19 research outputs found

    Composição florística e análise fitogeográfica de uma floresta semidecídua na Bahia, Brasil

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    The semideciduous forests of Bahia occur as highly fragmented areas and have only received a little attention from floristic and phytogeographical studies. These areas are mainly situated within the semi-arid region and isolated from the Coastal Atlantic Forest by the surrounding dry vegetation of the caatinga domain. This paper presents a floristic survey of a semideciduous forest fragment at Serra da Fazenda Retiro (SFR), Feira de Santana, Bahia State, in order to assess its phytogeographical relationships in comparison to caatinga vegetation and Atlantic Forest. The survey identified 173 species belonging to 143 genera and 59 families. Myrtaceae presented the highest species number (15 spp.), followed by Euphorbiaceae (13), Leguminosae (12), Malvaceae (7), Orchidaceae (7), and Rubiaceae (7). Additionally, three new species of the genera Neomarica (Iridaceae), Pseudobombax (Malvaceae), and Solanum (Solanaceae) were sampled. In spite of the studied area being located within the circumscription of the Caatinga Biome, analysis of similarity (UPGMA) and of the SFR species composition showed that it is more floristically related to semideciduous forest of the Atlantic Forest domain rather than to caatinga vegetation. © 2009 Instituto de Pesquisas Jardim Botanico do Rio de Janeiro. All Rights Reserved

    Active transport and cluster formation on 2D networks

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    We introduce a model for active transport on inhomogeneous networks embedded in a diffusive environment which is motivated by vesicular transport on actin filaments. In the presence of a hard- core interaction, particle clusters are observed that exhibit an algebraically decaying distribution in a large parameter regime, indicating the existence of clusters on all scales. The scale-free behavior can be understood by a mechanism promoting preferential attachment of particles to large clusters. The results are compared with a diffusion-limited aggregation model and active transport on a regular network. For both models we observe aggregation of particles to clusters which are characterized by a finite size scale if the relevant time scales and particle densities are considered