives are described. For the illustration of the method emulation of the pump mechanism is given.U članku se opisuje i analizira brza metoda dinamičkog oponaÅ”anja mehaničkog tereta. Pristup se može primijeniti za projektiranje, testiranje i provjeru valjanosti mehatroničkog sustava upravljanog elektromotornim pogonom, te posebno za prototipna ispitivanja. Aktualni sustav (prototip) je zamijenjen elektromehaničkim teretom, koji je upravljan momentom. Potrebni moment se računa iz zatvorene regulacijske petlje. Aktivni teret je spojkom mehanički povezan s pogonskom osovinom. Prikazane su također moguće primjene u projektiranju sustava promjenjive brzine i momenta. Za ilustraciju metode oponaÅ”anja tereta prikazan je pumpni mehanizam

    Dinamička simulacija mehaničkih opterećenja ā€“ pristup zasnovan na svojstvima industrijskih elektromotornih pogona

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    Dynamic emulation of mechanical loads presents a modern and interesting approach for testing and validating performance of electrical drives without a real mechanical load included in the test rig. The paper presents an approach to dynamic emulation of mechanical loads when the load torque and inertia mass of emulated load can be significantly greater than that of laboratory test rig. Closed-loop control of load torque and feedforward compensation of inertia and friction torques are used in a test rig. The approach is focused on the use with standard industrial converters. The described method can be used for design and validation of speed control algorithms in mechatronic applications. Experimental results with the emulation of linear loads are presented in end of the paper.Dinamička simulacija mehaničkih opterećenja predstavlja moderan i zanimljiv pristup testiranju i validaciji ponaÅ”anja elektromotornih pogona bez uključenog stvarnog mehaničkog opterećenja u eksperimentalni postav. U radu je predstavljen pristup s dinamičkom simulacijom mehaničkih opterećenja za slučaj kada moment tereta ili moment tromosti simuliranog tereta mogu biti daleko veći od onih dostupnih u eksperimentalnom postavu. U postavu se koristi upravljanje momentom tereta u zatvorenoj petlji uz unaprijednu petlju kompenzacije momenta tromosti i momenata trenja. Pristup je usmjeren na upotrebu standardnih industrijskih pretvarača. Opisana metoda može se koristiti za sintezu i validaciju algoritama za upravljanje po brzini u mehatroničkim primjenama. U radu su predstavljeni eksperimentalni rezultati za slučaj simulacije linearnih tereta

    Knowledge and skills requirements for the software design and testing of automotive applications

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    International audienceThe required knowledge and skills that should be provided to the novice developer, designing and testing the safety critical device in automotive industry using Hardware-in-the-Loop (HiL), are presented in the paper. They should be available to the student finishing the MSc level of Electrical Engineering or Mechatronics that aims to seek the employment in the automotive industry. The development process is presented in short, together with the brief explanations of phases, which include some typical examples of written text in the documentation (requirements, test cases, etc.). The process follows the Automotive SPICE and focuses on the tip of the V-model. The presented text can serve as a useful information in the process of adapting the existing curriculum to the new occurring needs introduced by the new development and testing processes in industry

    Automatic Near-Real-Time Image Processing Chain for Very High Resolution Optical Satellite Data

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    In response to the increasing need for automatic and fast satellite image processing SPACE-SI has developed and implemented a fully automatic image processing chain STORM that performs all processing steps from sensor-corrected optical images (level 1) to web-delivered map-ready images and products without operator's intervention. Initial development was tailored to high resolution RapidEye images, and all crucial and most challenging parts of the planned full processing chain were developed: module for automatic image orthorectification based on a physical sensor model and supported by the algorithm for automatic detection of ground control points (GCPs); atmospheric correction module, topographic corrections module that combines physical approach with Minnaert method and utilizing anisotropic illumination model; and modules for high level products generation. Various parts of the chain were implemented also for WorldView-2, THEOS, Pleiades, SPOT 6, Landsat 5-8, and PROBA-V. Support of full-frame sensor currently in development by SPACE-SI is in plan. The proposed paper focuses on the adaptation of the STORM processing chain to very high resolution multispectral images. The development concentrated on the sub-module for automatic detection of GCPs. The initially implemented two-step algorithm that worked only with rasterized vector roads and delivered GCPs with sub-pixel accuracy for the RapidEye images, was improved with the introduction of a third step: super-fine positioning of each GCP based on a reference raster chip. The added step exploits the high spatial resolution of the reference raster to improve the final matching results and to achieve pixel accuracy also on very high resolution optical satellite data

    The Effect of Cerium Ions on the Structure, Porosity and Electrochemical Properties of Si/Zr-Based Hybrid Sol-Gel Coatings Deposited on Aluminum

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    This study was focused on the synthesis and characterization of Si/Zr-based hybrid sol-gel coatings with and without the addition of cerium(III) ions. The coatings were deposited on aluminum aiming to act as an effective and ecologically harmless alternative to toxic chromate coatings. The chemical composition, structure, thermal properties and porosity of the non-doped and Ce-doped coatings containing various Zr contents were examined by Raman spectroscopy and photothermal beam deflection spectroscopy. The corrosion properties of the coated aluminum substrates were studied using AC and DC electrochemical methods in 0.1 M NaCl electrolyte solution. Barrier and protecting properties of the coatings were monitored upon long-term immersion in chloride solution using electrochemical impedance spectroscopy. The effect of cerium ions was two-fold: on the formation of a more condensed Siāˆ’Oāˆ’Zr network structure and on the formation of Ce-based deposits, which diminish the rate of cathodic reaction at the coating/metal interface. These effects acted synergistically and resulted in the creation of the coatings with effective barrier and active corrosion protection

    NEMO-HD: High-Resolution Microsatellite for Earth Monitoring and Observation

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    The Space Flight Laboratory (SFL) at the University of Toronto Institute for Aerospace Studies, in collaboration with the Slovenian Centre of Excellence for Space Sciences and Technologies (SPACE-SI), is developing a 40 kg microsatellite for earth monitoring and observation that is capable of resolving a Ground Sampling Distance (GSD) of 2.8 m from a design altitude of 600 km. NEMO-HD (Nanosatellite for Earth Monitoring and Observation - High Definition) is the second spacecraft that is based on SFL\u27s high-performance NEMO bus and builds upon the heritage of SFL\u27s flight-proven Generic Nanosatellite Bus (GNB). NEMO-HD will carry two optical instruments: a narrow-field instrument as well as a wide-field instrument. The narrow-field instrument will be capable of resolving 2.8 m GSD in four channels corresponding to Landsat-1, 2, 3, and 4 spectral channels (450-520 nm, 520-600 nm, 630-690 nm, and 760-900 nm). The wide-field instrument will be capable of resolving 75 m GSD or better. Both instruments are capable of recording High-Definition video at 1920 by 1080 pixels. The spacecraft will be capable of performing global imaging and real-time video streaming over Slovenia and other regions where it will be in view of the ground station. In addition, the spacecraft will also be capable of performing remote observations. NEMOHD will include the standard complement of subsystems, sensors and actuators that make up a three-axis stabilized NEMO bus. NEMO-HD will be enhanced to include a 50 Mbps X-band downlink, 128 GB of on-board storage, a high-performance instrument computer, and a power system generating 31 W at end-of-life with a 130 W-h Li-ion battery. The paper provides an overview of the NEMO-HD system design

    Examination of the Mediating Effects of Physical Asset Management on the Relationship Between Sustainability and Operational Performance

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    This study examines the mediating effects of physical asset management on the relationship between sustainability and operational performance. Using empirical data based on survey data from six European countries (i.e. Greece, Poland, Slovakia, Slovenia, Sweden and Turkey), this study utilized mediation analysis in order to address the research problem. A macro for SPSS was used to estimate the size of an indirect effect of sustainability on operational performance through a mediator (physical asset management). Results of this study show mediator effect of physical asset management on the relationship between sustainability and operational performance. The paper provides valuable insights into mechanism that have a potential to enhance operational performance. The results contribute to a better understanding on how organizations could achieve higher operational performance outcomes by implementing sustainability and physical asset management practices

    Digital Twin Requirements in the Context of Industry 4.0

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    Part 3: PLM for Digital Factories and Cyber Physical SystemsInternational audienceDigital Twin (DT) is being considered a significant enabler for Industry 4.0 initiatives. Within Industry 4.0, the amount of digital product information generated and collected over the entire lifecycle has been growing. Current information and communication technologies, including data storage, data processing, and wireless data transmission, may be leveraged to digitally mirror the lifecycle of a corresponding physical product with increasing level of detail. A DT creates a link between physical products and their virtual models with more comprehensive data and accumulation of knowledge. Therefore, a DT may be applied to enhance simulation, traceability and to support the offering of value-added services along the lifecycle. However, the definition of a DT and its requirements are not yet fully established. The characteristics a DT model should possess to be widely used in manufacturing remains an open question in the literature. The concept is still broad and dependent on the lifecycle stage and industry sector of application. Therefore, the objective of this paper is to propose an initial synthesis of DT requirements based on a literature review and industry interviews. The literature review focuses on the content analysis of papers published from 2010 to 2018 and indexed in the ISI Web of Science database. The interviews were conducted with industry representatives in Brazil. The results show that DT requirements are related to real-time data, integration, and fidelity. Besides, it shows that industry requirements are close to literature and the actual implementation of DT is the future of research in this field