72 research outputs found

    Magneto-optic Kerr effect in a spin-polarized zero-moment ferrimagnet

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    The magneto-optical Kerr effect (MOKE) is often assumed to be proportional to the magnetisation of a magnetically ordered metallic sample; in metallic ferrimagnets with chemically distinct sublattices, such as rare-earth transition-metal alloys, it depends on the difference between the sublattice contributions. Here we show that in a highly spin polarized, fully compensated ferrimagnet, where the sublattices are chemically similar, MOKE is observed even when the net moment is strictly zero. We analyse the spectral ellipsometry and MOKE of Mn 2 Ru x Ga, and show that this behaviour is due to a highly spin-polarized conduction band dominated by one of the two manganese sublattices which creates helicity-dependent reflectivity determined by a broad Drude tail. Our findings open new prospects for studying spin dynamics in the infra-red.Comment: 7 pages, 7 figure

    Metabolite profiling of somatic embryos of Cyclamen persicum in comparison to zygotic embryos, endosperm, and testa

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    Winkelmann T, Ratjens S, Bartsch M, Rode C, Niehaus K, Bednarz H. Metabolite profiling of somatic embryos of Cyclamen persicum in comparison to zygotic embryos, endosperm, and testa. Frontiers in Plant Science. 2015;6: 597.Somatic embryogenesis has been shown to be an efficient in vitro plant regeneration system for many crops such as the important ornamental plant Cyclamen persicum, for which this regeneration pathway of somatic embryogenesis is of interest for the vegetative propagation of parental lines as well as elite plants. However, somatic embryogenesis is not commercially used in many crops due to several unsolved problems, such as malformations, asynchronous development, deficiencies in maturation and germination of somatic embryos. In contrast, zygotic embryos in seeds develop and germinate without abnormalities in most cases. Instead of time-consuming and labor-intensive experiments involving tests of different in vitro culture conditions and plant growth regulator supplements, we follow a more directed approach. Zygotic embryos served as a reference and were compared to somatic embryos in metabolomic analyses allowing the future optimization of the in vitro system. The aims of this study were to detect differences in the metabolite profiles of torpedo stage somatic and zygotic embryos of C. persicum. Moreover, major metabolites in endosperm and testa were identified and quantified. Two sets of extracts of two to four biological replicates each were analyzed. In total 52 metabolites were identified and quantified in the different tissues. One of the most significant differences between somatic and zygotic embryos was that the proline concentration in the zygotic embryos was about 40 times higher than that found in somatic embryos. Epicatechin, a scavenger for reactive oxygen species, was found in highest abundance in the testa. Sucrose, the most abundant metabolite was detected in significantly higher concentrations in zygotic embryos. Also, a yet unknown trisaccharide, was significantly enriched in zygotic embryos

    Quasi-static magnetization dynamics in a compensated ferrimagnetic half-metal -- Mn2_2Rux_xGa

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    Exploring anisotropy and diverse magnetization dynamics in specimens with vanishing magnetic moments presents a significant challenge using traditional magnetometry, as the low resolution of existing techniques hinders the ability to obtain accurate results. In this study, we delve deeper into the examination of magnetic anisotropy and quasi-static magnetization dynamics in \mrg\,(MRG) thin films, as an example of a compensated ferrimagnetic half-metal, by employing anomalous Hall effect measurements within a tetragonal crystal lattice system. Our research proposes an innovative approach to accurately determine the complete set of anisotropy constants of these MRG thin films. To achieve this, we perform anomalous Hall voltage curve fitting, using torque models under the macrospin approximation, which allow us to obtain out-of-plane anisotropy constants K1=4.0×104K_1=4.0\times10^4 J m3^{-3} (K1/M=0.655K_1/M=0.655\,T) and K2=2.54×104K_2=2.54\times10^4 J m3^{-3} (K2/M=0.416K_2/M=0.416\,T), along with a weaker in-plane anisotropy constant K3=3.48×103K_3=3.48\times10^3 J m3^{-3} (K3/M=0.057K_3/M=0.057\,T). By additionally employing first-order reversal curves (FORC) and classical Preisach hysteresis (hysterons) models, we are able to validate the efficacy of the macrospin model in capturing the magnetic behavior of MRG thin films. Furthermore, our investigation substantiates that the complex quasi-static magnetization dynamics of MRG thin films can be effectively modelled using a combination of hysteronic and torque models. This approach facilitates the exploration of both linear and non-linear quasi-static magnetization dynamics, in the presence of external magnetic field and/or current-induced effective fields, generated by the spin-orbit torque and spin transfer torque mechanisms.Comment: 14 pages, 10 figure

    Effects of disorder on the magnetic properties of the Heusler alloy V2_{2}FeAl

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    Magnetic properties of multicomponent alloys depend sensitively on the degree of atomic order on the different crystallographic sites. In this work we demonstrate the magnetic contrast between bulk and thin-film samples of the Heusler alloy V2_{2}FeAl. Arc-melted bulk ingots show practically no site preference of the elements (A2 structure), whereas magnetron-sputtered thin-film samples display a higher degree of atomic ordering with a tendency towards XA-type order. Electronic structure calculations favour ferrimagnetic XA-type ordering, and the effect of different pairwise atomic disorder on the element specific and net magnetic moments are evaluated to reproduce experimental observations. XA-type thin-films with iron moment of 1.24 μB\mu_{\mathrm{B}} determined by X-ray magnetic circular dichroism are in agreement with calculation, but the measured net moment of 1.0 μB\mu_{\mathrm{B}} per formula unit and average vanadium moment are smaller than expected from calculations. The measured Curie temperature is approximately 500 K. Films with a higher degree of disorder have a TC_{\mathrm{C}} close to 300 K with a net moment of 0.1 μB\mu_{\mathrm{B}} at low temperature. The large calculated vanadium moments are destroyed by partial disorder on 4d4d vanadium sites. By contrast, the arc-melted and annealed bulk alloy with a fully-disordered A2 structure shows no spontaneous magnetization; it is a Pauli paramagnet with dimensionless susceptibility χv=2.95×104\chi_{\mathrm{v}}=-2.95\times10^{-4}.Comment: 10 pages, 7 figure

    Designing a fully compensated half-metallic ferrimagnet

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    Recent experimental work on Mn2RuxGa demonstrates its potential as a compensated ferrimagnetic half-metal (CFHM). Here we present a set of high-throughput ab initio density functional theory calculations and detailed experimental characterisation, that enable us to correctly describe the nominal Mn2RuxGa thin films, in particular with regard to site-disorder and defects. We then construct models that accurately capture all the key features of the Mn-Ru-Ga system, including magnetic compensation and the spin gap at the Fermi level. We find that electronic doping is neccessary, which is achieved with a Mn/Ga ratio smaller than two. Our study shows how composition and substrate-induced biaxial strain can be combined to design a ferrimagnetic half-metal with a compensation point close to room temperature

    Magnetism of noncolinear amorphous DyCo3 and TbCo3 thin films

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    The magnetization of amorphous DyCo3 and TbCo3 is studied by magnetometry, anomalous Hall effect and magneto-optic Kerr effect to understand the temperature-dependent magnetic structure. A square magnetic hysteresis loop with perpendicular magnetic anisotropy and coercivity that reaches 3.5 T in the vicinity of the compensation temperature is seen in thin films. An anhysteretic soft component, seen in the magnetization of some films but not in their Hall or Kerr loops is an artefact due to sputter-deposition on the sides of the substrate. The temperature-dependence of the net rare earth moment from 4-300K is deduced, using the cobalt moment in amorphous YxCo1-x. The single-ion anisotropy of the quadrupole moments of the 4f atoms in the randomly-oriented local electrostatic field gradient overcomes their exchange coupling to the cobalt subnetwork, resulting in a sperimagnetic ground state where spins of the noncollinear rare-earth subnetwork are modelled by a distribution of rare earth moments within a cone whose axis is antiparallel to the ferromagnetic axis z of the cobalt subnetwork. The reduced magnetization (Jz)/J at T=0 is calculated from an atomic Hamiltonian as a function of the ratio of anisotropy to exchange energy per rare-earth atom for a range of angles between the local anisotropy axis and -z and then averaged over all directions in a hemisphere. The experimental and calculated values of (J-z)/J are close to 0.7 at low temperature for both Dy and Tb. On increasing temperature, the magnitude of the rare earth moment and the local random anisotropy that creates the cone are reduced; the cone closes and the structure approaches collinear ferrimagnetism well above ambient temperature. An asymmetric spin flop of the exchange-coupled subnetworks appears in the vicinity of the magnetization compensation temperatures of 175K for amorphous Dy0.25Co0.75 and 200 K for amorphous TbCo3.Comment: 23 pages, 12 figure