5 research outputs found

    Prospek Dan Tantangan Pengembangan Biofertilizer Untuk Perbaikan Kesuburan Tanah

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    . As mega-biodiversity country, Indonesia should empower soil biological resources to improve soil tillage efficiency and sustainable crop production. The empowerment can be done by the enrichment of the soil with species and population of soil organisms through the application of biofertilizer in the form of a single organism or consortia. In line wih the heterogeneity of agricultural land, the development of biofertilizer production should be done taking into account the presence of specific functional native organisms that have been exist in the field. The selection of consortia biofertilizer formulation is the functional types of organisms that have a high compatibility and kinds of carriers that is able to maintain its functional value. In addition to having the ability to increase the availability of N, P and K, the functional microbes should have the ability to provide essential micronutrients to support of quantity and quality production. Challenges in biofertilizer application are the determination of criteria for C-organic content, nitrogenase and soil phosphatase enzymes. This determination needs to be made as a reference to the making of “soil biotest kit" so that it is effective and valuable in the implementation


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    Abstrak  Kegiatan Pengabdian Kepada Masyarakat sebagai salah satu Tri Dharma Perguruan Tinggi di Universitas PGRI Palembang bertujuan untuk memberikan Pelatihan Dan Workshop Unsur-Unsur Pendukung Karya Seni Tari Tradisi Sumatera Selatan Pada Siswa-Siswi Se-Kota Palembang sebagai bentuk pembelajaran cabang seni produk kreatif yaitu menghasilkan satu buah gandik siap pakai sebagai perlengkapan kepala pada tari tradisional juga tari kreasi di Kota Palembang. Metode kegiatan tersebut merupakan metode praktik dan presentasi berbagai proses pembuatan dan fungsi setiap media dan alat yang dijadikan sebagai media belajar. Hasil dari pembuatan gandik sebagai accesoris tari meruapakan hasil kerajinan tangan siap pakai melalui beberapa proses dan cara pembuatan. Kata Kunci: Unsur Pendukung Karya Seni Tari, Proses Pembuatan. Abstract The Community Service activity as one of the Tri Dharma of Higher Education at the University of PGRI Palembang aims to provide Training and Workshop on Supporting Elements of South Sumatra Tradition Dance Artwork for Students of Palembang City as a form of learning creative arts branch products which is producing one fruit gandik is ready to use as a head piece in traditional dance and creative dance in the city of Palembang. The method of this activity is a practice method and presentation of various manufacturing processes and functions of each media and tool that is used as a learning medium. The results of making gandik as dance accesoris are ready-made handicraft products through several processes and methods of making. Keywords: Supporting Elements of Dance, Making Proces