23 research outputs found

    Common Ribs of Inhibitory Synaptic Dysfunction in the Umbrella of Neurodevelopmental Disorders

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    The term neurodevelopmental disorder (NDD) is an umbrella term used to group together a heterogeneous class of disorders characterized by disruption in cognition, emotion, and behavior, early in the developmental timescale. These disorders are heterogeneous, yet they share common behavioral symptomatology as well as overlapping genetic contributors, including proteins involved in the formation, specialization, and function of synaptic connections. Advances may arise from bridging the current knowledge on synapse related factors indicated from both human studies in NDD populations, and in animal models. Mounting evidence has shown a link to inhibitory synapse formation, specialization, and function among Autism, Angelman, Rett and Dravet syndromes. Inhibitory signaling is diverse, with numerous subtypes of inhibitory interneurons, phasic and tonic modes of inhibition, and the molecular and subcellular diversity of GABAA receptors. We discuss common ribs of inhibitory synapse dysfunction in the umbrella of NDD, highlighting alterations in the developmental switch to inhibitory GABA, dysregulation of neuronal activity patterns by parvalbumin-positive interneurons, and impaired tonic inhibition. Increasing our basic understanding of inhibitory synapses, and their role in NDDs is likely to produce significant therapeutic advances in behavioral symptom alleviation for interrelated NDDs. Highlights • Human studies and animal models need to be bridged in neurodevelopmental disorders • Inhibitory signaling emerges as a common contributor to neurodevelopmental disorders • Inhibitory signaling is diverse in mode, source, and target • Systematic evaluation of inhibitory diversity is lacking in neurodevelopment • Understanding of inhibitory signaling diversity will advance therapeutic strategie

    Molecular Specialization of GABAergic Synapses on the Soma and Axon in Cortical and Hippocampal Circuit Function and Dysfunction

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    The diversity of inhibitory interneurons allows for the coordination and modulation of excitatory principal cell firing. Interneurons that release GABA (γ-aminobutyric acid) onto the soma and axon exert powerful control by virtue of proximity to the site of action potential generation at the axon initial segment (AIS). Here, we review and examine the cellular and molecular regulation of soma and axon targeting GABAergic synapses in the cortex and hippocampus. We also describe their role in controlling network activity in normal and pathological states. Recent studies have demonstrated a specific role for postsynaptic dystroglycan in the formation and maintenance of cholecystokinin positive basket cell terminals contacting the soma, and postsynaptic collybistin in parvalbumin positive chandelier cell contacts onto the AIS. Unique presynaptic molecular contributors, LGI2 and FGF13, expressed in parvalbumin positive basket cells and chandelier cells, respectively, have also recently been identified. Mutations in the genes encoding proteins critical for somatic and AIS inhibitory synapses have been associated with human disorders of the nervous system. Dystroglycan dysfunction in some congenital muscular dystrophies is associated with developmental brain malformations, intellectual disability, and rare epilepsy. Collybistin dysfunction has been linked to hyperekplexia, epilepsy, intellectual disability, and developmental disorders. Both LGI2 and FGF13 mutations are implicated in syndromes with epilepsy as a component. Advancing our understanding of the powerful roles of somatic and axonic GABAergic contacts in controlling activity patterns in the cortex and hippocampus will provide insight into the pathogenesis of epilepsy and other nervous system disorders

    Behavioral Arrest and a Characteristic Slow Waveform Are Hallmark Responses to Selective 5-HT2A Receptor Activation

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    © 2021, The Author(s). Perception, emotion, and mood are powerfully modulated by serotonin receptor (5-HTR) agonists including hallucinogens. The 5-HT2AR subtype has been shown to be central to hallucinogen action, yet the precise mechanisms mediating the response to 5-HT2AR activation remain unclear. Hallucinogens induce the head twitch response (HTR) in rodents, which is the most commonly used behavioral readout of hallucinogen pharmacology. While the HTR provides a key behavioral signature, less is known about the meso level changes that are induced by 5-HT2AR activation. In response to administration of the potent and highly selective 5-HT2AR agonist 25I-NBOH in mice, we observe a disorganization of behavior which includes frequent episodes of behavioral arrest that consistently precede the HTR by a precise interval. By combining behavioral analysis with electroencephalogram (EEG) recordings we describe a characteristic pattern composed of two distinctive EEG waveforms, Phase 1 and Phase 2, that map onto behavioral arrest and the HTR respectively, with the same temporal separation. Phase 1, which underlies behavioral arrest, is a 3.5–4.5 Hz waveform, while Phase 2 is slower at 2.5–3.2 Hz. Nicotine pretreatment, considered an integral component of ritualistic hallucinogen practices, attenuates 25I-NBOH induced HTR and Phase 2 waveforms, yet increases behavioral arrest and Phase 1 waveforms. Our results suggest that in addition to the HTR, behavioral arrest and characteristic meso level slow waveforms are key hallmarks of the response to 5-HT2AR activation. Increased understanding of the response to serotonergic hallucinogens may provide mechanistic insights into perception and hallucinations, as well as regulation of mood

    Identification of a Core Amino Acid Motif within the α Subunit of GABAARs that Promotes Inhibitory Synaptogenesis and Resilience to Seizures

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    The fidelity of inhibitory neurotransmission is dependent on the accumulation of γ-aminobutyric acid type A receptors (GABAARs) at the appropriate synaptic sites. Synaptic GABAARs are constructed from α(1-3), β(1-3), and γ2 subunits, and neurons can target these subtypes to specific synapses. Here, we identify a 15-amino acid inhibitory synapse targeting motif (ISTM) within the α2 subunit that promotes the association between GABAARs and the inhibitory scaffold proteins collybistin and gephyrin. Using mice in which the ISTM has been introduced into the α1 subunit (Gabra1-2 mice), we show that the ISTM is critical for axo-axonic synapse formation, the efficacy of GABAergic neurotransmission, and seizure sensitivity. The Gabra1-2 mutation rescues seizure-induced lethality in Gabra2-1 mice, which lack axo-axonic synapses due to the deletion of the ISTM from the α2 subunit. Taken together, our data demonstrate that the ISTM plays a critical role in promoting inhibitory synapse formation, both in the axonic and somatodendritic compartments

    Early Increase in Extrasynaptic NMDA Receptor Signaling and Expression Contributes to Phenotype Onset in Huntington's Disease Mice

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    SummaryN-methyl-D-aspartate receptor (NMDAR) excitotoxicity is implicated in the pathogenesis of Huntington's disease (HD), a late-onset neurodegenerative disorder. However, NMDARs are poor therapeutic targets, due to their essential physiological role. Recent studies demonstrate that synaptic NMDAR transmission drives neuroprotective gene transcription, whereas extrasynaptic NMDAR activation promotes cell death. We report specifically increased extrasynaptic NMDAR expression, current, and associated reductions in nuclear CREB activation in HD mouse striatum. The changes are observed in the absence of dendritic morphological alterations, before and after phenotype onset, correlate with mutation severity, and require caspase-6 cleavage of mutant huntingtin. Moreover, pharmacological block of extrasynaptic NMDARs with memantine reversed signaling and motor learning deficits. Our data demonstrate elevated extrasynaptic NMDAR activity in an animal model of neurodegenerative disease. We provide a candidate mechanism linking several pathways previously implicated in HD pathogenesis and demonstrate successful early therapeutic intervention in mice

    Modeling neurodevelopmental disorders : expression of neuroligin adhesion molecules in vivo

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    At post synaptic sites, the neuroligin (NL) family of proteins is thought to play an important role in synapse maturation, and regulation of excitatory and inhibitory synapses. Being selectively enriched at either excitatory (NL1,3) or inhibitory (NL2) synapses, NL’s have been shown to regulate the ratio of excitation to inhibition (E/I ratio), a process critical for normal brain development. In addition, NLs have been linked to neurodevelopmental disorders through genetic studies. To advance our understanding of synaptic regulation by NLs, and their potential role in synaptic dysfunciton in neurodevelopmental disorders, we have developed strains of transgenic mice which overexpress either HA tagged-NL1, or -NL2 under control of the Thy1 promoter. Detailed behavioural analysis of TgNL2 mice revealed anxiety, stereotyped jumping behaviour, and impairments in social approach and reciprocal social interactions. These animals also displayed fronto-parietal seizure activity as shown by chronic in vivo EEG recording. Synapse analysis in TgNL2 frontal cortex revealed changes in the number and morphology of synapses compared to wildtype littermates. A small change in NL2 expression results in enlarged synaptic contact size and vesicle reserve pool and an overall reduction in the E/I ratio. In addition, the frequency of miniature inhibitory synaptic currents was also found to be increased in the frontal cortex of TgNL2 mice. Behavioural assessment of TgNL1 mice revealed deficits in memory acquisition and retrieval in water maze paradigms. Golgi and electron microscopy analysis revealed changes in synapse morphology indicative of increased maturation of excitatory synapses. In parallel, electrophysiological examination indicated a shift in the E/I ratio towards increased excitation. Further experiments revealed impairment in the induction of long term potentiation. These data demonstrate that altered expression of members of the NL family in vivo leads to altered synapse number and morphology, which potentially underlies the profound behavioural changes. We also observed a predominant effect of NL2 expression on inhibitory synapses, with NL1 primarily influencing excitatory synapses, supporting the idea that NL’s may act to regulate the E/I ratio. In addition this data may provide insight into the pathology and symptoms of neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism thought be be caused by synaptic abnormalities.Medicine, Faculty ofGraduat

    Functional characterization of NIPA2, a selective Mg 2+

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    Influence of Previous COVID-19 and Mastitis Infections on the Secretion of Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor and Nerve Growth Factor in Human Milk

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    Background: Brain-derived neurotrophic factor (BDNF) and nerve growth factor (NGF) play a critical role in neurodevelopment, where breast milk is a significant dietary source. The impact of previous COVID-19 infection and mastitis on the concentration of BDNF and NGF in human milk was investigated. Methods: Concentrations of BDNF and NGF were measured via ELISA in human milk samples collected from 12 mothers with a confirmed COVID-19 PCR, 13 mothers with viral symptoms suggestive of COVID-19, and 22 unexposed mothers (pre-pandemic Ctl-2018). These neurotrophins were also determined in 12 mothers with previous mastitis and 18 mothers without mastitis. Results: The NGF concentration in human milk was lower in the COVID-19 PCR and viral symptoms groups than in the unexposed group, but BDNF did not differ significantly. Within the COVID-19 group, BDNF was higher in mothers who reported headaches or loss of smell/taste when compared with mothers without the respective symptom. BDNF was lower in mothers with mastitis than in mothers without mastitis. Conclusions: Previous COVID-19 and mastitis infections changed differently the secretion of NGF and BDNF in human milk. Whether the changes in NGF and BDNF levels in milk from mothers with infection influence their infant’s development remains to be investigated

    Prevention of LPS-Induced Microglia Activation, Cytokine Production and Sickness Behavior with TLR4 Receptor Interfering Peptides

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    <div><p>The innate immune receptor Toll-like 4 (TLR4) is the receptor activated by lipopolysaccharide (LPS), and TLR4-LPS interaction is well known to induce an innate immune response, triggering sickness behavior. Within the brain, TLR4 is highly expressed in brain microglia, and excessive inflammation resulting from activation of this pathway in the brain has been implicated in depressive disorders and neurodegenerative pathologies. We hypothesized that blocking LPS-induced activation of TLR4 would prevent downstream immune signaling in the brain and suppress the induction of sickness behavior. We used interfering peptides to block TLR4 activation and confirmed their efficacy in preventing second messenger activation and cytokine production normally induced by LPS treatment. Further, these peptides blocked morphological changes in microglia that are typically induced by LPS. We also demonstrated that intraperitoneal (i.p.) injection of Tat-TLR4 interfering peptides prevented LPS-induced sickness behavior, as assessed in home cage behavior and with the intracranial self-stimulation paradigm. These newly synthesised peptides inhibit TLR4 signaling thereby preventing changes in behavior and motivation caused by inflammatory stimuli. These peptides highlight the roll of TLR4 and microglia morphology changes in sickness behavior, and thus may be of therapeutic value in limiting the deleterious impact of excessive inflammation in specific CNS pathologies.</p> </div

    Time course of kinase activation and TNF-α formation following LPS treatment, and the inhibition by Tat-MyD88 and Tat-TLR4.

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    <p>A. Representative blots showing P-p38 MAPK and P-JNK rapidly increased in brain tissue following LPS treatment. GAPDH was monitored as a loading control. B,C. Quantification of the increased P-p38 MAPK and P-JNK levels over 60 minutes following LPS treatment. D-F. P-p38 MAP kinase and P-JNK increases from LPS were attenuated by Tat-MyD88 and Tat-TLR4. D. Representative blots of kinase activation following various treatments. E. Quantification of P-p38 MAPK normalized to GAPDH levels. F. Quantification of P-JNK normalized to GAPDH levels. G,H. LPS treatment increased TNF-α levels, and this increase was blocked by Tat-TLR4 and Tat-MyD88. Quantification of TNF-α levels using ELISA in acute brain slice (G) parallels results found in whole brain lysates of injected animals (H).</p