11 research outputs found


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    Pengembangan Pembelajaran Fisika SMA melalui Elaboration Write And Evaluation (Ewe) dalam Kurikulum 2013

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk: (1) mendeskripsikan langkah-langkah pengembangan pembelajaran Fisika SMA melalui EWE dalam kurikulum 2013 (2) menentukan validasi perangkat pembelajaran pengembangan pembelajaran Fisika SMA melalui EWE (3) mendeskripsikan keefektifan pengembangan pembelajaran Fisika SMA melalui EWE (4) mendeskripsikan Implementasi pengembangan pembelajaran Fisika SMA melalui EWE dalam kurikulum 2013. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode Reseacrh and Development (R&D).. Penelitian ini menggunakan model pengembangan prosedural. Prosedur dalam penelitian ini mengadaptasi alur dari Sivasailam Thiagarajan menggunakan model 4-D (four D model) meliputi 4 tahap yaitu tahap pendefinisian (define), tahap perancangan (design), tahap pengembangan (develop), dan tahap penyebaran (disseminate). Hasil penelitian menunjukan bahwa: (1) Pengembangan pembelajaran Fisika di SMA melalui EWE ini, dikembangkan dengan menggunakan model pengembangan R2D2 yang diterapkan melalui empat fokus langkah, yaitu: (a) define, (b) design, (c) development, (d) dissemination. (2) Hasil validasi perangkat pembelajaran Fisika melalui EWE bernilai 4 setelah di uji lapangan berkategori “sangat layak” (3) Uji efektivitas model dengan statistik uji t-tes dihasilkan terdapat perbedaan yang signifikan antara peserta didik yang diajar dengan pengembangan pembelajaran Fisika melalui EWE dengan model pembelajaran konvensional dan terdapat peningkatan rata-rata hasil belajar kelas eksperimen gain =0,8 (berkategori tinggi) dan kelas kontrol gain= 0,5 (kategori sedang) (4) Implementasi pengembangan Fisika melalui EWE sikap siswa sangat positif dan keterlaksanaan sintaks pengembangan Fisika melalui EWE aktivitas guru maupun peserta didik mengalami peningkatan

    Implementing Cooperative Learning Using Co-Op Co-Op Method to Enhance Students\u27 Ability to Determine Explicit and Implicit Information in Reading Comprehension

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    Co-Op Co-Op is one of the cooperative learning strategies. It alllows students to work together in smallgroup to advance their understanding and provides them with the opportunity to share the understandingwith their peers. The research aims describing at (1) whether Co-Op Co-Op Method can improve students\u27reading comprehension in determining detail information and (2) the difficulties of using Co-Op Co-Opmethod to enhance the students\u27 reading comprehension especially in determining explicit and implicitinformation. This research applied a Classroom Action Researchand it was conducted in two cycles. Theresult of the research showed that (1) Co-Op Co-Op method can improve the students\u27 readingcomprehnsion in determining the detail information; explicit and implicit information. The means of thestudents\u27 score improved from cycle to cycle. (2) There are some difficulties of using Co-Op Co-Opmethod in teaching reading comprehension to determine detail information; explicit and implicitinformation such as (a) implementing Co-Op Co-Op method takes long time because the students shoulddiscuss, present, provide the materials as well as doing the exercises (b) it is very difficult to control allgroups and hold them in group discussion because some of them still were passive (c) higher levelstudents usually take turn more than the lower one especially in the the discussing the materials andpresenting the materials

    Teacher's Belief and Its Implication on Integrating CALL

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    These days, the development of science and technology achieved has contributed to the advance in language teaching and learning. Nowadays, language teachers utilize computer and internet with their software and facilities for the purpose of teaching and learning activities in the classrooms. The use of computer assisted language learning (CALL) for language teaching and learning is not only at formal school such as elementary school, high school and university, but it is also used at informal school such as Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar (SKB). Therefore, this study aims to investigate teacher's belief and its implication on integrating CALL in English class at SKB (Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar). For reaching the aims, a qualitative method is conducted towards the participant who has used CALL for language teaching and learning at SKB. The participant is purposively selected in order to get sufficient data of this research. The questionnaire, interview and classroom observation are used for collecting data. The result of this study shows that the teacher has positive belief towards CALL integration in English teaching and learning process. Besides, the participant also implies the CALL integration by explaining materials through Power Point and You Tube, giving quiz and homework through Google form. Thus, the teacher's beliefs has implicated in the English teaching and learning at Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar and CALL is useful for English teaching and learning process at Sanggar Kegiatan Belajar. http://dx.doi.org/10.23960/aksara/v21i1.pp57-7

    Exploring Students' Learning Experiences in A Thai EFL Classroom: A Narrative Inquiry

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    EFL students relatively attain learning experiences from activities they perform in the classroom. This article explored the stories of students' learning experiences in a Thai EFL classroom and looked through their stories about learning experiences which contribute most to the improvement of their language skills. Four out of thirty grade-10th students in the English as Supplementary class at one of Demonstration Schools in Lopburi Thailand participated in this study. In eliciting the participants' stories, narrative inquiry was carried out as the design of this research. The data were collected through observations, interviews, and document analysis. Afterward, they were analyzed through thematic analysis. The first finding showed that there were 22 learning experiences attained by Thai students during the ES class which belonged to 1) eleven learning experiences for reading, 2) two learning experiences for writing, and 3) nine learning experiences for other skills. The second finding of students' perceptions revealed that the most helpful learning activities in improving the students' English skills were 1) reading fiction, 2) watching movies, and 3) reading and translation. These activities provided at least two significant learning experiences for the students, including 1) knowing more vocabularies and 2) working in a group. This study implies that studying learning experiences which promote the students' language skill improvement is essential for English teachers to select or plan best learning experiences