64 research outputs found

    Profil Tenaga Kerja Perempuan Di Sektor USAha Kecil Menengah (Studi Pada Tenaga Kerja Perempuan UKM Konveksi Di Kota Semarang)

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    This study aims to determine the factors driving women working in SMEs convection sector and those working women\u27s contribution to family income. This study used a descriptive qualitative approach through in-depth interview. The research found that reasons to work are economic factor, because the husband works as a laborer and cannot meet their daily needs, the women may help meeting their family needs by working, productive spare time, and also socializaton with friends. The reasons to work at SMEs convection are the company\u27s nearby location, comfortable working environment, lenient rules and minimum penalties, easy permit to take a day off, not early starting working hours, and friendly small business owners. It is recommended that female workforce increase their knowledge and skills and improve their productivity by being more diligent and motivated. SMEs must provide salary that meets the minimum wage standard and give proper overtime pay. To avoid delay in providing raw materials, it is necessary to have technicians and give production benefits

    Etika Bisnis dan Keadilan Konsumen

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    The massive development in economic sector causes the same trend in all area of business scale; small, medium and big. In this atmosphere, all company interact with internal and external stakeholder. In order to collectively create effective communication and interaction, company and businessman need to cooperate based on moral value and ethics. This article explain that good business is not merely about how to gain excessive profit, but it also consider business ethics. The concept of 'the customer is king' also plays important role to get great revenue. This idea suggest businessman to gain, to maintain and to develop customer trust by employing morale and ethics attitude and also company' responsibility. On the other hand, government and other institutions should be steady in implementing regulation and proactive in auditing business ethics violence. Consumers also should support the implementation good business by more selective and smarter in dealing with unethical promotion or advertisement

    Strategi Pengembangan Wisata di Kawasan Gunung Andong Magelang

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    Tourism industry is one of the national income sources that playing an importantrole to improve the prosperity of local communities. Mt Andong as one of tourismdestination in Central Java still lose in term of number of visitors when compare to anothertourism destionation in Central Java. Based on presurvei result that being conducted bywriter, the problem was caused by the lack of goverment asistance, the lack of publictransportation to access the tourism destination, traffic condition with minimum road light,and unpredictable nature phenomenons. Tourism development strategy was required tomaximize the benefit, and less the issue of tourism destination development effort.This study was conducted to figure out the internal and external factor that wouldbecome strengths and weaknesses, alongside as opportunities and threats in thedevelopment of the Mt. Andong tourism area. This study is a descriptive qualitative studyby using in-depth interviews, observation techniques, and documentation as the datacollection methods. Then the finding was analyzed by using SWOT method. Based on theSWOT analysis, some strategies that can be applied to develop the tourism area aredevelop new tourist attractions such as agricultural tourism, establish tour guides group,porters and enhance outdoor equipment rental services, use the tourist visa-free policy toattract foreign tourists, and held a folklore festival as variation for tourist attraction

    Pengaruh Kualitas Pelayanan Dan Kinerja Karyawan Terhadap Kepuasan Pasien (Studi Kasus Pada Pasien Rawat Inap RS.Pelabuhan Jakarta)

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    Hospital is a health facility conducting personal health services includes promotive, preventive, curative, and rehabilitative services providing inpatient, outpatient, and emergency services. Many factors that affect patient satisfaction, one of them is the quality of service and employee performance. This study aims to determine the effect of service quality and employee performance to patient satisfaction. The primary data used by providing questionnaires to hospitalized patient with a total of 100 respondents are determined using a Slovin formula table. Respondents are taken using accidental sampling and purposive sampling method.Results and Discussion. Quality of service to both patient satisfactions with average score of 3,754, employee performance with average score of 3,772 and satisfactory patient satisfaction with average score of 3,794. Service quality significantly influence towards patient satisfaction (p <0,05) with a correlation coefficient of 0,507, R2 0,257 and t count value of 5.829 > t table 1,6606. Employee performance significantly influence towards patient satisfaction (p<0,05) with a correlation coefficient of 0,462, R2 0,214 and t count value of 5,163 > t table 1,6606. But the results of recapitulation of service quality regarding duration of the service before it is sent to the infirmary has a result below the average i.e. 3,67. Service quality and employee performance significantly influence towards patient satisfaction with correlation coefficients of 0,578, R2 0,334 and F count test results of 24,361 > F table 3,090.In conclusion and suggestions, service quality and employee performance significantly influence towards patient satisfaction either partially or simultaneously. It is suggested to hospitals to improve service quality and employee performance, maximize service in dealing with patients, improving the readiness and responsiveness, accelerate delivery time to patient care space, and the arrival of the doctor in charge. It is useful to give satisfaction to the patients who are undergoing medical treatment at the hospital

    Pengaruh Citra Merek Dan Harga Terhadap Keputusan Pembeian Sepeda Motor Second Di Kabupaten Demak

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    Brand image and price is important factor in purchasing decision ofsecondmotorcycle in Demak. Motorcycles as basic needs, but the uneven incomesbecome obstacles for people to buy a new motorcycle, and switched from a newmotorcycle to secondmotorcycle in which a showroom.The purpose of the study, to know the influence of brand image and the priceof purchasing a motorcycle second in Demak. The type of research used explanatoryresearch with sample 100 respondents who already bought a second motorbike in theshowroom at Demak. The Sampling technique used accidental sampling andpurposive sampling.Results and discussion. The majority of respondents (74%) said a good brandimage, but a small proportion of respondents (8%) said was good enough. Mostrespondents (80%) said affordable, however there is a small proportion ofrespondents (13%) stated quite affordable. The majority of respondents (62%) saidthe high purchasing decision, but there is a small proportion (1%) respondentsexpressed low. Theres the influence of brand image against a purchasing decision,evidenced by the results of the calculation of the correlation analysis test of 0.293with the level low, contributing brand image towards purchasing decision onlyamounted to 8,6%. There is the influence of the price of the purchase, evidenced bythe correlation analysis test of 0.262 with level low, the contribution rates againstpurchasing decision only amounted to 6,9%. There is the influence of the brandimage and price of purchase, evidenced by the correlation analysis test 0.332 withlevel low. contributions to the brand image and price of purchase amounted to 11%.Conclusions and suggestions, there is a positive influence between brandimage and price of purchase decisions partially or simultaneous. Recommended forbusiness owners of showroom for maintaining and observing the quality of thesecond motorcycle, because consumers choose a motorcycle second because of itsquality

    Pengaruh Produk Dan Sistem Bisnis Terhadap Keputusan Pembelian USAha Waralaba Es Teh Poci Di Kota Semarang

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    Policies, strategies and patterns to develop business through a franchise system Es Teh Poci is a franchise that is widely spread in Indonesia, including in the city of Semarang. Many of the factors that influence purchase decisions undertakings franchise, one of these products and systems business. The research aims to know the influence of products and business system against purchasing decisions undertakings franchise Es Teh Poci in Semarang city either partially or simultaneous. The primary data used by giving questionnaires to frinchisee with a total of 37 respondents determined using table formula Stephen Isaac & William B. Michael. Respondents taken using a simple random sampling method. Results and discussion. Products against ice tea Teapot well with average score 3.94, business system quite well with the average score 3.93 and purchase decisions with a high average score 3.71. Significant effect against the product purchase decisions (p < 0.05) with a coefficient of 0.508 regression, R2 25.8% and the value t calculate 3.486 > t table 2.030. Enhancement products will be 1 point would purchase decisions 0.426 points. Significantly to the influential business system purchasing decisions (p < 0.05) and the coefficient of regression, R2 0.569 32.4% and the value t calculate 4.099 > t table 2.030. The increase of business system 1 point then it will increase the purchasing decision 0.426. Influential business products and systems is significant against the decision of the buyer with the regression coefficient, R2 0.579 33.6% and test result F calculate 8.584 > F table 3.28. The conclusion of business products and systems effect significantly to purchase decisions either partially or simultaneous. It is suggested to the company to improve the quality of the products and the business system, maximizing the delivery of raw materials, improve discipline and partners held a meeting of the partners, it is useful to more attractive and convincing a partner against business products and systems in business franchise decisions

    The Influence of Corporate Social Responsibility and Corporate Image Against a Loyalty Customers (Case Study on Fast-food Restaurant McDonald's Indonesia Semarang)

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    The activities of Corporate Social Responsibility has become a liability for the company. In addition to these activities can enhance citra Peruahaan and customer loyalty. The last time the development in some of the fast-food restaurant in Indonesia is growing increasingly rapidly, such as in Semarang city McDonalds already held a variety of Corporate Social Responsibility activities. However, there are still customers do not know the activities of Corporate Social Responsibility and corporate image that exists so that the causes of low customer loyalty. This research type is explanatory research with engineering data collection questionnaire with accidental sampling method. Because the number of populations unknown then according to Emory and Cooper (1997) sampled in this study amounts to 100 respondents who is a customer of McDonalds in the city of Semarang. With a test with test validity, reliability, cross-tabulations, coefficient of correlation, simple regression analysis, the determination coefficient, test of significance (t-test), and test results of f. this research concluded that Corporate Social Responsibility a positive and significant effect against the corporate image, Corporate Social Responsibility and positive effect significantly to customer loyalty. Influential positive corporate image against customer loyalty, as well as Corporate Social Responsibility and corporate image effect positive customer loyalt

    Analisis Kinerja Keuangan Sebelum dan Sesudah Pengawasan Otoritas Jasa Keuangan pada Bank Perkreditan Rakyat Kabupaten Semarang

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    Rural Banks (BPR) as one of the banking institutions that closely related to community services need to be fostered and supervised in order to maintain and even improve it's performance. Since the issuence of Law number 21 in 2011 it established the Financial Services Authority (OJK) to replace the role of Bank Indonesia (BI) in regulating and overseeing the financial sector, especially the banking sector. In terms of number of BPRs have more valuation. This is a great opportunity for financial performance problems and banking crime. So it requires OJK to conduct an integrated supervision with the aim of improving the effectiveness of supervision. The bank's financial performance can be measured using the CAEL ratio, which consists of Capital, Asset, Earning, and Liability categories. The analytical method used is One-Sample Kolmogrov-Smirnov normality test and then using different test Paired Sample t-test for normal distributed data and Wilcoxon Signed Rank Test for non-distributed data. The results of the research with a significance level of 5% showed a difference before and after the supervision on the CAR ratio with the result sig 0,000 0.05. In earnings ratio there is no difference before and after supervision on BOPO ratio with result sig 0,626> 0,05 and ROA ratio with result of sig 0,372> 0,05. In the ratio of liquidity (liquidity) there is no difference before and after supervision on the ratio of CR with the results sig -0.366> 0.05 and there are differences before and after supervision on the ratio of LDR with the result sig 0.001 <0.05. Conclusions and suggestions: on the CAR and LDR ratios there are significant differences in the period before and after the supervision whereas in the ratio of NPL, BOPO, ROA and CR there is no significant difference in the period before and after the supervision. So it can be said that the switch of bank supervision from BI to OJK did not give effect to the overall change on the financial performance of BPR in Semarang Regency. To realizing better financial performance, OJK supervision should be more intensive and effective in the next period
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