185 research outputs found

    Economics of Management Zone Delineation in Cotton Precision Agriculture

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    This paper develops a management zone delineation procedure based on a spatial clustering approach and evaluates its economic impact for the case of Texas cotton production. The results show that there is potential economic value in using a spatial approach to management zone delineation, but its value critically depends on the cost of collecting soil test information needed to delineate those zones.Management Zones, Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis, Site-Specific Nitrogen Management, Cotton Precision Agriculture, Crop Production/Industries, Q12,

    Economics of Management Zone Delineation in Cotton Precision Agriculture

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    This paper develops a management zone delineation procedure based on a spatial statistics approach and evaluates its economic impact for the case of Texas cotton production. With the use of an optimization model that utilizes a yield response function estimated through spatial econometric methods, we found that applying variable N rates based on the management zones delineated would result in higher cotton yields and higher net returns, above Nitrogen cost, relative to uniformly applying a single N rate for the whole field. In addition, a variable rate N application using the delineated management zones produced higher net returns, above Nitrogen cost, relative to a variable N rate system where the zones are based solely on landscape position. This is indicative of the potential economic value of using a spatial statistics approach to management zone delineation.Management Zones, Exploratory Spatial Data Analysis, Site-Specific Nitrogen Management, Cotton Precision Agriculture., Crop Production/Industries, Q1, Q16,

    Un análisis económico de la aproximación estadística para el establecimiento de zonas de manejo en agricultura de precisión: caso de algodón en Texas

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    Este artículo desarrolla un proceso para el establecimiento de zonas de manejo basado en una aproximación estadística espacial y evalúa su impacto económico para el caso de producción de algodón en Texas. Con el uso de un modelo de optimización que utiliza funciones de producción estimadas tomando en cuenta la autocorrelación espacial mediante métodos de econometría espacial, se encontró que al aplicar nitrógeno a una tasa variable, basada en las zonas de manejo delineadas, se obtienen rendimientos de algodón más altos comparados con los rendimientos obtenidos al aplicar una tasa uniforme de nitrógeno sobre toda la unidad productiva. Así mismo, se encontró que las aplicaciones de N a una tasa variable generan ingresos netos superiores comparados con los ingresos netos generados por la aplicación uniforme de N a la tasa agronómica sugerida, y retornos inferiores comparados con la aplicación uniforme derivada del óptimo económico. Adicionalmente, se encontró que niveles promedios de nitrógeno más bajos son requeridos con las aplicaciones de nitrógeno a una tasa variable para alcanzar rendimientos más altos comparados con la aplicación uniforme de nitrógeno.Zonas de manejo, análisis espacial exploratorio de datos, manejo espacial específico de nitrógeno, agricultura de precisión con aplicaciones en algodón.

    CK2 inhibitor CX-4945 destabilizes NOTCH1 and synergizes with JQ1 against human T-acute lymphoblastic leukemic cells

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    Here we show that CK2 inhibition by CX-4945 destabilizes NOTCH1 and synergizes with JQ1 to induce apoptosis in human T-ALL cells, implicating an alternative strategy to target NOTCH1 signaling in refractory/relapsed T-ALL

    ESRRB regulates glucocorticoid gene expression in mice and patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia

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    Synthetic glucocorticoids (GCs), such as dexamethasone and prednisone, remain key components of therapy for patients with lymphoid malignancies. For pediatric patients with acute lymphoblastic leukemia (ALL), response to GCs remains the most reliable prognostic indicator; failure to respond to GC correlates with poor event-free survival. To uncover GC resistance mechanisms, we performed a genome-wide, survival-based short hairpin RNA screen and identified the orphan nuclear receptor estrogen-related receptor-beta (ESRRB) as a critical transcription factor that cooperates with the GC receptor (GR) to mediate the GC gene expression signature in mouse and human ALL cells. Esrrb knockdown interfered with the expression of genes that were induced and repressed by GR and resulted in GC resistance in vitro and in vivo. Dexamethasone treatment stimulated ESRRB binding to estrogen-related receptor elements (ERREs) in canonical GC-regulated genes, and H3K27Ac Hi-chromatin immunoprecipitation revealed increased interactions between GR- and ERRE-containing regulatory regions in dexamethasone-treated human T-ALL cells. Furthermore, ESRRB agonists enhanced GC target gene expression and synergized with dexamethasone to induce leukemic cell death, indicating that ESRRB agonists may overcome GC resistance in ALL, and potentially, in other lymphoid malignancies

    Site impacts nutrient translocation efficiency in intraspecies and interspecies miscanthus hybrids on marginal lands

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    Miscanthus, a C4 perennial rhizomatous grass, is capable of growing in varied climates and soil types in Europe, including on marginal lands. It can produce high yields with low nutrient inputs when harvested after complete senescence. Senescence induction and rate depend on complex genetic, environmental, and management interactions. To explore these interactions, we analysed four miscanthus hybrids (two novel seed-based hybrids, GRC 3 [Miscanthus sinensis × sinensis] and GRC 14 [M. sacchariflorus × sinensis]; GRC 15, a novel M. sacchariflorus × sinensis clone; and GRC 9, a standard Miscanthus × giganteus clone) in Italy, Croatia, Germany and the UK. Over all trial locations and hybrids, the average aboveground biomass of the 3-year-old stands in August 2020 was 15 t DM ha−1 with nutrient contents of 7.6 mg N g−1 and 14.6 mg K g−1. As expected, delaying the harvest until spring reduced overall yield and nutrient contents (12 t DM ha−1, 3.3 mg N g−1, and 5.5 mg K g−1). At lower latitudes, the late-ripening M. sacchariflorus × sinensis GRC 14 and GRC 15 combined high yields with low nutrient contents. At the most elevated latitude location (UK), the early-ripening M. sinensis × sinensis combined high biomass yields with low nutrient offtakes. The clonal Miscanthus × giganteus with intermediate flowering and senescence attained similar low nutrient contents by spring harvest at all four locations. Seasonal changes in yield and nutrient levels analysed in this study provide: (1) a first step towards recommending hybrids for specific locations and end uses in Europe; (2) crucial data for determination of harvest time and practical steps in the valorization of biomass; and (3) key sustainability data for life cycle assessments. Identification of trade-offs resulting from genetic × environment × management interactions is critical for increasing sustainable biomass supply from miscanthus grown on marginal lands

    Predicting sepsis-related mortality and ICU admissions from telephone triage information of patients presenting to out-of-hours GP cooperatives with acute infections: A cohort study of linked routine care databases

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    BACKGROUND: General practitioners (GPs) often assess patients with acute infections. It is challenging for GPs to recognize patients needing immediate hospital referral for sepsis while avoiding unnecessary referrals. This study aimed to predict adverse sepsis-related outcomes from telephone triage information of patients presenting to out-of-hours GP cooperatives. METHODS: A retrospective cohort study using linked routine care databases from out-of-hours GP cooperatives, general practices, hospitals and mortality registration. We included adult patients with complaints possibly related to an acute infection, who were assessed (clinic consultation or home visit) by a GP from a GP cooperative between 2017-2019. We used telephone triage information to derive a risk prediction model for sepsis-related adverse outcome (infection-related ICU admission within seven days or infection-related death within 30 days) using logistic regression, random forest, and neural network machine learning techniques. Data from 2017 and 2018 were used for derivation and from 2019 for validation. RESULTS: We included 155,486 patients (median age of 51 years; 59% females) in the analyses. The strongest predictors for sepsis-related adverse outcome were age, type of contact (home visit or clinic consultation), patients considered ABCD unstable during triage, and the entry complaints"general malaise", "shortness of breath" and "fever". The multivariable logistic regression model resulted in a C-statistic of 0.89 (95% CI 0.88-0.90) with good calibration. Machine learning models performed similarly to the logistic regression model. A "sepsis alert" based on a predicted probability >1% resulted in a sensitivity of 82% and a positive predictive value of 4.5%. However, most events occurred in patients receiving home visits, and model performance was substantially worse in this subgroup (C-statistic 0.70). CONCLUSION: Several patient characteristics identified during telephone triage of patients presenting to out-of-hours GP cooperatives were associated with sepsis-related adverse outcomes. Still, on a patient level, predictions were not sufficiently accurate for clinical purposes

    Community seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in children and adolescents in England, 2019–2021

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    Objective: To understand community seroprevalence of SARS-CoV-2 in children and adolescents. This is vital to understanding the susceptibility of this cohort to COVID-19 and to inform public health policy for disease control such as immunisation. Design: We conducted a community-based cross-sectional seroprevalence study in participants aged 0–18 years old recruiting from seven regions in England between October 2019 and June 2021 and collecting extensive demographic and symptom data. Serum samples were tested for antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 spike and nucleocapsid proteins using Roche assays processed at UK Health Security Agency laboratories. Prevalence estimates were calculated for six time periods and were standardised by age group, ethnicity and National Health Service region. Results: Post-first wave (June–August 2020), the (anti-spike IgG) adjusted seroprevalence was 5.2%, varying from 0.9% (participants 10–14 years old) to 9.5% (participants 5–9 years old). By April–June 2021, this had increased to 19.9%, varying from 13.9% (participants 0–4 years old) to 32.7% (participants 15–18 years old). Minority ethnic groups had higher risk of SARS-CoV-2 seropositivity than white participants (OR 1.4, 95% CI 1.0 to 2.0), after adjusting for sex, age, region, time period, deprivation and urban/rural geography. In children <10 years, there were no symptoms or symptom clusters that reliably predicted seropositivity. Overall, 48% of seropositive participants with complete questionnaire data recalled no symptoms between February 2020 and their study visit. Conclusions: Approximately one-third of participants aged 15–18 years old had evidence of antibodies against SARS-CoV-2 prior to the introduction of widespread vaccination. These data demonstrate that ethnic background is independently associated with risk of SARS-CoV-2 infection in children. Trial registration number: NCT04061382

    A Spontaneous Mutation in Contactin 1 in the Mouse

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    Mutations in the gene encoding the immunoglobulin-superfamily member cell adhesion molecule contactin1 (CNTN1) cause lethal congenital myopathy in human patients and neurodevelopmental phenotypes in knockout mice. Whether the mutant mice provide an accurate model of the human disease is unclear; resolving this will require additional functional tests of the neuromuscular system and examination of Cntn1 mutations on different genetic backgrounds that may influence the phenotype. Toward these ends, we have analyzed a new, spontaneous mutation in the mouse Cntn1 gene that arose in a BALB/c genetic background. The overt phenotype is very similar to the knockout of Cntn1, with affected animals having reduced body weight, a failure to thrive, locomotor abnormalities, and a lifespan of 2–3 weeks. Mice homozygous for the new allele have CNTN1 protein undetectable by western blotting, suggesting that it is a null or very severe hypomorph. In an analysis of neuromuscular function, neuromuscular junctions had normal morphology, consistent with previous studies in knockout mice, and the muscles were able to generate appropriate force when normalized for their reduced size in late stage animals. Therefore, the Cntn1 mutant mice do not show evidence for a myopathy, but instead the phenotype is likely to be caused by dysfunction in the nervous system. Given the similarity of CNTN1 to other Ig-superfamily proteins such as DSCAMs, we also characterized the expression and localization of Cntn1 in the retinas of mutant mice for developmental defects. Despite widespread expression, no anomalies in retinal anatomy were detected histologically or using a battery of cell-type specific antibodies. We therefore conclude that the phenotype of the Cntn1 mice arises from dysfunction in the brain, spinal cord or peripheral nervous system, and is similar in either a BALB/c or B6;129;Black Swiss background, raising a possible discordance between the mouse and human phenotypes resulting from Cntn1 mutations