5 research outputs found

    Chlorella vulgaris restores bone marrow cellularity and cytokine production in lead-exposed mice

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    Chlorella vulgaris (CV) was examined for its modulating effects on the reduction induced by lead (Pb) on the numbers of marrow hematopoietic stem cells (HSCs) (c-Kit(+)Lin(-)), granulocyte-macrophage progenitors (Gr1(+)Mac1(+)) and total bone marrow cellularity. In mice gavage-treated daily with 50 mg/kg dose of CV for 10 days, concomitant to a continuous offering of 1300 ppm lead acetate in drinking water, the treatment with the algae recovered the significantly reduced numbers of these cell populations to control values. As CV may have a myelostimulating effect through the induction of cytokines, we evaluated its modulating effects on the production of IL-1 alpha, TNF-alpha, IFN-gamma, IL-10 and IL-6. Our results demonstrated that lead significantly impairs the production of IFN-gamma, IL-1 alpha and TNF-alpha and increases the production of IL-10 and IL-6 and that these effects are successfully modulated by the CV treatment. The activity of NK cells, reduced in Pb-exposed animals, was raised to levels higher than those of controls in the exposed group treated with CV. Treatment with the algae also stimulated the production of IFN-gamma, IL-1 alpha, TNF-alpha and NK cells activity in normal mice. In addition, zinc bone concentrations, reduced in lead-exposed mice, were partially, but significantly, reversed by the treatment with CV. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.49112934294

    O desafio de implantar a sistematização da assistência de enfermagem sob a ótica de discentes El desafío de implantar la sistematización de la asistencia de enfermería según la óptica de los discentes The challenge of to implant the nursing assistance systematization according to the students' view

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    Estudo com abordagem qualitativa objetivando discutir aspectos relativos ao projeto de implantação da Sistematização da Assistência de Enfermagem - SAE em uma maternidade pública, segundo a ótica de discentes de enfermagem da UFPI. O estudo foi desenvolvido com 28 alunos, por meio de relatos escritos, agrupados em três categorias, cuja análise dos conteúdos possibilitou a caracterização das unidades de significação. Os resultados mostraram que a SAE, apesar da resistência inicial dos profissionais de saúde à sua adoção, favoreceu o aprendizado do cuidado de enfermagem e a assistência oferecida à clientela e repercutiu na satisfação discente, das usuárias do serviço e de familiares. Na operacionalização da SAE foram apontadas dificuldades relativas ao preenchimento dos formulários adotados. Os discentes valorizaram a SAE como instrumento metodológico necessário ao desempenho da prática profissional, bem como consideraram que a participação na implantação do projeto tornou oportunas as condições para exercitá-la com autonomia na vida profissional.<br>Estudio con abordaje cualitativa con objetivo de discutir los aspectos relativos al proyecto de implantación de la Sistematización de la Ayuda de Enfermería - SAE en una maternidad pública, según la óptica de discentes de enfermería de la UFPI. El estudio fue desarrollado con 28 estudiantes, por medio de relatos escritos, agrupados en tres categorías, cuyo análisis del contenido hizo posible la caracterización de las unidades de significación. Los resultados demostraran que la SAE, aunque la resistencia inicial de los profesionales de salud a su adopción, favoreció el aprendizaje del cuidado de enfermería y la ayuda ofrecida a la clientela y repercutió en la satisfacción de los discentes, de las usuarias del servicio y de la familia. En la operacionalización de la SAE fueran apuntadas dificultades relativas a rellenar el formulario adoptado. Los discentes valoraran la SAE como instrumento metodológico necesario al funcionamiento de la práctica profesional, bien como consideraron que la participación en la implantación del proyecto hizo posible las condiciones para ejercitarla con autonomía en la vida profesional.<br>Study with qualitative approach objectifying to argue relative aspects to the project of implantation of the Systematization of the Assistance of Nursing - SAE in a public maternity, according to the view of the nursing students of the UFPI. The study was developed with 28 students, by written stories, grouped in three categories, whose analysis of the contents made possible the characterization of the signification units. The results showed that the SAE, although the initial resistance of the health professionals to its adoption, favored the learning of the nursing care and the assistance offered to the clientele, reflecting in the satisfaction of the students, of the users of the service and of the family. In the operating of the SAE was pointed difficulties related to the fulfilling of the adopted. The students valued the SAE as a necessary methodological instrument to the performance of the professional practice, as well had considered that the participation in the implantation of the project make possible the conditions to exercise it with autonomy in the professional life

    The invasive potential of tilapias (Osteichthyes, Cichlidae) in the Americas

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