33 research outputs found

    Adaptive Bayesian Predictive Inference

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    Bayesian predictive inference provides a coherent description of entire predictive uncertainty through predictive distributions. We examine several widely used sparsity priors from the predictive (as opposed to estimation) inference viewpoint. Our context is estimating a predictive distribution of a high-dimensional Gaussian observation with a known variance but an unknown sparse mean under the Kullback-Leibler loss. First, we show that LASSO (Laplace) priors are incapable of achieving rate-optimal performance. This new result contributes to the literature on negative findings about Bayesian LASSO posteriors. However, deploying the Laplace prior inside the Spike-and-Slab framework (for example with the Spike-and-Slab LASSO prior), rate-minimax performance can be attained with properly tuned parameters (depending on the sparsity level sn). We highlight the discrepancy between prior calibration for the purpose of prediction and estimation. Going further, we investigate popular hierarchical priors which are known to attain adaptive rate-minimax performance for estimation. Whether or not they are rate-minimax also for predictive inference has, until now, been unclear. We answer affirmatively by showing that hierarchical Spike-and-Slab priors are adaptive and attain the minimax rate without the knowledge of sn. This is the first rate-adaptive result in the literature on predictive density estimation in sparse setups. This finding celebrates benefits of fully Bayesian inference

    Simultaneous Variable and Covariance Selection with the Multivariate Spike-and-Slab Lasso

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    We propose a Bayesian procedure for simultaneous variable and covariance selection using continuous spike-and-slab priors in multivariate linear regression models where q possibly correlated responses are regressed onto p predictors. Rather than relying on a stochastic search through the high-dimensional model space, we develop an ECM algorithm similar to the EMVS procedure of Rockova & George (2014) targeting modal estimates of the matrix of regression coefficients and residual precision matrix. Varying the scale of the continuous spike densities facilitates dynamic posterior exploration and allows us to filter out negligible regression coefficients and partial covariances gradually. Our method is seen to substantially outperform regularization competitors on simulated data. We demonstrate our method with a re-examination of data from a recent observational study of the effect of playing high school football on several later-life cognition, psychological, and socio-economic outcomes

    The art of BART: On flexibility of Bayesian forests

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    Considerable effort has been directed to developing asymptotically minimax procedures in problems of recovering functions and densities. These methods often rely on somewhat arbitrary and restrictive assumptions such as isotropy or spatial homogeneity. This work enhances theoretical understanding of Bayesian forests (including BART) under substantially relaxed smoothness assumptions. In particular, we provide a comprehensive study of asymptotic optimality and posterior contraction of Bayesian forests when the regression function has anisotropic smoothness that possibly varies over the function domain. We introduce a new class of sparse piecewise heterogeneous anisotropic H\"{o}lder functions and derive their minimax rate of estimation in high-dimensional scenarios under the L2L_2 loss. Next, we find that the default Bayesian CART prior, coupled with a subset selection prior for sparse estimation in high-dimensional scenarios, adapts to unknown heterogeneous smoothness and sparsity. These results show that Bayesian forests are uniquely suited for more general estimation problems which would render other default machine learning tools, such as Gaussian processes, suboptimal. Beyond nonparametric regression, we also show that Bayesian forests can be successfully applied to many other problems including density estimation and binary classification

    On Mixing Rates for Bayesian CART

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    The success of Bayesian inference with MCMC depends critically on Markov chains rapidly reaching the posterior distribution. Despite the plentitude of inferential theory for posteriors in Bayesian non-parametrics, convergence properties of MCMC algorithms that simulate from such ideal inferential targets are not thoroughly understood. This work focuses on the Bayesian CART algorithm which forms a building block of Bayesian Additive Regression Trees (BART). We derive upper bounds on mixing times for typical posteriors under various proposal distributions. Exploiting the wavelet representation of trees, we provide sufficient conditions for Bayesian CART to mix well (polynomially) under certain hierarchical connectivity restrictions on the signal. We also derive a negative result showing that Bayesian CART (based on simple grow and prune steps) cannot reach deep isolated signals in faster than exponential mixing time. To remediate myopic tree exploration, we propose Twiggy Bayesian CART which attaches/detaches entire twigs (not just single nodes) in the proposal distribution. We show polynomial mixing of Twiggy Bayesian CART without assuming that the signal is connected on a tree. Going further, we show that informed variants achieve even faster mixing. A thorough simulation study highlights discrepancies between spike-and-slab priors and Bayesian CART under a variety of proposals