9 research outputs found

    Criticality of Low-Energy Protons in Single-Event Effects Testing of Highly-Scaled Technologies

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    We report low-energy proton and low-energy alpha particle single-event effects (SEE) data on a 32 nm silicon-on-insulator (SOI) complementary metal oxide semiconductor (CMOS) latches and static random access memory (SRAM) that demonstrates the criticality of using low-energy protons for SEE testing of highly-scaled technologies. Low-energy protons produced a significantly higher fraction of multi-bit upsets relative to single-bit upsets when compared to similar alpha particle data. This difference highlights the importance of performing hardness assurance testing with protons that include energy distribution components below 2 megaelectron-volt. The importance of low-energy protons to system-level single-event performance is based on the technology under investigation as well as the target radiation environment

    Impact of Spacecraft Shielding on Direct Ionization Soft Error Rates for Sub-130 nm Technologies

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    We use ray tracing software to model various levels of spacecraft shielding complexity and energy deposition pulse height analysis to study how it affects the direct ionization soft error rate of microelectronic components in space. The analysis incorporates the galactic cosmic ray background, trapped proton, and solar heavy ion environments as well as the October 1989 and July 2000 solar particle events

    Low-Energy Proton Testing Methodology

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    Use of low-energy protons and high-energy light ions is becoming necessary to investigate current-generation SEU thresholds. Systematic errors can dominate measurements made with low-energy protons. Range and energy straggling contribute to systematic error. Low-energy proton testing is not a step-and-repeat process. Low-energy protons and high-energy light ions can be used to measure SEU cross section of single sensitive features; important for simulation

    Alpha-Particle Emission Energy Spectra From Materials Used for Solder Bumps

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    Abstract-The emitted alpha particle energy distribution from solder bumps can show substantial surface emission which has a large impact on the modeled SEU rate. State-of-the art alpha-particle detectors are required to measure the low emissivity and energy distribution