9,222 research outputs found

    Improved estimators for dispersion models with dispersion covariates

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    In this paper we discuss improved estimators for the regression and the dispersion parameters in an extended class of dispersion models (J{\o}rgensen, 1996). This class extends the regular dispersion models by letting the dispersion parameter vary throughout the observations, and contains the dispersion models as particular case. General formulae for the second-order bias are obtained explicitly in dispersion models with dispersion covariates, which generalize previous results by Botter and Cordeiro (1998), Cordeiro and McCullagh (1991), Cordeiro and Vasconcellos (1999), and Paula (1992). The practical use of the formulae is that we can derive closed-form expressions for the second-order biases of the maximum likelihood estimators of the regression and dispersion parameters when the information matrix has a closed-form. Various expressions for the second-order biases are given for special models. The formulae have advantages for numerical purposes because they require only a supplementary weighted linear regression. We also compare these bias-corrected estimators with two different estimators which are also bias-free to the second-order that are based on bootstrap methods. These estimators are compared by simulation

    Using zeros of the canonical partition function map to detect signatures of a Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless transition

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    Using the two dimensional XY−(S(O(3))XY-(S(O(3)) model as a test case, we show that analysis of the Fisher zeros of the canonical partition function can provide signatures of a transition in the Berezinskii-Kosterlitz-Thouless (BKTBKT) universality class. Studying the internal border of zeros in the complex temperature plane, we found a scenario in complete agreement with theoretical expectations which allow one to uniquely classify a phase transition as in the BKTBKT class of universality. We obtain TBKTT_{BKT} in excellent accordance with previous results. A careful analysis of the behavior of the zeros for both regions Re(T)≤TBKT\mathfrak{Re}(T) \leq T_{BKT} and Re(T)>TBKT\mathfrak{Re}(T) > T_{BKT} in the thermodynamic limit show that Im(T)\mathfrak{Im}(T) goes to zero in the former case and is finite in the last one

    Removing zero Lyapunov exponents in volume-preserving flows

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    Baraviera and Bonatti proved that it is possible to perturb, in the c^1 topology, a volume-preserving and partial hyperbolic diffeomorphism in order to obtain a non-zero sum of all the Lyapunov exponents in the central direction. In this article we obtain the analogous result for volume-preserving flows.Comment: 10 page

    Electromagnetic Fields of Slowly Rotating Magnetized Gravastars

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    We study the dipolar magnetic field configuration and present solutions of Maxwell equations in the internal background spacetime of a a slowly rotating gravastar. The shell of gravastar where magnetic field penetrated is modeled as sphere consisting of perfect highly magnetized fluid with infinite conductivity. Dipolar magnetic field of the gravastar is produced by a circular current loop symmetrically placed at radius aa at the equatorial plane.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, accepted for publication to Mod. Phys. Lett.

    OGSA/Globus Evaluation for Data Intensive Applications

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    We present an architecture of Globus Toolkit 3 based testbed intended for evaluation of applicability of the Open Grid Service Architecture (OGSA) for Data Intensive Applications.Comment: To be published in the proceedings of the XIX International Symposium on Nuclear Electronics and Computing (NEC'2003), Bulgaria, Varna, 15-20 September, 200
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